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Everything posted by LewdLemming

  1. Well, according to hexerin, they lowered the cooldown and made it standard for everyone. Doesn't make sense to me.
  2. It is 13 JTs that you wouldn't have gotten prior to this patch. I don't get what everyone is bitching about. LO heard everyone squawking about slow JT accumulation (and I include myself in the squawking mass) and came back with an attempt at answering the apb community with multiple ways of getting JTs. Sure, maybe one or two of the methods may need tweaking, but at least you know that the LO staff ARE paying attention. I suspect it will be a process kind of like the new weapon districts where over time they figure out the "right mix". Til then, I respectfully say "hold on to your horses and enjoy the ride."
  3. While I agree with the concept ... they tried this a long time ago and the problem was when players were grouping with friends. They would vote-kick to get rid of the lower ranked player who isn't in their group. If they can figure a way around that issue, the idea is sound.
  4. NIce. Thanks. Had no idea about the trading system and this little vid is quite informative.
  5. Really? Dang. Do you have a link to a site that explains it? 1) I believe the support priority was from years ago, prior to LO. I'm talking back in 2011 or so. My memory could be faulty, mind you. 2) This USED to be a thing. That I definitely remember.
  6. Well, we've all been clamoring for new ways to earn JTs and here we go! Thanks a bunch! Seems like a well thought out solution, especially the higher caps the higher threat level you are. The only thing I might modify would be to make the caps per threat designation server. So the 150 cap for silver would only be if you are playing in the silver threat server. The 200 cap for gold ... only in the gold threat server. IMO, this should help populate the gold servers which are currently empty all the time. Plus, I like that random 250 JT bonus as an extra perk.
  7. I've always been a bit leery about trading. I have the EOL Hammer (percussion) variant on my enf toon that I want to trade (for the Deep Impact [concussion] or Kickback [low-yield] eol) but I'm not the most trusting person.
  8. Thanks for posting these. Personally though, I prefer heavier and faster dnb. Any suggestions?
  9. Ah, totally forgot about the mod cool down feature. Thanks for reminding me! I support the devs by buying the JBs every once in a while. It is kind of like how I support the provincial lottery by buying lottery tickets every once in a while. You buy them because you are hoping to win big, but you are also supporting them with the purchase.
  10. I've got about $1M in-game money, on each of my mains. Not too obsessed about the in-game money. In-game money might be more important I guess if I want to buy one of a legendary off of the community market. Good idea about the loyalty codes. I keep forgetting about those. Used to use them years ago, but not sure if they would be usable since I used them back in 2011 or so. I don't think they came out with new ones, right? Not just clothes, but on everything. But, as I said in my post, my toons are default. The only customization I made was to my crim, who I made a portly, balding dude for giggles. Default everything else. Only other goal I would have is to maybe get a 3-slot gun using the JTs, but that will be a while. Maybe once they add more ways to get JTs and / or increase the JT rewards from daily activities. I know you can get more JTs from playing fight club. May try that again. Been years since I've played in FC.
  11. Hello folks, Wanted to get your thoughts / opinions on whether or not it is worth having premium once you get to max rank. My 2 mains are R255. I haven't bought anything other than joker boxes as I roll default (clothing, vehicles, etc). Love the concept of the various designers, and love the designs players have put out there, but I've never really been interested in tweaking anything. Ikr ... weird. The only 3 reasons I know of for having premium are: 1) faster leveling; 2) cheaper prices for items on the armas marketplace; and 3) faster response time for support tickets. Item 3 is pretty much a null item as LO is about a month behind on support tickets. My buddy (who has premium) submitted a ticket concerning random crashes EVERY time he plays exactly 1-month ago and only just got a reply. And that reply wasn't helpful. It was a standard "update your drivers", which didn't help at all, so he is back to square one. Am I missing any other reason? And if I'm only buying JBs, is it still worthwhile to buy the lowest time of premium and then buy the JBs for the extra boxes you get because you have premium? Cheers, Lewd
  12. English is prob not his / her primary language. How about you try to learn his / her language and post something and see what comes of that? You'll prob make more mistakes than the op. Anybody who can learn more than one language is a better person for it.
  13. I understand where the Op is coming from with his post, but keep in mind a few things: 1) R255 doesn't equate to being all that skilled, it just means that you've put in the time to level up your contacts. 2) Sometimes, someone with a gold threat level might have just turned gold the previous match or two ago. I've had that happen to me. Plus, I thought there was a change made recently where it now blocked golds from entering a bronze district? I'm sure I've tried to join a bronze server as a recently turned gold player to play with my buddy who is silver and was blocked ... And to add to this, I'll play silver district when I'm gold, but end up getting destroyed by a number of fishy golds. I'm one of those who keep getting switched between silver and gold (as I guess I'm right at the edge of the two threats levels), but wish it would keep me at silver so I don't have to deal as much with those golds that are consistently getting 20-30+ kills a mission (against other golds).
  14. With regards to the "On the Fence" Mission, please, please, please make it so the vehicles (calabria, so can take no damage) that are being investigated cannot be damaged or blown up by the opp PRIOR to them being fully investigated. It is ridiculous for the opp team to be able to damage and / or blow up a vehicle that you have to investigate. That is like allowing the opp team to break windows, store fronts, cameras, etc so that you can't get the objective. :*( AFTER it has been fully investigated, sure that is fair game. But, not before or while. Puh-lease!
  15. Hence why I said "3, 4 or more", And Swindle, not sure where you are going with the quoting, but no text ... Agreeing, disagreeing, just posting for post count?
  16. Not sure if they have this already (imo ... no, they don't) but might be an idea to have some sort of algorithm in place so that when a player has a k:d ratio that is consistently 3, 4 or higher to 1 it gets them flagged for LO to take a look at them for cheats, etc. I've seen a number of players where their k:d ratio is stupid high over multiple missions, and they swear up and down they are legit. Granted, I'm not that great of a player, but when the k:d stays high consistently, there is something fishy.
  17. LewdLemming

    Queue for districts

    They used to have an auto-join option, but it looks like it was either disabled or removed completely. :*(
  18. Good idea, again. But, that won't work for players using the stun pgl. Or possibly even stun grenades. Heading in the right direction, though!
  19. I like this in theory, but sometimes when you stun a crim you can't make it to them to arrest, or kill. Maybe you yourself were killed immediately after the stun and your teammate kills the crim so they don't "come out of the stun" and end up becoming a threat again. In this scenario, your teammate is unfairly denied the reward. Maybe a 50/50 split would work better. Same goes for when another teammate takes your arrest. Had that happen a few times the other night. Super frustrating / annoying.
  20. In another post, Lixl said that Matt was away on vacation recently. I suspect he is slowly getting caught up on all the correspondence that tends to pile up when one goes one vacation ...
  21. Not sure if this should be in the bug section or not ... I was playing last night against someone that had a remote detonator in his / her vehicle. I killed the player and then heard the remote detonator starting to wind up and then BOOM, ended up dying from the car exploding (AFTER the player died). As I don't use the remote detonator in any of my vehicles, I am going on past experience with them from dealing with other players who had them installed. I believe you can force the explosion at any time, correct? I don't believe that the remote was activated while we were in a fire fight as I don't recall hearing the wind-up while we were shooting at each other. To me, it felt / looked like the remote detonation was activated after the player died. Is it possible to activate the detonator after you die? If yes, then this seeeeeriously needs to be fixed.
  22. Ahhh. Well, I guess that explains the down-voting. Sorry to hear that.
  23. Lul. When I first glanced at this, I saw "Invasion" instead of "Invision". I was all "Dayuummmm! Where did I put my tinfoil hat?!"
  24. Don't understand why there are 2 dislikes on this post. Flaws is only stating that a toggle run function should be in the in-game settings. This is in line with the OPs thoughts / post. The OPs info is old, but as there are always new players joining the community, old info is new info to them. I came back to apb:r after 6 years and have forgotten lots of the old info (I'm old and forgetful like that), so when I see stuff like this, I find it helpful.
  25. Oic. Well, then ...I'll check that out tonight. Thanks for the clarification.
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