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Everything posted by LewdLemming

  1. Nearly only counts in horseshoes and grenades. Since I'm old and forgetful, is there an easy / quick way for me to see what my or an opponent's threat level 1 - 10 rank is?
  2. ^ This. I'm silver threat level and have been getting missions where it is silvers against golds, with no option to call backup. Once in a while, a team will get "lucky" and get a gold backup, but then I have had backup bail on the mission numerous times.
  3. Nice to know that the game won't "count" it. I've had missions where I've called for backup, and when the timer was low, I cancelled the backup request only to have the game still pull someone in, who promptly got a loss. I suspect the game had already started the "pulling in" bit when I cancelled the request. Still sucks for the person coming in, only to insta-lose. This and getting called in to a mission and you are 1000m away from the objective. Ugh.
  4. Agree with Talla and CookiePuss, this is not an exploit. It most definitely is an annoying mechanic / tactic that is completely unfair to newer players who aren't leveled enough to have car surfer mod, or the weapons meant for shredding vehicles. I seem to recall a weapon back in the day that was like a mini alig/shaw, but was able to be used while leaning out of a vehicle window. One possible fix for this would be to make all capture and hold objectives (that are not area-based) a large item, like a barrel or crate. That way they won't fit in to a vegas, unless it is equipped with a cargo size increase mod (and even then, will it fit? not sure, haven't tried it personally), and realistically how many players dump a cargo increase mod in to a vegas? From what I've noticed, most of the time it is a car spawn or ammo mod added. Of course, this still allows for the vegas boosting another vehicle tactic. Equally annoying.
  5. A lot of players don't use the forums, and only start using it when there is an issue, so banning anyone with less than 20 posts from starting a thread would negate the purpose of them coming to the forums and would send another message saying "you are not welcome in our community". With the population as low as it is already in-game, we don't need another reason to lose players. Speaking from my own experience ... back around 2011-2013 I had an account on the forums but I stopped playing the game and hence stopped frequenting the forums. Then when I started playing again earlier this month, I tried to re-log in to the forums, only to find I can't use my old forums account (which has a fair number of posts / threads) so had to use this new one. I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing this. All that being said, IMO anything we can do to help keep and increase population in this game is of more importance than the number of posts people have on their forum accounts.
  6. Ugh. This is what happens when you don't play for 6 years ... you forget important things like the link between nades and flak jacket. Thank you for the answer. Was super frustrating. Lewd
  7. They had this years ago (pretty sure it was apb reloaded, anyways...) and it was abused horribly. Lowest threat / ranked in the team inevitably got vote-kicked out of the team. Not because of skill, but just because they were a lower threat / rank. This and when the team leader had the option / ability to kick players. I had this happen numerous times when I was using one of my new(er) toons. I had multiple toons back when the servers were split between Colby, Joker NA East, etc. Lag and server population were issues, so my buddy and I created new toons on Colby. Then, when we start playing the game again (this month), we find out lots has changed, including merging and renaming of the servers and now we have multiple toons on one server. What LO should do is re-enable the option to leave a mission and / or team. If they ensure that there is no dethreat, or rank loss when doing this, it should help (a bit) with the dethreaters.
  8. LewdLemming

    Star LCR

    Hunh. Didn't realize that the LCR had been retired and that other weapons had been retired. The stuff you miss when you come back to a game after 6 years. Lol. Why would you do that?! Bring em back! I love my LCR. That gun is a beast. I suppose I should be thankful they didn't block the retired weapons from being usable in-game ...
  9. LewdLemming

    Mute themes

    This would be VERY nice to have. I use a good headset to play and when the shrill kill themes play it physically hurts. Back around 2011-2013 when I first started playing, and before I quit the game (lag being the main reason) there was a workaround for this issue. You used to be able to delete (or just rename) one of the audio folders and you wouldn't hear the kill themes any more. Unfortunately, I can't remember which folder it was. And Googlerizing the issue hasn't helped me find the correct folder. I deleted a couple of audio folders in my apb folder, but when there is a patch it just re-downloads the files. This never occurred back in 2011-2013 as there were numerous patches, but the audio folder I had renamed was never re-downloaded. All that to say, I'm with the OP on this ... please add a "mute themes" audio option.
  10. Today while trying to search for any posts on a grenade bug I am experiencing, I was running a search and after each unsuccessful search result, was refining my search parameters. After I think 3 search parameter refinements, I got a message telling me to wait 22 seconds before running another search. Sometimes you need to run numerous searches as you refine your search parameter to get results. Thanks, Lewd
  11. The other day, I was at my buddy's place playing APB and noticed that my character loadout was only allowing 1 grenade to be loaded and / or reloaded for any grenade type. Normally, it is 2 but for whatever reason, I am only able to load and reload 1 grenade now. My buddy is able to have 2 grenades, but I'm only able to load and reload 1 grenade. As I thought it just may be a one-time glitch, I relogged on when I returned home, and am still only able to load and reload 1 grenade instead of the normal 2. Anybody else experiencing this and / or has a fix? Thanks, Lewd
  12. I had the same problem and Googlerized it to see if there were any workarounds / solutions ... and there is. Check out this explanation vid. The important stuff starts at around 50 seconds in. I was able to purchase G1C with my Steam Wallet this way. Hope this helps and you end up being able to purchase G1C using your SteamWallet! Lewd
  13. They tried increasing the server cap years ago, (back around 2011-2013) and had to drop it back down to 40 as it caused massive lag issues. As in worse than everyone was already experiencing. The lag issues back then were one of the big reasons I stopped playing the game back then. I've only just started playing again with a buddy, and thankfully the lag isn't too much of an issue any more. The matchmaking is still horrid, but I understand the low population is part of why it is so messed up. My buddy and I (2 high level silvers) were matched up against a Trainee last night. We whispered him to try to get him to call backup, but we don't think he could figure it out. We were on a Bronze (Financial) server because it was the only one that had any population. Seems Waterfront is almost always empty now.
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