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Everything posted by yood

  1. yood

    Error 10004 T_T

    this is a completely different problem . if you have nothing to do you can change your password .
  2. yood

    Error 10004 T_T

    Mina did everything according to the instructions . you're wrong . the developers should have already been notified of the problem . at the moment the entrance to the server and areas is available . there is a huge problem with the stability of the server .
  3. clown. on the forum solved the problem . you keep showing your inadequacy . farting in a small room is all you can do ?
  4. yood

    Error 10004 T_T

    you said it ! and that's enough .
  5. yood

    Error 10004 T_T

    all participants who work with lo directly represent the face of the company . you, too, as the GM of the forum represent the face of company . what I see I don't like . people see your names and titles first . and only after that we see the developers . Amayii remove the title of GM of the forum, you will become NOTHING , EMPTINESS . I have a personal opinion that you are EMPTINESS .
  6. emptiness in the head are not compensated for the beautiful words.
  7. yood

    Error 10004 T_T

    it doesn't make sense to go to Jericho's server now . JUST A HUGE LAG . developers. let a mitigation of the server . just a little !
  8. yood

    Error 10004 T_T

    I don't know what this is but the entrance to areas periodically closed . this problem began to appear after the last patch .
  9. yood

    Error 10004 T_T

    delirium . endless screen loading districtic . I'll keep trying . 23.15 in the social area I got through the main distributor in the launcher .
  10. 1. stick the picture up your patootie . 2. that said the said . 3. who are you to discuss the company's work with various anti-cheats ? in my opinion , the decision on anti-cheat is quite adequate .
  11. it says the official representative of the team LO . I'm shocked. BOSS what's going on ?
  12. Program. there will be many questions concerning you personally . got a document ? prove you're not a camel . understand that not Rina , not Molchun here so not became famous as you .
  13. Thanks. I smiled . to be honest . I'm amazed at our BOSS talent for avoiding questions . April 10
  14. you're the clown in this arena . the more you talk, the closer and deeper you are to the grave . p.s . 'cookies' are so much smarter than you.
  15. four clowns do not play a role here . p.s . for the recent GMs forum - I'm not insulting the participants I'm talking about their behavior in principle . People never change .
  16. Proga . I doubt that . weapons were distributed very much and there were abuses .
  17. in the social districtic of Jericho . I entered
  18. in the citadel I got no PROBLEMS !! quick connection !
  19. all RIGHT ! endless entrance to the area . BOSS ! why do I hate team LO ?
  20. recently, a similar problem took place . Let's see.
  21. personally, you shouldn't even be here . you're EVIL . who will compensate your losses ? the server is VERY BAD . with stable server suppose ! you get 2,000 murders . now you get 400 kills . the difference is obvious compensation is just a good tone for the company .
  22. personally, you shouldn't even be here . you're EVIL . 5 clowns this the entire forum ?
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