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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. The in-game browser is only used if you're not signed in with Steam. If you're signed in with Steam it should still just open in the Steam overlay (if enabled)
  2. Does the game load? If it does, just play as you normally would. If it doesn't, repair your gpu driver install (since that should be where the PhysX was installed from anyway
  3. You know there will be an interruption of the service, that's all you need to know as an 'end-user'. You might want to know more, but we all want a lot of things that we won't get.
  4. Don't they just reset when they 'expire'?
  5. Is it the first of August? No, so that makes perfect sense to not work
  6. So people would just join to get the title and then never actually test/post feedback... Yea I'll skip on that one
  7. Smaller tests at first and then if things go well, it'll get longer and longer
  8. This really doesn't feel like a 'bug' ... You did the trial and now you're wanting to do another trial ... That ain't how the world works
  9. Maybe not directly, but some other programs use it in the background. The ones I've heard about most are resolution changers, Sound EQ software but there's probably a lot more out there
  10. Not at all what I was aiming to say. But I think there is still a bit of a distinction to be made between minor config edits, full file removals and cheating. Those are not all on the same level, imo. I would love to have the game fully locked down, but in the current state that doesn't seem like a good choice. RTX users for example are frequently unable to play the game if it weren't for config edits. There should be limits on what can/can't be changed, but that's not something you or I get to decide on. Sure thing, here's the official link: https://media.gamersfirst.com/gamersmedia/apb/Advanced_APB_Launcher.zip
  11. Matt has always said that until further notice all changes possible using the Advanced launcher are permitted as an exception to the TOS given to all players by the CEO
  12. It's a period where a lot of people take time off, they had some bigger updates earlier on in June so I'd assume they're working through the issue and spaghetti code before bringing out more changes
  13. I'm not seeing that, could you quote the specific part that says that in the transcript? I'll even link the transcript for you already. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/208-transcript-for-the-apb-qa-session-one/
  14. Do you have an actual quote for that or are you just typing BS?
  15. Just a sanity check here: Is everyone that breaks the law getting caught/punished? Is everyone that breaks the TOS is other games getting banned/whatever? I don't know what all LO does or doesn't do, but in the end it's up to them to decide where to draw the line.
  16. LOL, nope. Naming and shaming would be a lesser one than cheating for example, but it's a lot easier to prove and act on. Especially on the forums
  17. Lowering the particles to a low enough number = using an actual cheat ... mkay, you lost me there Is it something that's against TOS: Yes Could it be actioned: Possibly Is it as bad for others as using cheats: No Is it worth going after currently: That's for LO to decide
  18. Literally right now people still not giving a fuck. If it can be done by editing plain text files I doubt they give a damn about it at this time.
  19. In their introduction and a few times since then they have posted their discord ID:
  20. Well, something is probably fucked up with those .dll's ... otherwise it wouldn't be catching them
  21. https://dl.kevkof.com/pics/1600_x_900/ that's a simple resize to that res ... That really shouldn't be too dificult. Also, doesn't Windows just autoadjust for it if you select a bigger image as wallpaper? Mirrored would be actual image edits, I'll leave that to people with more skills in that area
  22. It's gonna be some time for support to get back to you. They know it's not good to have to wait, they're working on getting better at it.
  23. Contact support, that'll probably be the best thing to do.
  24. Euhm, didn't they already add those a month ago? https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/8/joker-store-renovations
  25. Did all the people complaining connect from a similar region or along a same route? Instantly reaching for DDOS when ISP/routing issues are far more common seems odd.
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