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❤ MonaSux ❤

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  1. Becouse that, i only buy gaming pc´s over 2000€ and to be safe i spent over 6000€ in armas.
  2. You can see how he is dieing inside while playing this game.
  3. Yep the "most critical stepping stone" are now closed too. Nice "start" for apb Re-Reloaded. Cant wait to read news about the fail start about the Beta. A totaly mess. Anyways i dont care anymore. When its there its there then... it wont "safe" the game at all.
  4. cant make engine update, cant make good sales, cant make standart clothes and cant put symbols on it.... xD
  5. soon they cancel engine update and stop supporting this game xD
  6. Some player here needs a brain nerf to stop complaining about good balanced weapons.
  7. Dunno, why change oca stats. There are tons of other weapons that need rebalance. And in apb u realy dont need to test weapons. Give us numbers and we can tell you how balance the weapon is.
  8. ❤ MonaSux ❤


    i just came here to the forum to complain how much longer they need since q1 2014 ... but this is good too. This Game Is officially Dead Now.... .. ......... for me.
  9. Nice hentai man but dont waste your skill here... check out other games.
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