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About Deadliest

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  1. When's the web 2.5 strategy coming out? so we can all cash out. You going to turn apb into a crypto game? is this the workings for the future?
  2. The reason why its played on East because NA has a lot of Brazilian players. They are the one's first in the district and the last to log out.. It was good while it lasted on NA west, anyone from Oceania / Asia players were able to come back and play again with at least 120-140 ping for a month. Most of them now quit. Game does not feel the same and there is no reason to even play. This is by far the only game I've known that does not improve the core aspect of the game to make it more enjoyable, but destroy it with band-aid patch fixes. The engine update was all BS, where is the real engine update? game looks the same, At least change that UGLY UI HUD in-game.
  3. If he ain’t spinning, he ain’t cheating.
  4. nice a new legendary weapons! can't wait to play.... man f*ck dat. Game needs a overhaul just shut it down. its unplayable, players have gotten so good that is so unplayable in competitive play, who ever design the maps and missions spots 10+ years ago would never imagine how players are playing it today. rework on re-designing the whole map on financial + waterfront with the aim to balance mission objectives spots. mission stages must include defend + attack from both fractions. Other game needs to be shut down such as Ships that fly underground, do not put anymore resources in developing this game! its going to die on arrival!. no one cares about NFTS SHIPS skins!
  5. Game needs to be shut down and re-booted with a real engine update re-made map design of financial + waterfront, including with newly balance missions. Ships That Fly Underground needs to stop development its going to die on arrival. no one cares about ships skin nfts trust me. they will be worthless.
  6. You play on one of the highest population servers with a high ratio of better players + mix with cheaters, You are pretty much doom. best to uninstall the game, and put your time in better competitive games like counter-strike 2. APB reloaded 10 year+ broken game, bad spawns, unbalance missions, no anti cheat. why even bother to play?
  7. What da f**k is cheat points? We rewarding cheaters with points? Old Broken game + a broken anti cheat, just shut the game down and work for it over the years man.
  8. Alright now balance the missions, needs a whole new revamp. Both teams have to attack and defend in each stages, make it work devs.
  9. Deadliest

    Headshots in APB?

    yea can't wait to get hack down with 1 instant headshot.
  10. Well if you stop giving people your info u wouldn’t be hacked… no wonder you are paranoid keep using them stolen pre paid cards
  11. Never committed fraud. Buying pre-paid cards to make purchases seems sus already unless you are 15 and using parents cash.
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