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Everything posted by IAmDisappointSon

  1. idk how a hand held blow torch is supposed to be faster than repairing at a gas station. If you try to explain it, the gas station would have tools and all that, but a player would just have a single blowtorch. Blow Torch Vs. Mechanic tools and imaginary gas station crew gas station mechanics should win The blow torch should be nerfed to be 3/4s of the gas station's speed, or half of the gas station's. Both nerfs including the pause after receiving damage to the vehicle
  2. I hear they're hiring at TastyBurger, too hot to touch right now.
  3. calm the heck down, there's no need to get triggered over a reply. You're point about "there's people with 1080ti's who have problems with other games" is completely valid, but shouldn't apply to you. The reason why is because older games are usually not exactly optimized for newer cards. Your card is old just like mine. I'm not in some kind of mindset you, I'm speaking from experience because I've seen what kind of performance your card gets since a friend of mine owned one, and it's faster than mine. if you missed it I said "unless there's some other factor affecting it which you don't know about, I think you're lying" which heavily implies that I have some doubt about my claim and that I'm open to the possibility that you actually are getting shit performance on vanilla. Enough with the condescending reply to my reply. If that's your first response to some random guy online, you need to get your shit together and attack the argument, not the person. Also what kind of insult is "fuzzy bunny"?
  4. It may be an 8 year old game from 2010, but to most people's surprise in 2010 the graphics and artstyle were pretty nice, but G1 mucked it up over the years. More importantly I think you're lying about getting 20-22 fps while on vanilla low. My system is running a GTX 760 and an I5-4440 with 8 GB of RAM and I can run the game in a 70-90 fps range on vanilla maximum settings. Your GTX 670 should be better than my card. I know this because a friend of mine has a 670 and he gets better frame rate in games than I do. Also the same can be said for you cpu which should also be better than mine. We both have the same amount of ram too, so unless there's some other factor affecting it which you don't know about, I think you're lying.
  5. Ntec is fine. Yukon and medusa are completely broken. - Yukon is pocket shaw and obir all in one with easy recoil to control. TTK with full auto mode is literally the speed of light. - Medusa's bullshoot recoil stabilizer mod gives it perfectly still laser accuracy, especially when crouched. It also weighs very little and you can run pretty fast despite it being an LMG.
  6. When a less than lethal weapon kills you it isn't a bug. If your health is low and you get shot by a taser dart you will likely die. Before people go "WHY IS IT CALLED LESS THAN LETHAL IF IT CAN KILL YOU?", the LTL guns will not kill you UNLESS you've been shot a few times by a real gun, or have lost a bit of health some other way. Also if you read the description for the NL9 it states that the weapon had been shelved in the past for accidental deaths or something relating to being able to kill people.
  7. Hatake Kakashi - ANBU Black Ops uniform(minus the mask because I don't have it unlocked lol)
  8. If i remember correctly RTW used to show weapons mods in the sense that a barrel modification would change the muzzle flash to a blueish whitish color. Correct me if I'm wrong
  9. IAmDisappointSon

    Neon lights

    I want this. I also want them to fix blob shadows on cars cause they don't exist anymore. wait actually the neon lights could be a blob shadow re-texture to include an emissive light effect for underglow
  10. Fun fact. The Pioneer used to be lifted like this truck and used to have killer acceleration until G1 fucked with all the cars and make everything shit.
  11. No, you can see through smoke with the "borderlands" shaders so it's basically cheating
  12. I’m actually curious if they gave the calibria kits, but didnt make some upgraded calibria. Would people drive this slow patootie car with kits?
  13. The cisco is paperweight yes, but it also has very poor grip despite have the widest fucking wheels of any car in the game??? the vegas has abysmal acceleration. The first gear has zero acceleration and no power, then every gear after that it has insane power. Please fix. The pioneer doesnt have suspension if i remember correctly the coywolf can drive fullspeed with capture items the bishada is alright, except it’s first gear is severely lacking just like in the vegas the jericho has identical acceleration to the bishada, but the jericho has abysmal suspension that is way to soft. It causes over steer a lot of times another vehicle that annoys me is the armored truck/bank truck. It has no suspension travel so it can’t absorb force from bumps, and on top of that the axel alignment is fucked so the truck is tilted which causes it to constantly turn to one side when driving. Basically the vehicles were pretty good before G1 changed them
  14. That's a very good way of showing it, but I believe that in addition to the fact that the color grading ruined it all, there's also the iris effect they've added. I've been doing some digging and I couldn't find any instance where RTW had an iris effect. This allowed the old version of the game to have consistent color and light levels. The Iris effect APB has right now seems to amplify the effect of the color grading. For example you mentioned the color grading made the sky look "blown out". This is amplified to an extreme by the iris effect, as when you look at a dark spot in the game the sky becomes completely cyan and concrete on the ground becomes yellow. When looking into the sky, which should be the brightest part of the game, the screen darkens and all the cyan goes away leaving the actual color of the sky and clouds. On top of that I believe game assets have been messed with heavily. In your screenshots the clouds are clearly visible, but are mostly white and lack shading that used to be present in RTW. The tampering with the clouds is supported by the fact that when G1 initially obtained APB, they did something which basically removed clouds from the sky entirely, then they added them back in a way where they looked like patootie. Your screenshots really helped with understanding this. Also correct me if any of what I said was wrong. I'm pretty shit at explaining things, so bear with me. The main cause isn't just color grading, but is a combination of poor contrast, and fog being too dense. The images of Dopefish's shader edits appear to either have fog disabled, or fog heavily reduced. As a result the clouds are much more visible, but they are still blown out(meaning parts of the clouds are so bright they clip to white). This is because of the contrast being way too high. The bloom option in APB has been set by G1/RP to heavily increase contrast instead of actually applying a proper bloom effect(the glow of lights). I don't know why they did this. My proof for the fog being too dense is this video I made a while back. During mid-night in APB, when the fog is the most dense(basically black and reduces your view distance to like 50 meters) me and a few players decided to use a garbage truck to launch our cars up into the sky. As shown in the video below, the clouds are barely visible if not visible at all when in the fog, but as my van launches up into the air out of the fog, you see that the clouds are there and clearly visible. Bear with the shitty music I'm too lazy to provide proof during mid-day or sunset, but if you want you can log in and take a look. During mid-day there is a dense cyan fog, and then during sunset there is a dense red fog. RTW versions had fog too, but their fog was clear somehow.
  15. with grown patootie men using voice changers to raise the pitch of their voice. ew Aside from the cloud shadows being removed it seems like the clouds themselves have been almost entirely removed by G1.
  16. The picture in your post is still wrong. That’s a picture of RTW promo material. The actual game looked a lot different and cleaner than the promo. posting from my phone, so when i can i will post an actual RTW picture later.
  17. This is my character Some of you will understand why I want to make one of his eyes iris red, and the other dark grey.
  18. I want to see the menu say "APB:All Points Bulletin". fuck Reloaded
  19. This needs to make a comeback. They need to fix and restore all the original audio effects and old sound design. Except for the old gunsounds(not talking about the echo system) which were weird.
  20. That's the console version. That one doesn't give an accurate depiction because the console version is heavily downgraded due to the fact that the console can barely run the game.
  21. APB RTW had perfect color balance and didn't overdo any colors. there was no filtered blue look, or pink, or any of those Instagram filter things. The engine upgrade has similar colors to that of RTW, except a much warmer tropical color pallet which I personally like. The only problem is the oversaturation which is not present in RTW. The engine upgrade has some oversaturation in the sense that when the iris system adjusts the brightness some parts get too bright and you lose detail. Like if I had a light colored brick wall, it would become bright like a solid color when the iris effect brightened the screen, thus losing detail. Another example is how the clouds are mostly a solid white color. The assets for the cloud actually have various shades and look really detailed, but G1's oversaturation makes the clouds solid white so you lose lots of detail. This issue, at least from my knowledge, was not present in RTW at all if not in some small way. I'm also starting to think the oversaturation is caused by the iris effect due to the fact that it brightens the screen by a large amount. I believe from leaked footage the engine upgrade has a video option to disable the iris effect, so the engine upgrade pretty much has a video option to solve the problem.
  22. The screenshot on the bottom is not RTW. It's actually what G1 made APB look like when they first acquired the game.
  23. My monitor's cable is damaged and everything is blue. When I get a new cable I will edit the original post and add in screenshots to compare. Sorry for not initially having that.
  24. This kind of camera tilt genuinely looks cool. If you look at Forza Motorsport 6 Forza Motorsport 7 they've added a subtle similar camera tilt in that game. Now of course that's a completely different genre of game, but APB had this feature orginally and it was stuck on which bothered some people. So just add it back as an optional feature and it's a win-win for both sides. Something like this would take minimum resources to add back in.
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