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Everything posted by indi

  1. Remove the "threat" tiers, implement hidden MMR. Let the remaining player base have at it and play with each other as efficiently as possible. On NA you're forced to sit in social, sometimes for 10+ minutes, spamming the only "silver" district available while there are two other "bronze" districts open. The way the system works right now is it punishes those who don't dethreat, while it rewards those who do dethreat with an easier time with both joining districts and farming newer players. There shouldn't be four different threat levels locked to their own districts for a server that hovers around 500-700~ people.
  2. Looks more like packet loss and less like a speed hack, honestly.
  3. Have some patience, the game is currently in transition still. With BE coming out, there are probably hundreds of tickets being created due to them unbanning in waves, instead of one big wave. When support finally responded to me, they were quick and resolved my issue within an hour of the initial support reply.
  4. It took them around 8 days to reply to my ticket, but once they did, they solved my problem within <30 minutes.
  5. APB needs hidden MMR and a removal of threat segregated mission districts. The pop is too small, especially on the NA servers, to segregate the player base between 4 threat tiers.
  6. Would love to play, but support still hasn't given me my email.
  7. Because anyone with a pulse can see it changes nothing in-game, and the fact the "fix" stopped working over 4 years ago for those of us who used to use it.
  8. Just curious, what was your ticket #? I'm 548 but still waiting
  9. That is called placebo my friend, from a technical standpoint this "fix" does nothing and hasn't done anything for years.
  10. Limiting thread creation is a great idea, limiting posts however is an easy way to kill forum activity.
  11. This community is like crabs in a bucket.
  12. Watch with this one weird trick as MattScott beats the lag! DDoSers HATE him, find out why!
  13. Bit redundant to have "SPCM"s who didn't really do much in the first place when LO has GMs in-game, unlike G1.
  14. Forums seem pretty massive on a 1080p monitor, on the thread selection page it seems fine, but when you're in the threads themselves it is a lot more scrolling and seems "zoomed" in.
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