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Everything posted by PGAW67

  1. Thank you for the update and the effort Little Orbit is doing to improve the game. Highly appreciated.
  2. The way they are penalizing the accounts is in my opinion not severe at all. Cash and Joker tickets can be earned back if you play regularly and if you follow some of the available tutorials on making in-game cash as they will give you Tips and help you to earn cash in no time, however, I understand this might be very frustrating for some but I think it is much worst to have your account blocked, especially if you were unfairly banned. As they have already explained it is very difficult for them to determine which bans were warranted and which weren't, plus they have nothing to do with account actions which were enforced long before they took over the game so they can't be blamed for any of this. Anyone experiencing lost of items should contact the customer support for assistance.
  3. Thank you for the update, appreciated.
  4. I would reward your honesty with cookies but unfortunately, it doesn't depend on me. Good luck.
  5. If you think you will have a second chance after being banned for cheating under LO administration then think twice before doing that, allow me to explain why. The announcement of unbanning players posted by LO's CEO MattScott only applies to every ban that was enforced under Reloaded Productions-G1's administration, as you all are aware LO is the current owner of the game and with that, they have brought their Code of conduct and game policy as well as their Term of service, this means that all reports are being investigated and account actions are being enforced by LO's customer support team. I understand the confusion, however, encouraging players to cheat or encouraging others to have any involvement in a behavior contrary to the Tos will have consequences.
  6. APB has one of the more extended customizations I have had the pleasure to experience, this and many more customization ability such as (character's EYEBALL TATTOO) should be welcome imo.
  7. Very good guide, definitely this should be pinned. Very well done.
  8. This is not an application thread as far I am aware, but you should include all that in the application form once the official GM/community moderators announcement thread is posted.
  9. In that case the thread title is a bit off-course, my first comment was to answer another member concern regarding the selection process, my second comment was to address your concern about moderators abusing their powers. OT: There are many members that can do a very good job, it is a bit hard for me to hand pick some since most are very good candidates. PS: There is not a reason for you not to be a candidate, I will put my two cents on lodyne.
  10. To back your statement, moderators and GM will have no power on banning or suspending member, that will not be an issue. Account action will be handle by the customer support in-game and by the community manager @Lixil. On the forums.
  11. The selection process will be based on how knowledgeable/experienced the candidate is, background check to ensure the candidate has a clean record. Anyone can play the game 24/7, only a few have what it takes to be helpful and actually support community members.
  12. Whether I understand how frustrating it can be to not being able to enjoy the game because of cheaters, I must say you are taking the wrong approach here, cheaters have infected the game and have been on a rampage for years, and despite G1 efforts to tackle cheaters they were unable to properly address this. LO is now working on a solution which requires a lot of testing before it is implemented, so they can make sure it works properly and prevent issues such as false positive. This takes time and it will be ready when it is ready.
  13. The right thing to do is to file a report, and finish playing your match, however, this only applies if you joined the match queue as a random player and unluckily you were paired with cheaters as team members (nothing you can do about it) other than reporting them. Also, team Killing them is a bad practice and should be avoided, and if you sit your mission out everytime you get paired with cheaters then you might end up not playing the game at all. The above only applies if you play as a random. Now, if you teamed up with a player or players knowingly before hand they are cheating then you deserve to be punished for association or being an accomplice, plain and simple.
  14. Date to be announced (we do not when yet), there will be an official announcement welcoming Battleye anticheat which is still in the works (working on implementing it), and only then a patch will be announced and deployed at the given date which is still unknown.
  15. Very useful and complete, I can see you have put a lot of effort on this. Hope this gets pinned. +1
  16. Whether the Advanced APB launcher has helped low-end PC players to improve their gameplay experience, a game like APB Reloaded should not need a third party software to allow low-end PC players to enjoy the game. I applaud this approach in the hope the game performance will be improved allowing every member to equally enjoy the game.
  17. Thank you and the rest of the team for compiling most of the main questions asked by the community.
  18. The new forum looks amazing indeed.
  19. Posted by accident, my bad.
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