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Everything posted by Parthian

  1. Sup bros I'm in dire need of APB$ so please buy my themes. These are just a fraction of what I have so I'll probably update this thread every now and then. The ones listed all go for anywhere between 450k - 1.5mil. Exclusives/custom themes are expensive, let's just put it at that. I'm available to do requests on Jericho too but I only accept payment on Citadel. Message me on Discord if you are interested. Lumsheden#8865
  2. A suggestion would be to make the Daily Activity Nanos tradable, at least within your own account. It's really frustrating having 3 nanos on the same character, 2 of which are the same variant. Thoughts?
  3. For people asking for clips, I unfortunately can't send them due to it being name and shame...
  4. Oh I didn't even notice that... All the previous weeks items stayed up under Gear > Clothing even after they got replaced in the Featured tab. I guess it's to prevent people from just buying the clothing items individually for 1/10 of the price instead of buying the whole pack...
  5. Post the items you want debundled and maybe they'll listen to us? I know I would like the "Fashionable High Waist Shorts". pls
  6. You could try changing the windows resolution like Frosi said, and then run the game in fullscreen windowed mode.
  7. That must be the dumbest thing said by anyone in this thread. Just because there are less cheaters that doesn't mean the problem is magically gone. There are way less cheaters than before BE, sure. But the problem is still there. There are still cyborgs phasing in and out of the matrix with their cheats while not getting banned.
  8. YEP. im definitely a silver for calling out cyborgs shooting their ntecs with 0 vertical recoil on stream
  9. There are russians blatantly cheating on stream and last time I checked none of them were banned. All of my support tickets about it have gone unanswered for the past 3 months. It's sad, really. Feels like Gamersfirst all over again.
  10. whats going on with the shredder and the thumper my dudes why arent u guys nerfing them?
  11. cant wait to not be able to dodge VIP missions
  12. +1 great suggestion man /strikeapose2
  13. Do you even play the game? Sitting with a Dog Ear/Blowtorch leaning out of the window of a pioneer getting boosted by a vegas is the meta. "Removing" car surfer won't fix shit.
  14. yea dude cant wait to not be able to abandon 2v2 VIPs
  15. Parthian

    Weapon Balancing

    Hello Lidl Orbit, Your game is currently dog patootie. Servers are garbage and the weapon "balancing" feels like it's done by MonsterMan5835 from the bronze district. Here are some ways you can improve it. - JG Test A - 2-shot pellet count reduced to 7 (from 6) (Damage 100 from 140, Scale 0.897 from 0.82). Don't really know how much of a difference this makes but imo none of the shotguns really needed a buff. - CSG-20 Fire Rate down to 0.8 (from 0.68). A CSG with IR3 now feels more like a Strife with CJ3. - Shredder - Increased fire interval to 0.42 (from 0.37). This is FAAAAAAAAAAAAR from enough. I really don't know how you guys haven't nerfed the range of this on live already. It's really ruining the game. If your enemy has a shredder and you don't, it's going to be really hard to compete. - Low Yields Please do something about them. Reduce them to 2/change the blast radius to be the same as the concs/nerf them down to 495 dmg. Something has to be done. - Improved Rifling The fire rate nerf needs to be reverted. The nerf really broke the N-TEC 5 and made the Obeya CR762/OBIR useless at longer ranges. The 5+ range on all of the marksmanship rifles sounds interesting though so we'll see how that plays out. Nonetheless the N-TEC feels like shit. - N-TEC 5 Test A This one is mostly fine IMO. Jumpshotting has been an issue that has needed to be addressed for a very long time. I'm happy it's finally happening. - N-TEC 5 Test B What were u even thinking? If you're trying to put N-TEC 5 on par with the other assault rifles you should probably look into nerfing some of those too. The FAR and the Misery are more or less going to be straight upgrades from the N-TEC 5 with this nerf. - OBIR/OSCAR/Burst weapons in general The Cooling Jacket buff was really unnecessary. Sidenote: The OBIR tends to ghost-shot every 4 or so bursts with CJ3 for me. O_o - N-HVR 762 Quickswitching has never really been the issue for me. The fact that this weapon can 85 you and therefore put you out of the game for 15-20 seconds is just dumb, and doesn't have a place in this game. - RFP-9 It's literally a pocket OBIR. Nerf the range on this thing. Don't even get me started on the 'Fang'. Maybe switch the IR3 out for a 3 Point Sling 3? - PMG How come no one is complaining about this thing? - OCA The fire rate nerf was really needed. Very nice. - Servers Fix them. At this point it feels like you aren't even playing against your opponent, you are playing against the server/RNG. The DDoSing is gone, I'll give you that but it feels like you've only really made the RNG worse with your "fixes".
  16. thanK u for the positive feedback everyone im hopineg we can make a changee
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