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Found 234 results

  1. Я эмигрировал своих персонажей из давно потерянного счета в этот, но мои персонажи не на счету.
  2. Hello! I am the owner of the character RikaMo and TJBella, I created the characters for a long time and played a lot when there was an opportunity, but after changing the manual I can’t restore my account because I no longer have access to the old email, please help restore access, I already wrote and sent screenshots characters in the mail support but no response yet,please help solve the problem, this is my favorite game, sorry for my google translator!
  3. Hi, I guess these problems are no secrets, but... if possible, it'd be nice to have them fixed (in the new engine probably?). I am writing about the tendency some NPCs have to walk inside walls, floors, rocks, etc. More annoying is when, unbeknownst to us, NPCs literally spawn out there and swarm at us. These problems are especially irritating in the Underworks near New Flagstaff (sewers area). These rats keep popping-up from the ground, making it difficult to accomplish any quest down there. Also, I don't know if it is just with me but the respawn time of the rats seems to be very short too. Or was it made like so 'by design'?
  4. There's a new restriction apparently (as the title says) when trying to email an attachment in-game. But how exactly does this HELP protect my account? I don't see how this protects people's accounts in particular. Is any login info/passwords or other personal info compromised when emailing an attachment in-game? Didn't think so. I find it quite annoying that i can't use my own computers (i have two), and be able to play the game without silly restrictions.
  5. On my Gamer's First profile, I've been given a random string of numbers/letters as a username and some gigantic password that is not the password I typed in. And when I tried to edit the password, it told me I couldn't use the same password as my old one. Huh? But the length of the password displayed on my profile is obviously much longer than the password I typed in myself when I was initially giving my email. I can't copy and paste these random username and passwords into the launcher - and I'm not seeing anywhere where I can edit and change them to something I actually know. A quick google search of this problem suggested there might be maintenance going on - but looking at the website, the servers are currently online. Pretty frustrating.
  6. haha jk it was just a prank =P (delete post i cant)
  7. Hi, this is gonna be just a short suggestion topic. I'd like to suggest making the in-game currencies such as normal $ cash and Joker Tickets account-wide, meaning the money and tickets you earn with each character will accumulate to one sum which is account-wide and parallel between your characters. This is the system implemented on a lot of other online games (such as Guild Wars 2, for example) and is extremely comfortable to work with. Even in APB, the G1C currency is account-wide. And since the trading-system update, it is possible to transfer cash between characters of the same account using a third-party (tested!). Basically, this means that cash is transferrable between characters of the same account already, but requires unnecessary extra steps. So, I'd like to know, do you like the idea? For players: do you wish for this to be implemented? For devs: will you consider implementing such a thing? Thanks.
  8. I have been locked out of my account for 5 hours now, I have restarted game, restarted pc and restarted my internet. None worked, I dont know what to do now. 5 hours
  9. im trying too get support too help me ive sumited many tickets on this matter .im trying to recover my account from a email im no longer able to use plz help
  10. Or rather lack of it just costed me FFA 5.56 R&D III. 9 characters and 2 of them temporary is a damn headache. Is there any chance that we will get account wide inventory with or after 3.5?
  11. can not login characters after account merging, characters names : MeganNicle MeganNiclle MeganNicola they are all in NA now pls somebody can help me pls pls pls
  12. Hello sir @MattScott There would be some possibility of merge 2 different accounts, this now I have my other account that was in Han and now it is in Jericho, and I would like to join that character with my currently account in use. the other account had many unique skings and tittles and other things that I would like to have in the same account instead of having to use 2 different accounts, I would like to know if it can be done? I can pay if necessary. sorry for my english its not perfect xd
  13. Any one else unable to log into a character? (Yes i'm probably just being impatient and not letting the server properly reboot) @MattScott
  14. as the name implies, game will lock up after entering user email+password or steam's log in at the window for receiving account info. right before seeing the new EULA tried fresh repair, tried fresh install, even went as far as OS install I was already due for one so I proceeded anyways. I tried with/without steam, with/without OpenHardwareMonitor with/without RivaTunerStatistics any help will be greatly appreciated. if it helps the ram usage is always at 1527mb the log has a lot of "Warning: Property __" but doesn't show any other errors
  15. The e-mail that I use is so slow, I have asked for a change of password, but unfortunately what he sent me to this email by the time the code came down, I would like to transfer my old character to a new e-mail address, can anyone help me?
  16. Deftonez

    Account merging.

    So I know people have gone over this idea time and time and again, also I did make a thread on this 2 or 3 months ago, and it seemed to get some good feedback but there hasn't been an official statement on it from the staff of LO. So account merging in a nutshell: - The ability to merge in game accounts - A program you don't have to do unless you want to it - Maybe done through support or some other way (idk lol) Benefits of account merging: - Accounts have so many unique items to where other accounts don't have those items (Ex. OBT Veteran Title, merge an account with that title with an account without one, the combined account has the OBT title) - This could protect people from their account(s) being accessed by someone else and being stolen since that used to a happen a lot and probably still does - Premium for all your characters on one master account - Buying account bound weapons, clothing packs, etc, would be so much more beneficial. Cons of account merging: - None (at least I hope so) The reason I'm all for this is because I have many accounts that I actively use and manage daily and it's a pain in the patootie playing favorites when only 1 of your accounts has premium, one has the OBT title, and one has the KTTW pack. If all my accounts were put into one, god I wouldn't have to worry about what account to manage or whatever. All I'm asking is for an official statement on this, considering I made a thread about this months ago, and other people have thrown around the idea countless times.
  17. I went to login to my APB account after not playing for who knows how long and when i went to login it said my password had expired. I thought this was normal after not playing for a long amount of time and so i went to login to my account on gamers first with my steam login and password. I could login however so i went to change my password and put in my email in which it said it had sent a password reset to my email. I waited about 151 mins and did not get an email from gamersfirst. So i thought to myself ill try and make a new account with the same email and even see if i have an account still. when i put in my email that i use with steam it made a whole new account with nothing on it.. I also went onto an old gmail account and searched the inbox for "gamersfirst" and found i have gotten emails from the company on that email meaning i have an account with this gmail account. I went and reset the password on that gmail and logged in to still find i have nothing and all my time and money on my characters are gone. I send a ticket but havent heard anything back and it looks like others have the same issue but arent finding a solution anywhere and the company isnt helping much. I just want to play the game with my character again. PLEASE HELP. Thanks. i have also found purchases through my steam account on APB so my account must be under my email but it is still not working and even when i try to login with my steam username and password it does not work.
  18. Ok so a while back I got the high roller bundle and loved the Shredder DF that it came with. I looked all over for a permanent versooin but all that was available was the EB and SB RD 3. They are both fine and I already own the EB but would like the DF version so I can have one with e drum mag. It's a petty thing but I do like alittle astetics as well as functionality. I know I am wierd xD
  19. I'm having a little trouble on my xbox one account. It wont let me sign in so I'm using my pc account to post this issue. On my XBOX ONE, APB was working fine earlier. But I got off and I've been trying for the past 2 hours to get back on, but when I launch the game, after that first screen with the bird shows up and disappears, it just crashes back to the Dashboard. I've already tried Reinstalling the game. Launching, going to the dashboard, quitting it, and relaunching. I've tried launching a different game, then launching APB, Tried restarting my xbox. But nothing works.
  20. I need help, my friend unwittingly linked his account to my steam and every time the game enters his account, can anyone help me?
  21. For a little over 2 month's i been trying to log in to APB on my ps4 and i had no luck. Iv restarted the router, re download the game and i am still unable to log in. I miss san paro and what to go back to my home but all i seem to be getting is a error code 10044. I spend over 300 hours on the game , spent over 200 dollars on this game , and i dont want it to all go to waste, please if you guys could help me with this situation i would be most grateful. (I also made a complaint to little orbit gamers first and directly to matt scott and i had no help in any way what so ever)
  22. Quick question! Can someone tell me if this is a 4x4 or a normal vegas ? or can I get the 4x4 just from the world key pack ? Can be deleted after answering the question!
  23. Logged into the game in the morning, re-listed my expired auction items, attempted to log in couple hours later - got "account suspended for 46 more hours" message with zero details. Opened support ticket and decided to ask here as well - knowing how ticket response time can exceed weeks. Considering 1700+ untouched tickets and average 500 tickets processed by LO during a week - I guess this suspension may be a result of something I've typed in chat 2-4 weeks ago. So I have absolutely no clue what is going on and if my account may be already dead (after 5 years without any strikes - afaik) because I could have unknowingly repeated that offense again in between report and suspension. So - what exactly has happened? Ticket #79599 Disclaimer: I don't wear Nazi uniforms or nude symbols, I don't play in action districts, I don't talk racist/nationalist/sexism/etc. stuff in chat (or at least it's mild). Right now it look like someone is just checking if the suspension system works or not on my account? - while I'm losing whole weekend of sales.
  24. Add an out of bounds location at the top of this roof in Asylum, currently the only way up is to destroy a pallet, get glitched into/onto it, and then jump onto the roof. People put items up here during item hold missions in asylum, and its insane trying to get it due to the time restrictions on some of the missions, as well as difficulty killing the person or two on the top that camp on the item they took up there while waiting for the pallet to respawn to get the item. I am standing on the roof in question, I ended up getting called in as VIP when i got up there for the pics. The location I believe is South of the asylum. Sadly the location was never fixed with the first out of bounds changes, hopefully it gets one. Or just remove the pallet in question. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452338567 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452338820
  25. I'm trying to upgrade a character bound weapon to an account bound one but the weapon I want to upgrade is still showing a full price of 2.7k G1C, any fixes for this?
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