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Everything posted by yood

  1. as long as you were sitting in a separate server Jericho existed very comfortably . you killed HOPLOH now kill Jericho . all right. the server was chosen by the name of the server you liked . I chose JOKER . honestly, Hexerin. I'm surprised you know G1 was a very smart team . she was able to keep the game for 7 years !!!! LO floats already in the first year of life .
  2. permanent problems with which not can cope team LO they upset me . my paid premium time is lost , I can't even get close to my standard number of kills . it's very BAD .
  3. make the gold leave my arena and I will play according to the threat . if you can't do it , it's not my problem . say gold should not look for a competitive opponent ? or should I only look for competitive oponetov ?
  4. look for a problem in Brazilian accounts . no wonder G1 kicked all the Brazilian accounts of HOPOLN .
  5. I'm not a robot , I can be wrong . you can't fool me with a ping .
  6. Havana . damn me. Forgive me. if I can , can I help you just a little bit ?
  7. не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает https://translate.yandex.ru/?lang=en-ru&text=he is lifeless who is faultless
  8. You're welcome. don't upset me personally .
  9. bro. you're not getting away from me
  10. when you play on your (location) server with a ping of 10 - 100 MS in the bronze area you consider it acceptable . I played Erule past time - a 0.02 % matches
  11. your server is no exception . your player base is based on Russian teenagers whom you hate . I periodically t on your server and see players less than in Jericho . Merged. if you want to be gold ! prove that you are gold ! play in the Golden district ! / I do not claim to be the best of the best . I'm simple user APB Reloaded .
  12. NA SERVER MS BEING RAISED TO PREP US FOR THE UPCOMING NA TO EU MERGE it absolutely not the case. in case of fulfillment of your desires you will receive 120 -170 MS
  13. I've been playing for 7 years .5 years I played against gold clan groups . in 2016, on the Citadel server one well-known player told me gold will always play in the silver arena . you are silver go to bronze . before my threat jumped silver - bronze . at the moment I am stable silver I'm just tired of feeding the Golden animals.
  14. bla bal bla . nothing new . the game and forum for a long time occupied by the clans and cheap gold . they are very disadvantageous to change the situation in the game . think about who benefits to the situation remained in the current position and you will understand on who and why this makes - golds .
  15. do you see the number of players when you enter the game ? I see . 1-4 players maximum read the forum please remove gold from bronze b you are so faint that just Troll the game . population no cry greenpeace can save one mutated fish and kill millions of tons of plankton . it is unprofitable to save gold - it is easier to recruit a lot of new players and make a profit . p.s. rules to the right people - animals rule is not needed this is the reality : right now in the bronze district is Trolling , at least 5-6 gold TROLL .
  16. say gold should not look for a competitive opponent ? or should I only look for competitive oponetov ?
  17. yood

    Please get rid of this

    I didn't have this problem before or after the patch . see and hear this in the first time .
  18. gold - go play in your gold district .
  19. rebalance of the things that you specifically do not like ? radar errors - what exactly are you not satisfied with ? I only know one radar problem . deletion stage the VIP - I can not agree . we're talking about the mode RIOT ? this is a test mode , all your comments are scanned , analyzed and corrected .
  20. bla bal bla . nothing new . the game and forum for a long time occupied by the clans and cheap gold . they are very disadvantageous to change the situation in the game .
  21. think about who benefits to the situation remained in the current position and you will understand on who and why this makes - golds . the game and forum for a long time occupied by the clans and cheap gold . they are very disadvantageous to change the situation in the game . AsgerLund we'll have to play in the Golden area against the gold , clan players .
  22. was launched to cheat the real number of players . G1 knew what he was doing .
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