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Everything posted by SkittyM

  1. My only problem with an APB battlepass thing would be; what would be in it? I feel that a battlepass would be entirely pointless if the items aren't unique or limited time in some way which kinda goes against what APB has been. Emphasis on "kinda" cause i didn't forget the older seasonal events. Those having one time rewards was super mixed.
  2. For the record, LO doesn't "not care" about APB. Without a doubt its impossible to get money for APB at this point from investors or anyone so it makes entire sense they'd focus on things that could earn them money (in general). Frankly i hope its successful enough to get APB to 1.30 at least. The "all in" approach to NFTs is without a doubt a terrible idea with crypto and NFTs crashing at the moment. Guessing it was a decent idea that released too late to be fixed.
  3. Got that one backwards, silenced snipers are effective till about 83m, then they start losing damage. Normal snipers will lose damage at 90m save for the DMR
  4. In fairness, i never ever took "q1 2014" as an actual release date for anything. I saw it as a "we'll have something done internally by Q1 2014", which in fairness, they did have whatever they were internally doing done by then. Old blog posts i think imply that development started likely in early-mid 2013 however. I do feel that if LO had continued development on that UE4 version of APB, we'd probably at least have a playable Financial/Waterfront by now. Just my wishful thinking however since they'd have to start from scratch mostly.
  5. Just learn DAZ or something, everyone else is doing it. Let the APB models get some sleep, they're 15 years old and need a nap, permanently.
  6. I think a part of why it took so long was cause while a number of us (including LO) were thinking it wouldn't work, we still wanted to see it work. The only thing i personally know is 3D art stuff and world building so i can only really compare it to wanting to create something and digging yourself into a deep rut of ideas and then having to actually back pedal on a lot of them because they simply do not work. Though you realize that much later in that process. Not sure how to really elaborate on it really, my explaining skills are terrible. ON THE OTHER HAND HOWEVER. This change doesn't mean LO is only focusing on just technical stuff. It's still too early to tell but from what i'm aware of, their content plans and other game improvement ideas are still on the table... Somewhere... The ultimate question though is when does any of this happen.
  7. This doesn't appear to have been mentioned in a blog post anywhere which is maybe why it was missed, possibly in one of the streamed Q&As somewhere but the whole UE4 idea was scrapped within a year of it starting. Nothing of it exists and it was really nothing more than a pipe dream/idea of Matts to begin with. 1.3 will be the current version of the engine. What they're gonna be doing is changing out a bunch of internals and upgrading them from 32bit to 64bit. Your timeline is somewhat wrong, 1.20 started in either 2017 or 2016. Engine work iirc started in early 2014 or late 2013. As of i guess this week, nothing is gonna happen with 3.5/2.x as its been put on hold basically indefinitely. Frankly one can maybe think of this as a half win, we're not getting the engine but considering the engine was someone elses work to begin with (as in, not exclusively Reloadeds work like a lot of people think it is), this seems like a much more manageable goal. Kinda hope we see something of it this year.
  8. Honestly curious why people refer to this gun. It was bad from the beginning and you never see it ingame. It's also one single preset out of i think 6? Sales have to be Below Zero for the last 6 years on it.
  9. Whisper was originally like this. Although it has 50m range, the accuracy is so bad that you typically wont hit anything beyond probably 30m. Part of RPs weird p2w nonsense from back in the day.
  10. Because shotguns should shoot really fast.
  11. Wait, does 2.0 (console) not use an updated version of vivox? Or did you guys update it once 2.1 started?
  12. May or may not be self driving, so you don't need one of those.
  13. It has four (4) wheels and an engine (1). There's nothing else to know at the moment.
  14. Its a "temporary" thing to keep the server performance good. Note that this has literally nothing to do with LO as Reloaded Productions changed from 50v50 to 40v40 back in like, 2015-16.
  15. This is a known issue. Don't recall when and why is cause the hoodie was folded into being a JT store item for reasons unknown.
  16. If you're talking about the N-TEC 5, that isn't 7.62. N-TEC 7 i guess balances out since the gun's probably heavier in theory.
  17. The way JMBs worked was that you could get any weapon on ARMAS as a 3, 30 or 180 day lease. All JMBs had this but Power JMBs and some unique ones got rid of the 3 day tier. Gold i *think* removes the 3 and 30 day tier. There isn't really a need to include the listing for gold since it includes all legendary weapons plus a tiny handfull of perm 1 slot weapons. There is simply way to many weapons in APB to list on the page since it will reward you a random weapon on ARMAS.
  18. Gold box contains basically everything except the green tier i think, might also omit the blue tier. The only additions are the 1 slot perm OCA, JG, Carbine, N-HVR 762, and N-TEC 5.
  19. Cause stuff like that is a fair bit of effort. Already exists on ARMAS so better to just enable its visibility there. And no, its not some simple copy/paste, ARMAS and the JT store are entirely separate databases, have to make new DB entries and menu stuff. Aint nobody got time for that.
  20. This is going in the opposite direction amusingly enough, Joker Stores will replace ARMAS basically. Still no idea what will come of ARMAS in the future, likely phased out entirely i guess.
  21. Crashing on the 1600 and 2000 series cards isn't planned to be fixed for version 1.20, to my knowledge. I believe its already been fixed in 2.1 however so we're just waiting on that to reach good performance values. Heard the 3000 cards don't crash with 1.20 but i would assume mileage would vary there.
  22. Your first mistake since the stat bars on weapons are manually input values and not actually based on weapon stats directly.
  23. Its there cause it'll be used when the game goes Live, but for now the Steam setting is only tied into 1.20. I believe steam can only be tied into one version of a game at a time.
  24. Yeah, not the same game and i don't think they connect to the same servers either. (I think its the same locations but the units and everything is whats different.) Steam login doesn't work either if thats what you're trying
  25. Servers are currently On. Could be your connection settings.
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