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Everything posted by LewdLemming

  1. Ok, so had a chance to look at this in-game. I didn't see any option for changing color in the district chat box (fully opened). The options available were <visible> or <hidden>, which works perfectly fine with me. I just hid the gift box chats. Just putting this info out there so others are aware.
  2. Good to know. Thanks. That being said, by default it shouldn't be the same color as another type of chat ...
  3. Is it possible to change the font color of the text for when someone opens a gift box from the default font color used for whispering (purple)? Every time I see the color, I think it is someone whispering me, only to realize it is someone who has opened his / her gift box. It would be nice if it had a color all its own.
  4. I am pretty sure this was suggested years ago on the old forums, but I don't see anything similar with these ones, so I'm going to re-suggest it. Would be nice to be able to see the full load-out of opposition in a mission, instead of only seeing their primary weapon. Numerous times, I've been killed by a secondary and I had no idea what it was and wanted to know the name, etc. I've whispered the opp before to ask, but sometimes I'm a little butt-hurt that I got killed AGAIN by a secondary and don't want to talk to the opp.
  5. LewdLemming

    Match making

    Ha, Me too. If it doesn't have a bazillion bullets in the clip, I can't hit the broad side of a barn.
  6. LewdLemming

    Match making

    Doh! Well, at least you tried.
  7. LewdLemming

    Match making

    While the idea of not trashing all over him was commendable, there is another side to the situation. Seeing the 0/0 kills / deaths for the 2 of you, from the outside it looks like you just stayed away from the player. The only thing it does for the player is advance him / her with whichever contact they've pledged to, if they figured out how to pledge. My own opinion on this is you can take a few pot shots at the player, maybe kill them once or twice and then let them do the same to you, while completing the mission / objective. THEN, whisper them with some tips to help them along. The very first thing I do when I am in that situation (and sadly it happens a fair bit) is whisper the other player "Press B" in case they don't see the notification below their name. Sometimes it works and they press B, other times they don't see it, or ignore it. Something else you could do to try to even things up at least a little bit, is to only use your secondary. Just my two cents.
  8. My buddy has the same problem. I told him to open a support ticket about it. One thing to note ... there is a .log file (open it with notepad or wordpad) that gets created when you launch apb. That .log file will tell you what caused the crash. You should then open a ticket and attach that file, along a dxdiag dump. That should give LO enough information to figure out what or why this is happening and hopefully provide a fix specific to you, or patch the game so that it hopefully doesn't happen.
  9. Yeah, like Doubley said ... it worked for a few days (I was in shock the first time I heard someone's voice in game) and now it isn't again.
  10. It would be nice to be able to see the population levels of the various districts at the login screen (where you select your 4cer or crim toon). As it is, you have to select a faction, login and THEN you can see the population levels. The problem with this is that you never know which way the population is going. One moment it is more crim than 4cer, the next 4cer over crim. If you've logged in to your crim toon, only to find out that there are a bazillion more crims than 4cers, you now must go back to the login screen and login with your 4cer and launch either Financial or Waterfront. More than likely Financial as Waterfront always seems to be empty nowadays. THEN you better hope you don't get the bug where you can't see your teammates, groupmates, or objectives. Cuz then you will have to exit the game and relaunch to "fix" the bug...
  11. 4cers can also return stolen vehicles to the impounds for cash. But, witnessing crims is by far the most entertaining way of getting cash.
  12. Would it be possible to change the subject line to be more descriptive for e-mailed weapons, vehicles, purchased items, etc? Currently it shows [purchase] and I think [rewards] (I'm at work and can't verify this right now) for when you get items from joker boxes and from other methods. The problem with this is that if you have lots of e-mails (I have 15 pages of emails), some from joker box purchases others from account weapons, etc I don't believe there is any quick and easy way to see if the weapon is a permanent item or how long of a lease it is (i.e. - 10, 30, 180 day lease). For permanent items, can we at least change the text to read [permanent] or something along those lines? And maybe add something to the body of the e-mail that tells you if the item is a permanent item, account or character bound, or a lease for x amount of days? Part of the problem is that when you buy a pack of joker boxes and open them, it does so in one action and you don't see what you get. You have to go back in to game and check the e-mails to see what you opened. And then you can't tell if it is permanent or leased without retrieving the item. Back in the day, when you opened joker boxes, it was one box at a time and it showed you on the same screen what you unboxed. Thoughts on the above? Merged. Also came across [gift] last night. Still, no way to know whether or not it is a perm item account wide, perm item character bound, or a lease of x amount of days without retrieving the item. If changing the subject line is too cumbersome, it would be super helpful if the body of the e-mail explained the length of time and whether or not it is character or account bound. For the subject line, I was thinking something like: [PERM, ACCT] [PERM, CHAR] [LEASE, 10 D] [LEASE, 30 D] [LEASE, 180 D] And, nothing fancy in the body of the email is needed as you can see what the item is in the subject line, as well as by clicking on the attachment (but not retrieving it), just something along the lines of: Permanent, Account bound Permanent, Character bound Lease, x days Anybody else have other subject line and email text naming suggestions on how to differentiate between permanent - account, permanent - character and leases?
  13. Cuz I don't recall seeing it written in the description of the mod when it is A) unlocked and / or B) purchased that it reduces cargo capacity. Entirely possible that I just missed seeing it, of course. And before anyone points me to the apb:db, not everyone uses it and / or knows about it.
  14. Thanks for the info. Guess I'll be changing the load out on a few of my vehicles across my toons.
  15. Was going to reply back saying something along the lines of "nope, it doesn't fit" cuz it doesn't fit in my 4x4 vegas ..." and then I saw this in Armas : Mobile Supply Unit - Deploys a Field Supplier but reduces cargo capacity by 3. All this time and I never realized this. *sigh* I don't recall seeing it written in the description of the modifiers that this is an "effect". Does the mobile spawn have the same cargo capacity reduction?
  16. So, to be clear ... we haven't actually lost the attachments? Nothing was supposed to be attached, even though it says stuff like "your rewards are attached."? I've gotten a few of these e-mails recently and was wondering where the attachments went to ... And the fact that this is still a bug when this was occurring and identified back in 2011, etc is frustrating and will only confuse the crap out of newbies just starting the game.
  17. Worked beautifully. Thanks a bunch! Now my group-mate won't have to listen to me cursing like a sailor cuz I can't switch from an equipped blowtorch to my primary, secondary or grenade.
  18. This also happens when you switch districts, either due to low pop on one, or whatever. I end up having to relaunch the game to fix the issue.
  19. Cool, thanks. I'll give that a shot!
  20. First off, let me just say that I am not sure if this is something only I am experiencing with the blowtorch and it is behaving as it is meant to, or if in fact it is a bug. I find that when I equip the blowtorch and repair a vehicle (or even when I don't) I can't switch away from the blowtorch until a certain amount of time has lapsed. Not sure if there is a counter in the background, or what. This is the only reason I don't use the mod more often. I can't scroll to switch weapons, nor can I press 1 or 2, etc ... Is this how it is supposed to be, or is something messed up?
  21. Perc + Pig or CCG is a good combo. If you are using the Perc + CCG combo, make sure you have a long(er) ranged secondary (like the rfp, etc) to pick off your stunned victim opponent if you can't get to them in time to arrest them. Or, to use to do some damage to vehicles with car spawn mods, or when being chased in a car and you are the passenger.
  22. Ok, then the description for the command when using the /help function should be modified / corrected. Or, the command should just be taken out since you should know which toon you are playing on.
  23. ^ This. They've completely wrecked the CSG. That NFAS True Ogre is a beast, tho. When I hear that thing winding up, I'm all "ruh, roh, scooby!"
  24. The "/who" command is not working as it should. It is supposed to populate a list of who is on the server you are currently playing (as per its description when you use the "/help" command) , but it is only showing my own name when used. If this is what it is supposed to do now, maybe change the command to "/whoami"
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