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Everything posted by yood

  1. choose Zolerox : in the game files there were other options of cars , I think that the file RTW company LO can survive for several years .
  2. I am Solo, a silver player who plays in the bronze district because my silver district is filled with gold , clan players . ( https://translate.yandex.ru/?lang=ru-en&text=Я Соло%2C серебряный игрок%2C который играет в бронзовом районе%2C потому что мой серебряный район заполнен золотыми %2C клановыми игроками ) I haven't had a gold threat in the last two months . ( https://translate.yandex.ru/?lang=ru-en&text=за последние два месяца у меня не было золотой угрозы . ) Bishada8800 understood ?
  3. who exactly is right in your understanding and what should I do ? I know the outcome of the match since its beginning . I have enough brains not to feed the gold playing in bronze . I do not understand the silver and bronze players who go into battle against the gold .
  4. I've been getting blamed lately : gold playing in silver arenas claims that I am a Noob and my place in the bronze arena . the players who play with me claim that I am fake silver and I have to play at least in the silver arena . what am I supposed to do ? what should I do if my gaming experience is huge but I technically can't beat 10ms with my 270 MS ? what options can you recommend to me ?
  5. you claim what was not in principle . the above statement looks like nonsense . Fight clubs are very viable arenas .
  6. Zolerox Just, uh. NTEC-7c 'New Glory the legendary weapon and it has the right to be unique .
  7. I posted it two days ago on Facebook .
  8. yood

    Bring beacon back

    this arena is very interesting . it can work on the Fighting club system all year round .
  9. clans. we can describe this problem for a long time . say personal opinion of solo players is a ticket to heaven for the company LO .
  10. the game has four levels of threat than bad if everyone will play in their arenas ? argue please
  11. permanent Vegas 4x4 stood in Joker Armas long before the emergence of LO . I feel weird reading this from you.
  12. you answered yourself . I don't want to see the wrong data .
  13. Apr 2019 . clown who are you ? steam data is not correct . what is this Steam ? the problem of a small population of players is much more global than you can imagine .
  14. let's talk ! Superman ! a reference for your opinion give me .
  15. I would recommend you Boss to connect ALL the RESOURCES ! problems are stable .
  16. if you look at the numbers that I see get in the game is 96% male and my favorite 4% girls !!
  17. yood

    Action District

    you are discussing the matchmaking system . in the presence of for example 7 security officers and one criminal player there is no star missions in 99 %
  18. think about who benefits and you'll understand the reason why the players so vote ! all done correctly . new players will be a little bit easier to exist , the old players may suck their ambitions .
  19. to be honest, I couldn't deal with the regime . lying around different boxes , I do not understand their specific purpose . need time to study or detailed description
  20. start with that gold has no place in silver . gold playing with the clan in private groups against solo silver , bronze , Tlv . it can only be in your concept - experienced players . I remember you very well . you tell your grandmother stories . p.s .the launcher can accommodate 12 characters .
  21. gold has no place in silver . CookiePuss don't fart . I'll go back to ignoring you.
  22. falls than you are shooting the opponent in the time of the murder . two weapons should not fall .
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