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Everything posted by PotatoeGirl

  1. It is so fun trying to kill the other guy when a teammate jumps on the line of fire and dies in one hit and the team leader kicks you out of the mission. Is it really so hard just to make allies act like walls and absorbing billets without taking damage? If the game still had traces it woudl have been less of a issue but it still doesn't.
  2. Maybe that is how you did it but I am not so desperate to beg for groups. The game shouldn't require groups just to be played. Today I saw few greenies and trainees and just made me wonder how long it will take before they uninstall and get back to fortnite or whatever after getting stomped few times. Yeah, this is one of the most toxic communities. When they are not flirting with you they are just being mad.
  3. I came back after 6 years of waiting and it is still not done xD
  4. Well, no wonder why the population is low. Why do you assume ppl only want to play in groups? If that was the case there wouldn't be shortage of groups getting matched with other groups. That is exactly why it is a problem. If groups have huge advantage what is even the point of playing the game if you always going to lose anyway?
  5. As I said in the first post, removal is not a necessity as long as it is a separate district. Also it may be shocking for you but most new players in games are usually solos who are just testing the water. There are in fact only few groups running in a district at a time which is why I get matched with the same ones few games in a row even if I wait a solid amount of time between matches.
  6. Lets see which one comes first: engine update or half-life 3
  7. Who is going to play this shet with me? I am questioning myself why I am still coming back to it even though the gameplay is solid (if the game had any playerbase). That is only a temp solution that will just result in more ppl leaving. Well not anymore. How? The game is super newbie unfriendly.
  8. I only get kicked when trying to login sometimes.
  9. Who is "everyone"? Look around. There is no one left to play this game. Even if someone decides to return they get thrown vs those few groups several matches in a row even. Also don't you think pre-made groups should be facing other pre-made groups anyway? If that was the case i wouldn't have an issue with it.
  10. Either get rid of groups or force them to play in another channel. Every time when the teams consist only of solos the game feels so much fun and even balanced. But when premade get matched vs all solos (as usually happen), you may as well go afk because it is game over and you are waiting for the timer to runs out.
  11. Yeah, I heard you need to have a dev team or sumtin. It doesn't looks like there will be any yellows either. lets be real, even if the engine update works (if ever gets finished) even better than the current game (which it won't), without any real content ppl the hype will die after the first week.
  12. Once when you hit max rank it still doesn't matter.
  13. For the time they port it to the new engine it will become obsolete again. And yes, the game was crammed to work with that particular engine. I still think it woudl have been a much easier just figuring out a way to do things on the current engine. Creating new game is hardly an option if they don't even know how stuff has been done to begin with.
  14. Idk what happened to this game but there is explosive cancer everywhere. In one of my last games there were 3 ppl with osmaw and 1 sniper. How do you even deal with stuff like this?
  15. Because it wasn't fully utilized. I think they didn't enable it just because of being scared losing all the playerbase that uses modded clients (which is basically everyone if we count the advanced launcher)
  16. You just need EAC with all of its protections enabled. That will prevent client modding as well. I don't understand why they have decided to go back to battleye instead of integrating EAC properly.
  17. Because it will be harder to bring ppl back once when they have left. Some will come back when the engine update happens but a lot more won't. Not to mention without any significant new content, the engine update won't change much either.
  18. To me, it seems like they are trying to do something before even understanding how the game works. Reinventing the wheel but poorly. Give it another 7 more years at least.
  19. It was annoying back then and I can only imagine what it is as a meta. Consumables are probably one of the biggest mistakes added to the game.
  20. Normies these days... Once upon a time you had the privilege to get teamkilled on purpose all the time.
  21. Pretty much everything if it wasn't for the complete lack of content and all the cheaters.
  22. Don't worry. It has been coming since 2014. Also I pretty much called it that it is not going to happen in 2020 unlike a certain SPCT who tried to make fun of me when I said it.
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