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I've played a lot of APB and I am friends with a lot of people who have played a lot of APB. Many of whom have quit the game. some of their reasons are big and hard to fix but some are smaller and not at all too much to ask for. -It takes too long to level. (I don't think this would be too hard to change. Just increase how much XP we get as mission rewards. The game has drastically less players than back in the day, so missions are farther inbetween and leveling takes longer. when I hit max rank in like 2015 I was at about 800 hours on 1 character. Which is entirely too much and most people don't ever put that much time into ANY game. let alone a single character.) not even max -Not having a contact in a specific district (Though I am aware this one will be disputed because it would make it so 1 map is obsolete most the time, I do feel there is people out there who may have quit because they got tired of that endless wait for financial east to populate. This change would help with my first point as well. That 800 hours of leveling was when i had option of playing waterfront or financial at like all times of the day.) -Buffing bad guns, leaving "good" guns alone (An issue I and others I have spoken to are having is that we have played this game for so long that we have played the same guns over and over. This is largely due to the fact there is some guns that are just not viable and its not due to the fact that NTEC is just drastically better, because it isn't. Its due to the fact that a handful of guns have been nerfed and buff so many time while the others remain the same and left in the dust. I feel that buffing these less used guns would add some spice to the lives of the remaining playerbase.) NO point in even taking them out -Arma/ingame rewards for forum activity and testing activity (Over the years we've seen many changes to the game and most of those changes were not at all what the community/game wanted or needed. I've thought about it for a long time and even spoken to others and we feel it is due to the fact that only a very small fraction of the community actually comes on the forums and responds to suggestions and questions (some of the people who respond DONT EVEN PLAY the game anymore and just enjoy posting on the forum because they have friends and such.) In OSRS they have polls, which is an ingame way of voting on changes the devs are going to make. Another idea would be maybe giving clothing/currency/cars/guns/JT/titles for those who vote.) -Slotted secondary weapons (Another one that people might not agree with, BUT I do feel it would add some spice to the gameplay.) -Reward and promote content creators/streamers (The APB community has some very creative and cool people in it (also some horrible ones) and they all stream and create videos. They upload these videos and those videos get more views than the game has active players. This is FREE ADVERTISING. Utilize them, embrace this and do what rust did. Rust and other games literally have stuff in their games named/designed around their content creators. I recently played a game and they literally promote their streamers ingame on the menu screen(I'm aware something like that would need engine upgrade) but its still an idea.) -The tutorial still sucks (The tutorial teaches people the basics(kinda) but it just throws them in and doesn't help them with things like what mods are best for a gun/character/car. I've seen people with high-mag scope on an OCA and think its their fault they're not killing their enemy who "has the same gun" as them. Also give more rewards from the tutorial, these people need like 100k by the time they're done with the tutorial. The tutorial give like 1k which gets you like 1 shirt and a haircut.) -Reducing civilians and civilian vehicles (The game and server don't run very well sometimes, The reducing of how many civ cars and civilians on the map will allow the server to put those resources else where.) -Parked civ cars ( Making it so some of the civ cars are parked and not moving would also help with server performance.) -Quality of Life shaders/config features (Currently a big debate is configs and if or if not they're unfair, I am personally in the mindset they are not. But, many do not agree, which puts them and new players at a disadvantage, either because they do not know how to put it in, fear being banned (because of the next person ->) or they have these principles where they refuse to do anything that isn't clearly allowed. I feel like adding some of these things into the game itself would help.) -Embracing and rewarding player made guides (There is some good AND in depth guides made by players. Put them ingame) These are just some things that could help. Anyone who has any ideas they would like me to to add to this post, please comment them or dm me on something and I'll add them @MattScott The game is dying but not dead, people come back all the time. Make it easier for us to progress and play.
Hi, I was thinking, if we could ever see an option to invite a player to a duel or a mission (both opposite and your faction)... 'Cause many times I've encountered this problem when I wanted to do a match against my friend (mission or some kind of a duel). Sure I can invite him into a group and we can fight against each other, but we can kill a team member only 5 times before getting kicked. This also happens when I meet a player from the opposite faction in a mission district and I want to do a match against him only (or with my group only against his group). Is it possible to have an additional option in ">" (while aiming at the player): challenge to a mission or smthn. like that ? Well crime witness is not really a full mission, that changes stages. And then there are some players that don't have opposite faction characters, or if they do, they don't have all their gear there. + If you are playing against 1 group in a mission district and you just want a rematch or smthn. against that same group or player, you want to do it there and now (you don't want to be loading and changing districts, especially when all districts are full or empty) But it could be rewardless. Without getting Killstreak, Blitzkrieg medals etc. And it could (or couldn't) give money (since the money reward from missions isn't high, and Fightclub rewards are better).
Lets get something straight first. this is not to "bash" the APB team. i have supported APB from day dot. but there's is some distaste creeping into the hardcore community,. 1. Will APB investors, ( players still purchasing premium, putting money into the game ) be "entitled" / "compensated" for the down time, ??? [ and please do not just "blanket grant" every global player with a generic premium code,, because those that actually purchase it are just mugged off for purchasing it ] Surely you must be able to see who is/has currently purchased premium prior to and over the down time , either role back the premium clock, or award codes to account emails / armas reward lockers 2. the recent* (or not recent) announcement of Riot Season passes is.. well.. disrespectful . Understandably money is always an issue. but really.. at least use a filtered player/account search for the following., 1. active accounts being played in the past 4 years + old , on a weekly basis. = yes (4 years = dedication. the game is what 8 to 9 years old. some of us have, although real life takes priority, have been on since day dot.) 2. of those accounts have purchased premium of "X" more days in the recent year . = yes ( with in the year shows the players are still investing ) 3. Any prior bans on record (that have not been over turned) = no ( hard core fair players do not use hacks , and if wrongly accused, have been reviewed, those with prior bans should not be rewarded, tricky, although we all know Little Orbit knows who is who. ) = Award with 3 or 6 month Riot Season pass for being a continued investor/player ( this then not only allows those that are continued players and content creators supporting the game, but also helps populate and "hype" the game mode ) more importantly shows a big THANK those that have invested into the game. regardless of the Little Orbit purchase as the players can not be punished for "gamersfirst" past and demise. Reads back like a rant, it is not. just some ideas and an opinion. All the Best everyone D
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Summary: We don't get Joker Tickets for completing the Goals in Fightclub. Description: Last week it started that we didn't get our Joker Tickets for completing the Goals. This week we have the same problem again. Steps to Reproduce: Join Fightclub (Baylan or Abington) Complete one (or more) Goal(s) How many times have you recreated this bug: 3/3 Results: You don't get your Joker Tickets. Expected Results: You should get 50JT for the first goal, 150JT for the second goal and another 200JT for the 3rd goal at end of the week.