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Everything posted by SkittyM

  1. Literally what. The NFAS will barely kill something at 15m with 1 mag.
  2. That's not what they mean by lighting, just fyi.
  3. Not to be a downer but surprised people are appreciating this instead of hating on it like last time. Will be fun either way though.
  4. Last i checked, i still remember things like the insta OSMAW car trick, 1300HP Pioneer, VIP Mikro/Vaquero, and not knowing how to customize clothing or having car kits like it was yesterday.
  5. Nah man, we gotta have maximum protection, use the gas masks. Can't touch your face or cough on people. Nothing goes in, nothing goes out.
  6. Yes, but im specifically looking at the TG-8, which basically shoots poison darts. So im kinda wondering how an ACTUAL lethal TG-8 would work.
  7. Not sure how a lethal TG-8 or PIG would really work, but i can see the CCG shooting ball bearings. Which is something i didn't know i needed.
  8. It was, but JT was never much of an incentive. I dont even remember how much JT you were rewarded for doing it, but it was not much.
  9. Idk LO's obsession with shotguns other than them being "too strong" or something. Currently i think they're okay, mostly just glad we got rid of pellet scaling. People not involved with testing i think has more to do with there not being much reason to do it. You don't get anything from it really and most players are more into leveling up characters and such. Honestly there's nothing wrong with writing a lengthy post (assuming its not like 5 paragraphs reciting the same thing). The posts are in fact read and do come up in talks but sometimes there's a direction being aimed for resulting in posts seemingly getting ignored. LO DOES read posts, just note that what you want may not be what is being aimed for or requires other things to happen.
  10. The rebalance is done. But like all things it's not the last time any of those guns will be adjusted. The issue with weapon balancing is that not a lot of people are involved with it (from the community side of things) so things can change later on. It is also a shotgun by game mechanics. Not sure what else it could be.
  11. I was experimenting with it at one point with different guns and explosives. the M1 for sure has 1,750 HP, only 150 more than the Pioneer/Espacio. Kinda shows just how stupidly strong the Pioneer/Espacio buff was.
  12. Regarding the old van model. I'm honestly surprised we didn't get a customizable variant of the Ambulance since those are super common as personal vehicles and such.
  13. That's still the plan but its quite a ways off.
  14. Not sure why anyone would want a slow 2 seater vehicle with janky toe out so it pulls left/right all the time because of a really dumb easter egg and also has less health than the Espacio/Pioneer.
  15. 1. Can't happen due to how "technical" the data is and there being no way to reasonably convert it. 2. Would probably just confuse people and require going out of the way to get. 3. is unlikely since afaik everyone liked the idea of range curves since it gave a bit of a boost to weapons effective ranges before dropping. What needs to go is accuracy curves however, that shits rank. Ray scaling sucks major balls and the devs basically agree with that. Keypoint is how the NFAS is absurdly strong, the JG is rather powerful while the CSG and SG-21 are patootie because of how the scaling works. It was a failure of an idea due to how diverse shotguns are in APB.
  16. You can buy both the LCR PR1 and Last Stand from the Joker store, so why should the be added to armas at all. Would take like 1 month of playing to get either.
  17. the general logic would be that you go into the store and guesstimate up to your limit. Such as walk into the store with $20 and buy $19 worth of stuff with the remaining $1 for taxes. Though if you actually have money, then you don't pay attention to taxes, like at all.
  18. Pretty much every store you go to in every state displays item prices without tax. The initial pop up page is correct regardless.
  19. Uhhhhhh... You have to also be this tall to a GM as well. *Raises hand*
  20. I've seen people enter the testing districts on the first day of every patch, so I'm not sure where that assumption comes from. Not to mention these changes come from the opinions of everyone that writes something for the most part. Assuming you write more than "CSG sucks" that is.
  21. I think that's due to pellet scaling making the gun less reliable so less people want to use it. It and the CSG are the only shotguns that shoot 21 pellets and the SG-21 is rather slow so it really fell off once LO took over. I do remember shortly after it came out and people understood it, it gained some traction for being an entertaining gun to use. Also because pop is still slowly dwindling down.
  22. Reminder that its thanks to the Condor that the radar is broken.
  23. Really the only thing i have to disagree with. The SG-21 'Strife' is NOT meant to be a competitive weapon. Its a clunky high risk/reward shotgun that's rather fun to use when you learn to not care. The Test A SG-21 is worse than the B variant since A only does 750 something per shot. Though what you mean about range, the SG-21 originally had damage so high it beat even the CSG at 20m. In actual combat however the CSG wins only because it can shoot so fast.
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