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Everything posted by Dead_Game

  1. and closet cheaters But they never fixed matchmaking so still a dumb decision. it's like buying a car where its engines are removed, sure you brought a car but can you drive it ? lol
  2. we have cheaters, cannot deny that, but a few these days. Ofc we all play for fun, otherwise what is the point of playing this outdated junk in the first place. If the matchmaking got fixed , this would lower the chances of getting these "few cheaters" over and over on every match or the 2nd one.
  3. Wait are you saying you posses the muscle memory to tackle macro ? can you prove that you can constantly click at the same pace to atleast match the macro ( not talking about speed)? if not, reserve your comment "git gud" somewhere else papi Merged. Yes, then again hit reg is an issue. It is super easy to call out that some kind of macro is in place if there is not even a slight variation in a span of clicks. Good defense for macro users though
  4. Usual farmers are macro users , besides the dethreaters , you can tell by the style they play. Besides shooting with guns that is makes it OP with macro , they are useless in other areas in terms of mission in APB. those are the ones most of them use too.
  5. Using a macro is cheating , but then we have the games that allows it like most MOBAs vs APB , which the actual anti-cheat is flawed to detect any macros overall. Anyways this is my share of this brilliant idea for removing threat restrictions on all mission districts in order to save JERICHO , but this is more likely gonna kill the pop even further . Unless LO is trying to top the RIOT BR mode decision with this, then it is awesome.
  6. Same logical question, what would aimbot do ? what do you think ? lol and what is the point of playing if you are not versing a human at that point , why not make this game a pve, where it is just human vs npc where npc will be aimbotting against you. At least you can avoid the " trash talk" afterwards and actually get good since you are not facing the different version of cheaters out there I mean the active times in Jericho when threat restrictions on districts were there , at most 2 districts were active , one being the silver and one being bronze. Sure can imagine
  7. Anything software or hardware based assist to overcome human click speed - based on apb - shooting. I am sure you already know that. Defenses thrown out there are the "fire rate mismatch " , "hit register", etc . The abusers are well aware of the primary and secondary they use to avoid all that hinderance
  8. Out of all the sweaty tryhards , its very few who is actually skilled vs Macro users. Skilled ones hate farming on low threats vs macro abusers and closet cheaters who love it. LO dont give a crap on Macro, nor give a crap on closet cheaters so cheers for the allowing the sweaty tryhards to farm low threats with no barriers - real power move there. I mean this would eliminate the chance of new players staying. The low threats playing the game for about 1 to 2 matches till they realise every first or 2nd mission is gonna be a macro abuser versing them lol. But LO , you will get the occasional newbies who still thinks there is hope (delusion) and can improve their skills as they are still not aware that the half of the opponents they face will be a cheater or a macro abuser. I guess about 1/10 or 10% of these new players have a chance of staying - again real power move there.
  9. it's already irrelevant, the game already died, remaining pop becoming lower and lower day by day. EU if not gonna deliver a marvellous Engine , it is the final nail to the coffin for APB. New content , I mean is , something unique other than coping "BR mode". Real talented players hate going against weak players, but im talking about the fake, ego-boosted golds which includes the closet cheaters who think its "skill" farming on newbies and weak players. Weapon balancing was always an issue and each time LO messes it up. And I agree with better anti-cheat and stable servers.
  10. newbbie vs golds are not gonna bring the game back if you are looking at the angle , this game is already so old with absolutely no new content to attract and last thing would be to get farming golds on their back every time they play. APB is not CSGO and never will be.
  11. there is no clear cut rule against config edit ( LO dont want to ban the streamers) and cheaters like this always use the defense " its only client side so it doesn't count " lmao. Many streamers use this abusively and call it "skills" when it comes to farming new players. Reference:
  12. Game already died, the upcoming new engine isnt up to progress and anti-cheat flop, no new content , broken weapon balancing. So is anything LO doing really impacting the community ? yes , its making the old players who has been supporting the game for so long to quit APB and new players who actually tries to play the game a tough time and making them to never set foot in this trap. Proud moments for LO.
  13. I use medium settings using APB advanced launcher and this helped with the crashes but sadly the game has barely playable pop in Jericho now.
  14. Hello there , So with that logic , if cheaters who are bad at cheating can be tackled by YOU then it's not a priority I guess. But thanks for the suggestion on what weapons I should use. I believe english is not your primary language but you have tried. Appreciate that you are still an active player in this game. Take care. EAC+ BE blocks two brands only and it's not even the common ones.
  15. My point was hardware macros are NOT detected nor there was any case where someone got banned because of using it LOL , so yeah it's definitely defending the actual hardware macro users if he is placing a statement like that to nullify the criticism . Hey but you do you , find typos. After All this a dead game with cheaters, maybe its less now considering the pop is going down or the pop is left with them. Either way this game is dead. Again LO Merged. Seems like you're under the impression that I was addressing all SPCTS , no sir. Also never claimed they were banned for cheating but you are free to assume. You are bad at shooters in general if you have to use macro , there is no excuse for that being a Saint or not.
  16. Thanks for catching on my typo , I am fine mate glad to see that you see typos rather than points which pretty much sums up where you stand.
  17. Hardware Macros exist and they are not even detected, so FALSE ? SPCT being banned previously defends of no cheaters using macro exist , thanks LO , your SPCT seems to be good at defending closeters.
  18. oh I see u missed the 'ifs' .I never claimed you said it or not. But you are free to assume I do make conclusions about a random guy in forums.
  19. one of those can't take criticism well guys yep. Merged. If you think the current anti-cheat is efficient enough. Nothing more to say to you. If you think custom config that break ToS dont exist . Nothing more to say to you.
  20. If they remove them, it will even stir the pot further so disliking is the best way to go and @Sakebee has proved it like a pro
  21. Dead game needs to stay dead. So LO do your best to dislike every post your remaining player base post as criticism and make this game exclusive Cheaters reloaded arena with a broken anti-cheat and custom configs.
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