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Everything posted by Westford

  1. I don't personally have any opinion on this topic, but can honestly tell you that I cannot refresh this page fast enough.
  2. Hmmmm, very interesting. Very interesting indeed. This topic may very well be worth 5, or perhaps 6 pages of replies at least.
  3. Possibly. Interestingly enough, 1 day after making this post, the problem went away. Odd.. Was not a huge deal, just a minor inconvenience.
  4. I have a Patriot Vegas G24 that I bought with Joker Tickets. 4 slot open ... Is the Patriot Vegas G20 - Mercury Kit via Joker Tickets, compatible with the G24 ... ? Much thanks.
  5. I have heard a lot of good things about the SWARM , haven't tried it myself. If there is a short lease on this via JT , I may try it.
  6. It is encouraging to get some feedback from those players "That Know".... that the cheating problems, whether from paid hacks, or the simple Macro Auto-Fire, No-Recoil, Triggerbot has been cast into darkness since the magic bullet of Battle Eye has come into play. or was that since Punkbusters ... ? or Fairfight ... ? I admit, I get the timelines confused. I also disregard those discussion on other forums of "Bypassing BattleEye", for I now know that these must not be true. Thank Gawd...... Although, I do remember these same montages that were sung during the early years of Punk Busters and subsequently Fairfight. Sigh.... And no, not all of us were singing together in jubilee. I want to believe the Nay Sayers, I really do. And yes, I have listened to their spiels fervently for the last six years. We need to "git gud"... Haha.. That's it ? That's the answer ? Christ Sakes, I am such an idiot .... Haha... Sometimes, sh*t so obvious, it actually smells like sh*t. lol Anyways, always good for a laugh. Much thanks.
  7. Whenever I take a break for 5-10 min, from either the mission District or Fight Club, I return to the Lobby. This was to avoid "auto Kick" for inactivity, forcing a re-log. I come back, I'm in the Lobby, I'm still logged in..... all is good. I have noticed in the last 3-4 weeks, I take a break and go to the Lobby, come back, and, I have been logged OUT. I need to login again. (I was never logged out of lobby before) Feature or BUG ? If this is a question that needs to be submitted to support, no problem. Mods, @Lixil, please advise. Regards
  8. Glad to see this post resurrected... haha I actually went with N-SSW 74 Dvah, and absolutely love this gun. HS3, Extended Mag , and swap back an forth with either IR2,3 or CJ2 or 3. BTW: My Machine Gunner role is at a healthy Rank 16. Used the ALIG and SHAW quite a bit over the years, just cause I like LMG. For me, the N-SSW 74 Dvah has been an all purpose weapon, with a concentration on Mid to Long range. I am curious why you promote the HB3 "Decreases weapon damage by -15%" But Why ? What advantage were you seeing ? Not me "ese". Like I said, I was trolling with the ALIG and SHAW for quite some time. Maxed out my Machine Gunner shortly after I got the N-SSW 74 Dvah. It's kind of my goto primary atm. Thanks for all the feedback.
  9. Many of us are waiting patiently for Tickets to close, This is our patient demeanor. For the lutz..
  10. Ahhh, the proverbial "Video or it did not happen" scenario. The OP provided no information , concerning the alleged inflammatory symbol... No Sir... I was NOT introducing a possible scenario.... and no, I do not believe as of yet, in the history of APB, that ANYONE, would have even thought of wearing a German uniform with a Swastika. God strike me dead with lightning .... WTF ??
  11. Yes, otherwise @JudgeAnderson , you will be held accountable. lol
  12. Ahh, I hear ya, yeah, California is a mess. And you outlined their governmental leadership, or lack thereof (both federal,state and local) pretty accurately. I's kind of sad. I had visited San Fransisco a few times many years ago, beautiful city back then, now, it's literally gone to sh*t. (literally... in the streets) With the severe water restrictions in most areas, I always wondered why they never built 1 or 2 desalination plants. (they're right on the ocean .. lol) But given their mismanagement of state's budgets, I suppose it's no wonder. Sorry to to hear this. EDIT: I hope you're not near any of the wildfires there, and that you and loved ones are safe.
  13. Huh ? I'm still trying to understand, so you're one up on me. I had added an edit to my comment previously concerning "walking a fine line", which might clear things up. A player who wears a German uniform with a backwards Swastika or displays that symbol on their vehicle, a Japanese symbol as you had pointed out, are they considered as someone "walking a fine line". Is that player trying to provoke a response ? Do they have a specific agenda in mind ? Or they just love Japanese culture. One can only guess what that players true intentions are.
  14. Not sure. Although I would not put it past some players to "walk a fine line" with regards to controversial symbols. Wouldn't be the first time. If the player used the Buddhist symbol on a German Nazi uniform, then you could guess that they were trying to push the envelope as it were.
  15. Per the tilte of this thread "nazi flag turned backwards on jehrico player not banned" So the German Swastika although the player had the image turned backwards. EDIT: I thought I should add, that if you check out the weapon skins available on ARMAS, there are quite a few country weapon skins, including the United States. But no Swastika weapon skins are available. Another interesting note, the Trump mask does not appear to be available anymore, although the Richard Nixon mask is still there. One can assume that the Trump mask was so popular, that their inventory just ran out, and they decided not to replenish the stock. Have a great day.
  16. That's the problem, how do you come up with a legal definition? What metric can be used to quantify one's statement other than someone's feelings as a form of measurement. Huh ?
  17. Although certain symbols are not allowed, such as Swastika symbols, which really is a no brainer, hate speech, which appears to be a bannable offence, is extremely subjective. Interestingly enough, there is no legal definition in the US for hate speech. I think that the UK does have laws against hate speech, not sure how that works. As far as online games it's obviously up to the discretion of the company to determine the level of toxicity that might warrant disciplinary action. I personally don't know how to define or even recognize hate speech, and it's not for a lack of trying. It's just that, what might offend you does necessarily offend me. I get some pretty colorful whispers, but I am not personally offended where someone else might be. I still have much to learn.
  18. All you can do, is take a snapshot, and Submit a ticket to Support. Hey, if you can add a bit of composition in the photo, you know, some background in the final shot. Thanks. Support is currently dealing with a multitude of tickets. How they say "Your ticket will be processed in the order that it was received" Best of luck.
  19. Again, we do not have enough information concerning the OP's issue with harassment, so kind of difficult to advise. I am curious what went wrong with submitting a support ticket. Curious indeed. EDIT: In my previous post I had mentioned "Take a break from the game for 10min (AFK, DND)" Some newer players might not know how to implement DND (my preference) DND - Do Not Disturb can be implemented using /dnd in the chat box To undo this, type /dnd again Or, you can leave the game for a few months like @Saxtus but that is a little extreme.
  20. Not sure what type of harassment you are referring to, as you did not provide any details. Haven't checked the EULA recently to see what LO's description of harassment is, but I'm guessing that harassment can come in two different flavors. 1) In game Whispers 2) In game actions , such as ghosting you in a mission, crashing into your vehicle repeatable while on a mission or outside of a mission ... etc ... Racial symbols, I would think falls into a topic all it's own, and not individual harassment. As far as Whispers, others have said the quickest and easiest way is to just add the player to your "ignore list" he go on with different characters to keep harassing I suppose you could ignore those too. Me, I never ignore anyone, and in the past, and even till this day, get an occasional attempts of harassment. They all fail sadly. It's entertainment for me. My obnoxious behavior in game may be a factor. I had one guy who initially whispered some smack talk "you f***en noob, you suck, uninstall the game now" Well,I won't get into the entertaining part of the back and forth, but let me just say that after 30min, he was like "DUDE, stop f***en msg'ing me". lol Never heard from this guy again. /sniff/ As far as in game actions , car ramming during a mission, and less of a headache, out of a mission; 1) Record video to submit a support ticket. 2) Take a break from the game for 10min (AFK, DND) 3) Go to a different district 3) Create a mini game out of it and let him chase you around the map and honk at him when he crashes... haha Anyways, good luck to you OP, you are not alone, and yes, there is hope. EDIT: Haha, I had to add, one guy had whispered me one time, that he was planning on having carnal relations with my Mother, (he used a few colorful metaphors in his whisper) I told him that his interest was a bit odd, as my Mother had passed and was cremated, but if you're still up for the challenge, God Speed. Anyways, you get the idea.
  21. errm, a little late responding, but thanks for the link. This is great.
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