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Everything posted by KnifuWaifu

  1. I think he is and I think that you two should definitely talk about it. Please remove head from anus and read one of the many stickied threads which cover your dilemma, I'd point out which one but you're already wasting enough time and energy as it is.
  2. *sips Grady's* um, because it is better, but you wouldn't know anything about that, it's a Brunswick thing.
  3. That fact of the matter is that even if LO had gone straight to "fixing" the server, you would all be here with multiple threads asking "Y U NO UNBAN?" and if they magically "fixed" both these issues you'd all be here with multiple threads asking "Y U NO FIX ARMAS" or "Y U NO BALANCE GUNS" or "Y U NO BAN HACKERS" or "Y U NO SALE" or "Y U NO EVENTS" etc, etc. You people just are never happy, it was the same with G1, and the same with RTW before them, you'll think of reasons to complain and just make thread after thread about it as if the sake of APB's existence depends on it as if the $45 you spent on a Troublemaker 4 years ago makes you an investor or something and RTW/G1/LO owes you for it. All the while the quiet majority of players are just having fun and buying G1C and when it's pointed out you'll go ahead and "lel apb ded gaem". I just hope Lixil and Matt and any other people who actually matter around here have already had the wisdom to see through these junk threads and just concentrate on doing what's best for LO.
  4. zomg it's you! the guy from the guide! can I have your autograph? I completely agree with the yellow mask, the blue's design is definitely more 'bruise tooth" but the colour is just way out of balance with the rest of the outfit and after I picked it up I had to make my own, no where near as nice, version of the yellow. I had no idea about the history behind those sets, thanks so much for clearing that up!
  5. Just a note with this guide - while it is really good, some of the higher-res multi-angle pictures are not of the exact sets for sale, they include extra items and customised stuff to make the set look better. If you want the real picture of each set, you have to wait for the gifs to load, that's the real set. For example the Bruise Tooth set: Looks great, but the Bruise Tooth set does not come with armour pads, holster, gloves, choker, or the yellow mask which make it look great. This is the real Bruise Tooth set, no pads, no choker, and a hideous blue mask. So buyer beware.
  6. They can get it done quickly or they can get it done properly. I'm going to vote for properly, so calm down with the rage posts. 2-3 weeks is nothing.
  7. Thanks for the clarification, still love you man. Me too thanks. But I think as long as FC is populated it may stay, but we'll have to see what the new Riot mode brings us, if it makes FC obsolete then we can't fight it, but until then, where else will I get those 400JT per week?
  8. From what I've read on the forums you'll only ever need 1 mod; - Car Spawner Equip that in anything but a Calabria and you'll be guaranteed a win every time from how obviously OP and game breaking the mod most definitely certainly is.
  9. How about stuff like CJ4 or Kevlar4? You could stock plenty of new Contacts with just more mods. I mean it's just numbers yeah? Why can't I have +90% hp and 10% movement? (Actually I just want more clothing slots)
  10. Tried them, all of them, and it looks great, no more naked gumbys and black walls. I get about 28-35fps in game but as soon as someone chucks a grenade it crashes down to 15fps. Thanks again, will tweak around but it is a great place to start.
  11. @ShadowXS Can you post your settings here since OP closed the other thread you mentioned it in? We very much need it.
  12. For me every time a player pulls out a True Ogre my game turns into a slideshow, will the advanced launcher do anything for that? How about looking at it from another angle? With all the particles and smoking flying around in combat, it can really put a strain on us potato-users, I wouldn't say smoothing out FPS is an advantage as much as it is a levelling of the playing field. Unless the advanced launcher has a way of deleting walls or turning enemies in to bright red squares, tweaking the settings to PS2 era gfx doesn't look like it makes much of a difference competitively.
  13. That's a weird way of saying star, alig, obir.
  14. I'm really surprised at the amount of players who are genuinely having trouble countering something as simple as an enemy car spawner. What's next a thread asking to remove enemy bullets because they hurt too much?
  15. Only if I can use this as my sig.
  16. TL:DR: My team of noobs who use their car spawn mods as glorified taxis and just want to roll around with percs and an oca are being beaten by an organised group of players who use the same mod effectively. Please ban this mod. If anyone on your team was of worth and saw that the enemy was using vehicles to their advantage, one would swap to an anti-vehicle role killing that advantage. It's paper-rock-scissors 101. You just want to run around with your scissors and win against everything which is why you lose. And don't say there is not enough time, cause the enemy had enough time to get thoroughly entrenched at the objective. It takes just 1 conc to knock out a spawner..
  17. I actually liked that idea. Bringing real-world consequences into the game is enough to scare most would-be hackers/exploiters/abusers.
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