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Please move it to


Australia or singapore

Edited by Deadliest
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Yeah which will make it even worse. Put it back where it was before it turned to sh1t. Singapore was a happy medium. I had 90ms. Was ok. Now its 160. The pop will return if we can get some aussie players back in with the lower ms. Jericho is like 220 to 260 ms. No thanks.

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Singapore is the most logical choice (server merge makes no sense It's An asian/australian server not north america stop spreading miss information)


In sydeny the player count dropped But i got 29 ms.


In Singapore Han hit it's highest player count in years (a actual full mission district)


I vote Singapore. 

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18 minutes ago, Zolerox said:

Singapore is the most logical choice (server merge makes no sense It's An asian/australian server not north america stop spreading miss information)


In sydeny the player count dropped But i got 29 ms.


In Singapore Han hit it's highest player count in years (a actual full mission district)


I vote Singapore. 

Why..? The remaining population of the server is either Australian, New Zealanders with the minority being South East Asian. Besides are the South East players getting such a raw deal having to play on a server in Japan..? If what you're saying is actually true and it actually isn't wouldn't the South East Asian players of stayed because as I said they wouldn't be getting a bad experience right now. As I recall the server slowly started to die once they had decided to move it from Australia to Singapore because everyone got pissed off with the decision that G1 had decided on. I also recall the submarine cable being damaged between Singapore and Australia at that time which further caused huge instability with latency for Australian players. 


The submarine cable being damaged is actually a pretty common occurrence these days, it happens at least once a year and that can last up to 2 months, if the break is bad enough. That's just one of the very few issues with placing a submarine cable in a high traffic area where there are a tonne of fishing boats. 




This was just last year. ^ 


And this is this year 



Edited by AgentWatson
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It's about meeting the players halfway Singapore had the most players for as long as i've been in han Sydney had less (but i got 26 ms)

And The worst i've seen it is in Tokyo.

Edited by Zolerox
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what the hell is han

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yes because australia would make it shitty for avery nonn australian,


if you live in a clustered part of the world, you never gonna have proper connenction. not enouhg people to connect them proftable.

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12 hours ago, Zolerox said:

 (server merge makes no sense It's An asian/australian server not north america stop spreading miss information)

Leme just leave this here...


Q:  In the distant future will character server transfers be possible?
A: Let’s give some context, character server transfers are problematic. They are problematic from a technology standpoint, what happens that I’ve seen when you transfer a character from server to server, is because the characters are so heavily customised there’s loads of opportunity for things to go wonky. For the character to literally come over looking different or some of the customization or some of the symbols be missing. It is a very very nuanced process so it’s not something we typically can just open up. Not yet. We’re going to work on that system. I’m a big believer in allowing as many people in the community to play together.I think that right now the community is very fragmented and certainly with respect to Han, that is a low population world server. We are absolutely looking at trying to help them, if only for the moment. I think Gamersfirst needs to take the bullet on mishandeling where those servers went and slowly killing that population. In the near future, now it’s not going to be the next thirty days, but hopefully in the near future we’re going to give all of the Han players the ability to migrate to Jericho and play with other players. The russian server is a bit of a challenge because there’s some unique things those players have so we have to balance that but I would love to see in the future an open sort of character transfer system, that maybe you can’t use it all the time or it has limits around it. But I would love to see players be able to congregate and have a great experience. It cannot be any fun playing on Han right now, where you’re playing the same 25, 26 people over and over and over. 

Edited by ItzKeppe
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9 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

what the hell is han

Dont know but I seen 5 enfos and 5 crims as the active player base a few hours ago. Sounds like a private server.

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15 minutes ago, ItzKeppe said:


Yes we're aware and if you've seen replies within previous threads on this issue including this one. We're trying to make the case that isn't the correct procedure to take. Giving people the option to migrate to Jericho is a nice gesture. It however doesn't help with the underlying issue, that and a lot of the people on Han already have seperate accounts on Jericho anyway. 


The reason people on Han may choose to stay on Han are purely for network based reasons and Jericho cannot accommodate that niche for SEA and ANZ players. 

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4 minutes ago, AgentWatson said:

Yes we're aware and if you've seen replies within previous threads on this issue including this one. We're trying to make the case that isn't the correct procedure to take. Giving people the option to migrate to Jericho is a nice gesture. It however doesn't help with the underlying issue, that and a lot of the people on Han already have seperate accounts on Jericho anyway. 


The reason people on Han may choose to stay on Han are purely for network based reasons and Jericho cannot accommodate that niche for SEA and ANZ players. 

I myself growing up with crappy internet over the years have grown use to terrible ping so i'm used to it but I can totally see where your coming from and other people hating 100-200+ms dont get me wrong I completely understand, But I would much rather have my crim migrated off of HAN and put onto Jericho because I have friends who are on Jericho and from having to make a Jericho char to continue playing I've met some pretty cool people also. It would be nice if they got the player base back in HAN and moved the server to fix peoples ping issues don't get me wrong i'm completely for that, But it would also be nice if they gave us the choice to stay or leave tho. Because I would much rather be in Jericho to be honest

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SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!! 😞 i used to have 150ms now its 400+ .....Move it back to singapore ;-;

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What game are you guys talking about ?

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2 hours ago, Ketog said:

What game are you guys talking about ?


ok mr egghead

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Well probably Han would be merged with NA but if they could increase theyre current player base, it may be moved.


More emphassis on the 'If' part

Edited by MoeEveryWeek

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18 minutes ago, MoeEveryWeek said:

Well probably Han would be merged with NA but if they could increase theyre current player base, it may be moved.


More emphassis on the 'If' part

that takes time, put it in Sydney server let it die there when the merge comes

Edited by Deadliest

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