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  1. I haven’t been able to recover the password from my old account for a week now; I simply haven’t received the link in my email. https://www.gamersfirst.com/reset-password
  2. Hello everyone, just a week ago I received a ban from the EAC, the fact is that I changed the DPI in my logitec mouse, in the logitec GHUB program, I wrote to support and they said that I should file an appeal, a lot of effort and money was invested in the account, the account is 6 years old, my appeal disappeared after 3 days, and they suggest that I file an appeal again, do I have a chance of being unbanned? I read the news and forums, there was some kind of wave of bans, what should I do at the moment? I am writing from a translator
  3. Any LO staff can help to retridve my email I have on my main character in NA? Second chance?
  4. Разработчики APB Reloaded презираю вас, прошло 3 дня как я получил бан, а я до сих пор не могу зайти в свой аккаунт через стим. Я раньше играл с другом в APB и даже сделал это, больше всего мне понравилась кастомизация в вашей игре, а теперь все испорчено, непонятно за что мне дали бан, который висит уже давно, и я даже ничего не ломал, просто скачал апб через стим и все, пока люди сидят с макросами и читами, меня ни за что банят, сил уже нет, я столько сделал для того аккаунта и ты просто взял и стер, у нас с другом было много запланированных дел, но ты это все у нас отнял, разрушил. Если найдутся люди, которые скажут, что я использовал потусторонний софт, вы не понимаете, что за отчаянье у человека, что он играл по правилам, соблюдал все законы, никого не обидел и все равно получает бан. Сейчас сижу с бутылкой пива, и уже перестал надеяться на восстановление аккаунта, мне уже все равно, мне все равно, эта игра для меня уже вычеркнута из жизни. Полное отчаяние охватило меня. А я просто хотел поиграть с другом, пройти миссии, посоревноваться с символами, но увы, вы уничтожили эти действия, могу только сказать, что больше никогда в жизни не войду в вашу игру, даже если вы разбаните мой аккаунт, я никогда больше туда не возвращайся, потому что ты потерял мое уважение, до свидания. я уже перестала надеяться на восстановление моего аккаунта, мне уже все равно, мне все равно, эта игра для меня уже вычеркнута из жизни. Полное отчаяние охватило меня. А я просто хотел поиграть с другом, пройти миссии, посоревноваться с символами, но увы, вы уничтожили эти действия, могу только сказать, что больше никогда в жизни не войду в вашу игру, даже если вы разбаните мой аккаунт, я никогда больше туда не возвращайся, потому что ты потерял мое уважение, до свидания. я уже перестала надеяться на восстановление моего аккаунта, мне уже все равно, мне все равно, эта игра для меня уже вычеркнута из жизни. Полное отчаяние охватило меня. А я просто хотел поиграть с другом, пройти миссии, посоревноваться с символами, но увы, вы уничтожили эти действия, могу только сказать, что больше никогда в жизни не войду в вашу игру, даже если вы разбаните мой аккаунт, я никогда больше туда не возвращайся, потому что ты потерял мое уважение, до свидания.
  5. Hello, my account is not allowed to trade anybody, i can not buy, bid or sell anything on the auction
  6. My account has been blocked And they don't respond with support Does anyone know why they don't answer with support
  7. Hello, i can't trade anybody i cant buy anything from the auction, i cant bid,buy or sell. I have sent an email to G1 support, made 2 tickets but with 0 answer please tell me how to fix this
  8. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Hello. I want to link my steam account to my gamersfirst account. Created a ticket 3 days ago but didn't receive any answer. Anyone knows how long does this procedure takes?
  9. my account is very old - i think i created it in 2011. for the first time today i cant log in - Account in use on another client. for last year i didnt change my detales or logged from another pc. how can that be? and what can i do about it?
  10. Hello Everyone, Today's 1st of February, for the past 2 hours I been refreshing the website over and over and so far the tutorial that APB reloaded provided step by step how to migrate your account didn't seem to work. Once I log in to G1 website with my Ps4 credentials nothing pops up.
  11. We got the G24 firehawk for both factions, but not a cross-faction, or account-wide unlock option? When will we get this? -- and maybe a nice loyalty perk option to upgrade current G24 firehawk owners to pay the difference to upgrade their current purchase to get account-wide since it wasn't available at the beginning. You guys already nickel and dime us to buy cars for each character with very few account-wide or cross-faction bundles to benefit all characters with our favorite vehicles, would be nice if there's more bundles to accommodate this issue, as I don't want to buy a new car for each character.
  12. Hi, My account has been banned last night for no reason. I have been playing this game for approximately 6-7 years. I do not use any mouse macro programs or manipulation. If you can check my account carefully you can see it yourself. I made up a ticket on apb game support. But I did not receive any answer for 16 hours. I cannot make a new ticket because the first one has not been answered from your side. I checked it a few minutes ago. My ticket is already opened. All these years i spend a lot of money and my time to play this game. I am aggrieved and I need an urgent help. Please research my account carefully and see it yourself. Regards Astrophilia
  13. Hello, i got banned/blocked around 6-7 years ago for "real life money trade" or something like that. I really dont know what is talking about because i was 13 yo kid while that ban happened. so the options are that someone used my account / faked the sell offer somehow / my account comprimised. today after 6-7 years im in my third ticket with a request to unban my account so i can play APB again with all my nostalgic stuff but no one wants to help me. Please ANY MANAGER - try to help me with this situtation. Im a combat soldier right now in real life and sometimes i just want to spend sometimes playing videos games, and one of them is apb. I hope anyone can see it and help me here. thank in advance
  14. When i try open FE its working.. and going to load characters then it shows up "This account is already logged in! You can enter your password to force a disconnect" I did try change another email doesnot work.. I also did Complete file check Also doesnot work Pls fix
  15. When going to load characters... Error shows up like this "This account is already logged in! You can enter your password to force a disconnect" I did try another email that i used for gamerfirst also doesnot work I play through steam so i dont have to login my email gamerfirst Doesnot work Pls fix it
  16. Hi, I have an old account I used for my kids, years ago. When I use the password for it now it says it is invalid. When I try to reset password it wants me to sign in with a mail adresse to gamersfirst. Problem is that account was always logged in through Steam, it never got an email attached as far as I know. If I try to contact support for the game it requires me to login with my mail (!) which I obvious cant, because there is no mail to login with!! How do I progress from here??
  17. On my Gamer's First profile, I've been given a random string of numbers/letters as a username and some gigantic password that is not the password I typed in. And when I tried to edit the password, it told me I couldn't use the same password as my old one. Huh? But the length of the password displayed on my profile is obviously much longer than the password I typed in myself when I was initially giving my email. I can't copy and paste these random username and passwords into the launcher - and I'm not seeing anywhere where I can edit and change them to something I actually know. A quick google search of this problem suggested there might be maintenance going on - but looking at the website, the servers are currently online. Pretty frustrating.
  18. Just saying hi, finally merged the account. Been keeping up with the updates since the Kickstarter started. Liking the progress and direction and hope this game delivers!
  19. We have just 2 type of account use, Premium and "Freemium". Why dont add ,maybe as loyalty reward a special new type? Like "Vip Client". When player reach an amount of loyalty points (with real g1c spent) player could reach the permanent status of "Vip Client". Nothing exagerate for dont ruin the Premium revenue, Just some symbolic benefits . for example allows: 9 symbols on car (+2) 4 symbols on dress (+1) 30 decals on symbol (+5) 10 Daily Mission Rewards avaivable. (+5) 1 Motorbike ok , this not, for now. I guess "Vip Account" Could be appreciated ,especially by artistic part of community. "Vip pass" could be also on market as an unique product, could cost less than a KeyOfCity but more than a precious permanent gun.
  20. Currently the Growl "MAMBA" Kit is only available for purchase on one character at a time. All the other Growl kits offer an "Account Wide" purchase option. Since the Growl is a car that can be purchased account wide, it makes sense that the kits for it should be available account wide as well.
  21. im trying too get support too help me ive sumited many tickets on this matter .im trying to recover my account from a email im no longer able to use plz help
  22. I'm trying to upgrade a character bound weapon to an account bound one but the weapon I want to upgrade is still showing a full price of 2.7k G1C, any fixes for this?
  23. I have a problem with a lost account, When i try to log in on apb reloaded i get a expired password message, but when i log into my account on gamersfirst it show a window where i need to put my mail so i can reset my password, but im never receving the mail i should get? need help beacuse i cannot play the game :((
  24. Hello, I've made a support ticket a week ago but haven't received a response yet. Is there any moderator, developer or someone from gamersfirst who can help me get into my old account? Basically I have all login credentials but when I try to log in I get a mandatory password reset, but I don't have access to my old mail anymore. Thanks.
  25. Title says it all, I don't know what to do! This has gotta be a mistake or some kind of false ban. I don't use hacks or cheats in any other games and I just came home to this from work lol!
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