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Everything posted by TackoGirl

  1. i'm sorry but i'm not satisfied with this post becouse my friends have no problems, that makes no sense if there are ddos attacks. thats why i make the post.
  2. @MattScott I want to ask you what you did with the servers since apb heard you. i'm sure not all have the problem and I hope I don't get hated just because I complain. my ping is great and then it beat from 23 ms to 54 ms in one sec, after this lagg my monitor get a freeze for one sec. I want to play Apb so much but I am so disadvantaged that I have no chance to play a real 1vs1 without laggs and freezes. before you bought apb i bought a new graphic card (msi gtx 1080) unfortunately it doesn't bring me anything becouse all what i need is a stable server. the only way is to play on a server with 9 enf and 8 crimes and on this server i get the most time silver enemies and this is lame. i want a E sport ready fight you know ? there are still ddos attacks? or what the hell i going on, maybe it's my country :'D ? The only what i want is PLAY APB but not with this laggy special feature! i don't always want to have to switch to another game when i want to play apb. Bzw: i close all on my taskmanager, i dont play apb with steam, i add the advanced launcher because I thought it was fps drops but Nothing change this lagggggs. i thought before i write another support ticket and clog everything up, i better clog the forum and maybe someone can help here.
  3. use the Advanced launcher its safer to edit your conifg.
  4. nobody can enjoying apb becouse the server are damn laggy. stupid ddos stuff its frustrating.
  5. I hope Lo fix the server before the E-upgrade comes !
  6. this servers works realy bad today :'D and its fckt up if you play in a good mission and then the server chrash and all people kicked out.
  7. We Need better Servers! Every Mission im so damn Mad if i die and ask me why are you even playing it?
  8. Dann wird wohl das WoW abo um ein halbes Jahr verlängert ohne irgendwas neues pack ich kein APB. Es ist halt jedesmal das selbe man ist 255R hat ein Haufen Chars hochgespielt und denkt sich heute mal ganz Chillig zocken man nimmt irgendeine spaßige Waffe die man sonst nie spielt, möchte aber auch Gewinnen, ist ja LOGO. Dann spielt man eine Mission und merkt wie gut der Feind ist, wechselt zur N-TEC und schon ist die Mission gewonnen.
  9. Also ohne jetzt rumzuheulen aber ich finde das spiel ist immernoch genauso langweilig wie davor, deswegen warte ich und spiele weiter Wow bist mal ein Content Patch kommt. Aber man muss sagen die Bevölkerung ist schon schön anzusehen. Neue Armas Gegenstände würden mich auch zurück kommen lassen.
  10. Only for the fix with this battle eye message: 19:22:16: Starting BattlEye Service... 19:22:19: Launching game... 19:22:27: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game. 19:22:27: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.ServiceModel\5a1769d2ac74672a420d78b4320842a9\System.ServiceModel.ni.dll". 19:22:28: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Servd1dec626#\39c8c91cda7cb891f28cd1ed8dd9cb15\System.ServiceModel.Internals.ni.dll". 19:22:28: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Configuration\45be38b7aa257c1b1ad2a9acd527587e\System.Configuration.ni.dll". 19:22:28: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Transactions\bd4b2de6929bb1d925aa160fcf0c2dab\System.Transactions.ni.dll". 19:22:29: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\WindowsBase\05d64f6a4d84aa44761a40038924cd09\WindowsBase.ni.dll". 19:22:29: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.IdentityModel\3de1caf1736afc941b87aef6e2653833\System.IdentityModel.ni.dll". 19:22:29: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Net.Http\33f72ff7095065885f7d2e3708da88a6\System.Net.Http.ni.dll". 19:22:31: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Drawing\fa546047328c4bd2b920f430344f7471\System.Drawing.ni.dll". 19:22:31: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\AlienFX.DeviceDiscovery\v4.0_4.0.49.0__bebb3c8816410241\AlienFX.DeviceDiscovery.dll". Delete the Red Marked File, after you delete this file, the game start. (the other files in the message you can ignore.)
  11. /t Delete --> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Alienlabs.CommandCenter.Tools\v4.0_4.0.49.0__bebb3c8816410241\Alienlabs.CommandCenter.Tools.dll
  12. i dont understand how i fix the Battle eye blocked thing, i cant play apb becouse this shit. need support for my language.
  13. Agrotech DMR is a good Allrounder you can destroy Cars and you shot of an Enemy at 88Meters you make 2 hit and he is dead. For Enforcer is this Gun with the N-ISSR the only Stun Snipers ingame.
  14. Little Orbit should allow us to make our own Crosshairs with a Point in the middle or without. I have a Monitor where i can set a crosshair overlay and battle eye cant see it. so everybody who has a 700 $ Asus Screen he can set a selfmade Crosshair. thats a big Grey zone !
  15. i Know that not everyone have this prob. but it is every time i play that game. every time my mousespeed change after i die or i go in my inventory or switch to my desktop, this is realy irritating and i cant fix it. i change my config with this Mousefix thing but nothing change. has anyone an fix for this ? (except with the config) need help !
  16. the new player can use the mods with the jockertickets but yea its to hard for new players to play against Veterans.
  17. i find the new g1 upgrade better but i want that nice guns sounds from RTW back! and the blue gunfire!
  18. you buy a hack for 10$ and Cheating the hell out of your butt and after you get banned you say: " I am so sorry, i cheating becouse apb is so dead and only cheating players are online, i want to play like the good players" and then you get your account back, so that is the way to play like the Best. Little tip: to become your account back after you get banned text the Support, it's best to add a screenshot with your friends in the old times from Apb. works only with new publisher LittleOrbit
  19. will there be new hairstyles in the near future or upgrading the old one ?
  20. please make a Official Mouse Fix Patch, i dont want to get banned for this. i have everytime problems with my mousespeed / feeling.
  21. new menu design sounds good
  22. Gun: Primary: N-TEC 5 Dvah Stock , becouse slight recoil, good to hanldle, good DMG, good range. Secondary: Obeya FBW , becouse "no" recoil, very easy to handle, sufficient DMG, sufficient range. Grenade: Frag Grenade , becouse i do more kills with Frag as with Precussion Grenades. Vehicles: Han , becouse this Car is very agile and fast enough to keep up. Vegas, becouse pretty strong in a crash and does not break so fast, one of the fastest cars.
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