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  1. There is a functioning 2FA system, I'm easily able to use it. You set it up on your G1 account, outside of the game.
  2. I'm logging in from the same PC, from the same physical location. There's enough data being sent to the login server to prove it's the same physical device. All this system does is frustrate the user. If anything, it will make a user ignore the temporary trade lock when someone else accesses the account, because they'll think it's yet another false positive. Besides, rumor is you can trade the first time you login to the account from a different location. The trade lock kicks in after switching characters or logging out and in again. I haven't tested it, because who knows when it might decide to permanently trade lock my account. It's happened to other people.
  3. In that case. if you can try getting a semi cheap laptop and the ADV luanucher and run the game just so that way you can get your items. i would attempt to help farther, but anything past this is untrustable /and/or accounting sharing
  4. i cant it says this gamers first account has not logged into the game before
  5. I would go ahead and do the account transfer. All items should be moved over. Should be able to do it on any internet device, but i know nothing about it
  6. It's because everyone in Little Orbit is incompetent. The trade lock is suppose to temporarily prevent trading on your account when it thinks you are logged in from a different location. Often it gets triggered for stupid reasons. For example, I get trade locked when Windows updates, and when connecting an external hard drive.
  7. Trade locks are caused when you log in from a new IP, after a windows update or when you changed out parts in your PC since the last time you logged in. This usually only lasts for 3 days and aims to protect you from any sort of account theft.
  8. Today I logged into the game, saw that I needed to disconnect a friend and saw the inscription "your account is not allowed to trade" Why could this happen, and what should I do?
  9. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Oh my god I think I figured it out! It looks like I have 2 accounts for some reason - one of those is original that I created when I first bought the game (before reloaded) and it got migrated into gamersfirst and doesn't have link to steam, and the other one - is when APB Reloaded went to steam and I played on it too. So now I guess the question is - how to make the original account linked to the Steam? Should I delete the other account and change the email on my original one to the email I use for steam? Would it work?
  10. Mitne

    Steam account link

    I changed my password twice for Gamersfirst account and never had error, only prompt to type new password when I tried to login through Steam. This is bizzare. If you have time to kill, I would recommend clean reinstall of APB first. Doesn't hurt to try.
  11. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Umm... I've got a steam version of the game and when I start it there is a steam login button but when I press it, it gives me an error "PASSWORD EXPIRED." (error code 11002). It says to change my password for gamersfirst account, but after I changed it it didn't do anything, the error is still there.
  12. Hello, I have moved this topic to the Social District (General Discussion) section of our forums. In order to migrate your account from Innova, please follow the instructions at the following link: https://register.gamersfirst.com/innova/ - Azukii
  13. Mitne

    Steam account link

    That's strange. Last time I was linking Steam account it basically just ask you for e-mail and password to link. And that's it. F2A is checked upon login. Unless you need to first unlink account. In this case you need support because not a single dev though of such simple feature in-game...
  14. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    No, unfortunately I used different emails for my account here and Steam.
  15. cowhorseman

    Steam account link

    It takes until support gets off there fat lazy asses to do it. or if you used the same email as your steam account you should be able to just go ahead and do it.
  16. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Hello. I want to link my steam account to my gamersfirst account. Created a ticket 3 days ago but didn't receive any answer. Anyone knows how long does this procedure takes?
  17. Valentines Marksman Bundle (Account lifetime) - 45,000 36,000 G1C Bundle Includes: STAR 556 LCR 'Love-Gun' OSCAR 'Sweetheart' OBIR 'Heartache' Valentines Marksman Bundle (Character lifetime) - 40,000 32,000 G1C Bundle Includes: STAR 556 LCR 'Love-Gun' OSCAR 'Sweetheart' OBIR 'Heartache' $450 and $400 for 3 lifetime reskinned guns? Someone asleep at the keyboard when they're creating these marketplace items for sale or what's going on? lol Game matchmaking gets broken so gold's can't even get missions and sit for 30 minutes or longer not to even play, and now this type of extortion. The Quality control for this game is unreal, first a new car Mirage S-24 gets released broken, put on the marketplace for people to purchase, then the same car gets injected into the game's regular civilian cars to use, screwing people who bought the car out of their purchases. Does anyone really think about their decisions before pulling the trigger on this stuff, or is QA just out the window?
  18. So what I'm about to say is not aimed at you directly. But as a whole its reflective of many people. Don't take it personally. To be fair it's not BE or EAC fault. People have become to ignorant (I say this politely) to the fact that "PC's / Computers" are all different. Be it house to house, and even country. They make a game or application to work to a set standard. Os version and hardware. Which is why they publish a "required minimum spec" to play a game, even at this spec there is "**" due to the minimum spec that the game was tested too. . It would be impossible for a games house (Devs) to test a game to every single possible variant of hardware and then again with every variant of os with updates and then all over again with every variant of antivirus and again with every.. . You see we're that's going.. it would be millions of variants to test. This is were if you as a person that doesn't want to bother with trouble shooting fixing etc to your own pc then get a console. That really is the simple answer. By all accounts any game launched on console should work on the console 100% with out failure and thus if it doesn't a refund should be awarded as its faulty. With "pc" this isn't so as you are knowing buying or signing up to a game what is not guaranteed to work for your sole "pc". Pc gaming community is and has always been about: knowing, understanding or learning the computer you built or bought and trouble shooting to correct or fix an issue. Educating your self and getting a sense of pride/achievement. Some people don't want to which is totally fine. Doesn't make it the companies fault. To many people now expect something to work or for someone else to find/make the fix and expect it to be over night. I would 90% of the APB players have no issues relation to what you do. So that says LO BE or EAC has no issues.
  19. Go to this page after signing in into your PlayStation account: https://register.gamersfirst.com/consoleless For some reason, the migration button is still hidden on the PlayStation site for whatever reason. Matt, please fix.
  20. Im guessing you can't merge both Xbox and PlayStation accounts on the same PC account? Since Xbox works fine but my PS4 account I don't see the option for it. Unless it isn't ready yet then I'll wait.
  21. FitForReverse

    PS4 Migration

    Has anyone been able to migrate their PS4 account to PC? The migration button does not show up when signing in to the Gamersfirst website. it worked fine for Xbox for me, and we are a week past February 1st. So I'm just wondering if it was delayed due to an issue or if it just doesn't recognize I have characters since I created the characters a few days before Feb. 1st. I went on twitter to the official APB:R page and Matt Scotts page, and in the comments of their latest posts there were 2 or 3 people stating they couldn't migrate PS4 either. But in the replies to one guys comment he said he got it working. So now I'm a little worried it might be that my characters/account is too new.
  22. What was changed recently? They nerfed the CR762's damage and range a while back. I felt that was too much of a nerf. It dropped it's damage to the same value as having heavy barrel 3 on the pre-nerf version, but without the bloom reduction. It's obvious this patch was going to go poorly. Tests had 90% of the system disabled. You relied on the players to test it, when you could have done all the testing in 1 day with a single workstation and a dozen APB instances logged in with random accounts and random threat data. It's obvious it's not matching threat properly. I got multiple matches with 2 golds vs 2 bronze. Those matches don't happen on the old matchmaking. It would match in a 3rd player for the 2 bronze team.
  23. my account is very old - i think i created it in 2011. for the first time today i cant log in - Account in use on another client. for last year i didnt change my detales or logged from another pc. how can that be? and what can i do about it?
  24. I was stuck as well, friend of mine redirected me to this page: https://register.gamersfirst.com/consoleless/ and it works, I have my characters transferred to PC account.
  25. I do all this page say about migration. But when login with ps account i never get any question about migrate player only support and forum. What is this?
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