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Everything posted by Kast2

  1. Welcome to the Russians! It may sound bad...but we're talking about 1/10th of the English players so it shouldn't be a problem. At least let's look at the positive side...Citadel is fuller and they don't have to pay for another server.
  2. If I am not mistaken is planning to put them back once they are updated, possible maybe after the engine 3.5.
  3. By entering the game you have accepted terms of conditions where griefing and cheating are punishable. And now you're complaining about these? Wow.
  4. Wow, sorry. Try contacting support and seeing what they say.
  5. Ancora? Ed io che pensavo bastassero i topic di @SHARONY Senti, mi fa piacere che gente nuova entra in APB. Però evitiamo di lamentarci di una tecnica di gioco che esiste fin dalla creazione del gioco. Se vuoi fare soldi facili, veloci ed allo stesso tempo allenarti. Vai nel Fight Club.
  6. Si vede che sei nuova. Allora sappi che è da ANNI che APB ogni mercoledì fa una manutenzione di qualche ora. Abituaci.
  7. So, 3 to 3.5 yeah, it's a porting. While from 3.5 to 4 it is a question of rewriting the entire game. If I have to make an estimate, it is likely at least 2 years of work for UE4. The 3.5 was so delayed because of G1. Version 3.5 if there had been LO by 2016, would have been online by 2018.
  8. I confirm, according to the forum with Chrome goes very slow. Maybe I need a titan xp ?
  9. Uh...not really. If I'm not mistaken, it was said that with the changeover at 3.5, going to 4 would have been easier. Maybe I'm wrong... It depends, if with the arrival of the 3.5 the game resumes, maybe it makes it.
  10. I never understood G1's move to bring APB to consoles. Probably as others say, it was a matter of "staying alive", very sad as a thing. And now LO gets his hands in the shit. You can only hope for a mega relaunch, but I doubt it very much.
  11. Kast2

    Game randomly crashes

    Have you tried doing a game repair? If so then it could be a new problem as that happened two updates ago, so you should wait for an emergency patch.
  12. It doesn't work the same, it's just an APB problem related to the new memory.
  13. 99% dei bambini che giocano sono cheater? Ho più di 1000+ ore di gioco e se faccio una stima esatta ne avrò incontrati un totale di 30/40 tutti nel periodo G1 (2013-2017). Per il periodo LO 0, quindi non so xD 1. I Cops possono fare quel cazzo che gli pare, vogliono romperti le palle nelle tue rapine? Possono farlo. 2. Solo tu li trovi (magari sei te che sei scarso? ). 3. LO ha altre priorità. 4. Inserire un'altra modalità per meno di 1000 giocatori? È già bastato l'inutile RIOT. Se le missioni non partono, allora stai su un server poco popolato. 5. La lingua Italiana è stata rimossa perchè non era aggiornata, e come ho già detto attualmente hanno priorità. 5.1 Nekrova è stata trasferita su Citadel perchè tanto non aveva più di 40 giocatori.
  14. If really the blood or the flash of the weapons makes you dropping frames, then you really have a PC potato, not even with my 780ti at the time did these things
  15. No, only those in rank 0-99 could access all servers.
  16. I have just noticed that it is literally not possible to play the Fight Club mode, the error "Ran out of memory" is caused when a player has to choose the spawn point, and being a 20v20 mode in a small map you die constantly, making the mode unplayable. I sincerely hope that it will be resolved as soon as possible, because it takes a few seconds to uninstall the game and leave it to die.
  17. We'll have to wait for the engine 3.5, then I'll want to see the people who currently play these types of settings
  18. Il threat a meno che non sei un totale idiota, non lo perdi.
  19. The APB/Easy-Anticheat process remains open in the background, close it with task manager.
  20. It's a problem with the new GDDR6 memory, I don't think they'll make a fix given the imminent arrival of the new engine...
  21. That it is random I noticed it too, I happen to do sessions from 4 hours and crash once, while last night for 2 hours of play I crashed 4 times. The thing starts to get unbearable. People with little patience would have abandoned the game by now.
  22. I've always said that servers shouldn't be based on gold, silver, bronze, ... but on the rank that one in play has. Example: Rank 0-99 Rank 100-199 Rank 200-Max
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