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  1. 8 shots on a 5 htk weapon at 80m is broke, especially when they want snipers to be the dominator at 70-100m. Obeya is still great as is imo, and its great on waterfront, aight on financial. Some weapons are not meant to perform as well in certain areas an maps and that's why WF and Finanical have different weapons that are heavily used in each or change based on location. Also, thats a 1.848 ttk perfect, vs 1.34 ttk for 11 vs 8. When even the HVR has a 1.75TTK. Which means that the obeya is put at range, on a similarl-ish level as the HVR if at perfect ttk currently. Which is a good balance imo. Obeya shouldn't be easily harassing snipers at 80-100m imo. So 11 shots to put it on about equal footing is A-Okay. It could be put down to 10 shots if you account for non-perfect ttk and average play standards, but 8 is certainly too low, 11 is fine for upper tier skill level since they can make the most out of it even at 80+m with the 11 shots. RFP was broke strong, I agree it's in a bad place atm though. But we don't want it to be on the same level as the old sprint shooting or even 0-40m melter that it used to be either when it wasn't balanced right. Also, it's still a decent, gun, but it's more situational, I'd still run it over the NFA and a few other joker box legendaries. I disagree that they overnerf everything. The game's gun balance is in one of the best places it's been. Though it definitely needs a few touchups. And to say that anything that is on equal footing with the .45 is balanced, is a far cry from reality as well. .45 is not greatly balanced, Fr0g however, is in comparison. .45 could take a hit to damage, similar to that as the fr0g's and it'd still be good. Though it might need a +1 shot in the mag to compensate.
  2. Hello, Vanille here for Lidl Orbit. Boy do I have the deal of your lifetime. If you stop posting I will instantly stop creating any low rank characters on my account. I'll even throw in a bonus. I'll delete one of my low rank characters named after an adjective today ,you heard me right, today. That way, you and other specimen of your kind will no longer have to live in fear immediately. Sounds interesting? Just call me at +1 654-10008-69 any time.
  3. There needs to be some way for the fear of god to be put into players. The feeling that what they say can have them be held accountable. I know overwatch does it, where it informs the player that text chat may be recorded for reasons related to such matters. Have some blatant words be sent to support (please don't over censor as that will definitely be more annoying that resolving) But words related to hate speech or real-world issues should not be allowed. This is a game not twitter.
  4. Yea the name and shaming thing is not okay to do. But there does need to be some sort of proof that these systems are working otherwise players will continue to say that the anticheat does not work even if it is. I only remember once LO saying that I think it was Battleeye banning a bunch of what were assumed to be new accounts testing cheats.
  5. Unlocking slots for more characters at same account.
  6. People don't need new accounts to cheat. Not allowing new accounts is like locking the door, eating the key and starving yourself to death.
  7. There are max rank cheaters too. I think we should just ban every APB account then. Because if we want to stop low rank reroll cheaters by stopping new accounts, we should stop max rank cheater accounts by removing every max rank account.
  8. As mentioned at the start, it would be nice to ramp this up again, reflect on why communication on many of the topics mentioned above has died down and try to do better in the future. We care about the game, we want to hear about it whether it's good or bad news. My personal suggestion would be to do blog posts a few weeks ahead of a seasonal event not only announcing said event but also talking about things that LO wants to do and where they want the game to head. The sooner you mention ideas, the sooner we can give feedback. Many of us love to read about the things you have planned and hope for a bright future for APB so please don’t make us go out of our way to beg on the forums or LO discord about any updates in regards to seasonal events or the general state of the game. You can use the broadcast feature to keep players informed and simply be transparent. Also honestly, once work on APB ramps up again, please create a Trello page and keep things updated, it's such a great way to keep players informed about what projects are in the works and which are actively being worked on and where progress has been made. Here’s an example of a Trello page by PixelTail Games who work on Tower Unite. Another thing you could do in order to strengthen the trust between the systems in place and the community would be to do monthly update posts talking about how many cheaters the Anti-cheat has banned this month, how many player mutes have happened, how many account restrictions happened for toxicity, griefing etc. No one is asking for name and shame – APB has already seen its fair share of it and it’s not something we should be going back to – but it would be encouraging for the playerbase to know and see that action is being taken to keep the game clean. “We need more communication between the devs and the everyday players regarding what's happening with the game and with Little Orbit as a whole.” “I think the players that still game this on a daily basis deserve to know what's the real state of APB and where it is heading.” -Community Members
  9. Toxicity has always been one of APB’s biggest issues and this is yet another thing where things are simply getting out of control because of the fact that the Live game seems abandoned. I can’t go for 30 minutes without seeing someone being blatantly racist, homophobic or otherwise discriminating whether thats through chat, clan names or names themselves, in now 13 years of playing online games, mainly shooters, I have never seen a worse example of toxicity than in the recent year or so of playing APB it is simply out of control. This isn’t the only form of toxicity either, a lot of members of the community that have a name for themselves whether it's through streaming or being parts of programs like SPCT get targeted by harassment or griefing every time they open the game. Things have gotten so bad that many of us who want to enjoy the game can’t stream and have to play on hidden characters, meaning we’re locked out of any meaningful endgame progression such as maxing roles. This form of harassment comes in the form of stream sniping, griefing or things such as toxic whispers etc. Not even GM’s are spared from this, making their life and volunteer duty miserable. Toxicity is something that LO can fix now and it has been left to fester for way too long. Stricter rules and punishment handed out by both GM’s and Support are one of possible methods of handling this problem. Even if they don’t show it, people care about their accounts and I could almost guarantee you that a lot of the racist things that are being spewed would go away if it came with severe penalties to their accounts such as a 30 day ban for first offenders and a permanent ban for repeated offenders. Wipe everyone's ignore list and make it so ignoring players ignores ALL characters on their account rather than just the one, combine this with a GTA 5 inspired passive mode of sorts that lets you ignore collisions tied to that players player-owned car or car he’s currently in for a few hours of recently ignored players and you have a solution against targeted griefing that doesn’t require GM’s to step in. “People are too used to it to a point where it has become part of the game. There are ways to be toxic that aren't even considered as violations. Huge changes and stricter rules, maybe stronger punishments that mean something are required in my opinion.” -Community Member
  10. Now let's head into the most universally agreed on topic at a staggering 95% which is Anti-Cheat. The Live game is severely suffering in this regard and players are at a point where it feels like no one half decent at the game can be trusted anymore. It is seriously worrying and the issue is getting worse every day. Matt has already said that EAC will be returning with 64Bit but that felt like a very disappointing reply to arguably the biggest issue the game is facing right now because 64Bit could be in a few months, a year or possibly never. As far as I understand it EAC is not an option anymore as they have dropped support for 32Bit but sticking with BattlEye will further drive legit players from all skill levels away. Why should I play a game where someone can pay a few euros a month and pretend they’re good at the game and go on cheating rather blatantly for a closet for months, if not years? I can log into a district today and within an hour of playing face multiple cheaters some of which get to R100 and beyond while running shawcopter-like settings. Just the other day I saw a R90 speedhacker min-TTK’ing everyone, something that would’ve been detected and flagged within a few missions by FairFight and banned shortly after. APB desperately needs a server side anti cheat seeing as BattlEye is far too slow at detecting a cheat if they’re able to detect it at all. If cheat providers brag about having 150+ active users when your game peaks at around 300-400 players you have a serious issue and it has gone neglected for way too long. APB is the only game I have ever played in which players brag about cheating, play with cheaters like it's normal or even have clans advertising to sell cheats or painting themselves as cheaters. Furthermore, support needs to be trained to detect forms of cheating such as signs of macros and blatant trigger botting or even aimlocks and silent aim, it is beyond sad that there has been multiple known zero second delay trigger botters playing on the daily for the past 4+ years without being banned when any decent player would be able to tell you without a doubt that they are cheating but ideally it shouldn’t be up to the players or support to ban cheaters. Please look into other solutions even if it is only till 64Bit releases. Sticking with BE is a quick way to make sure that you continue to haemorrhage players and as faithful and loyal many of us APB players are, there’s a certain line in which even we lose hope in the way the game is managed – and the current Anti-cheat solution is one of the biggest reasons for many players as to why that line was crossed for them. “This is a big one, I would even argue it's THE BIGGEST ONE. Out of all the problems APB has ever had in its life cycle (of which there are countless) the biggest one remains the cheater problem. The only time we were actually doing well in that regard was during EAC, that's when the game was most playable. BE has been in the game twice now, we know it doesn't cut it, especially not on its own without a server side anti-cheat monitoring every player. The moment a cheater breaches BE pretty much everything is fair game until someone reports them and even when you report them with undeniable evidence it seems like LO's support team are being paid to be lenient about cheating instead of being paid to do their job. It seems like none of them have ever played a shooter game in their life and they can just not tell a blatant aimlock caught on video apart from normal footage to save their lives. No one wants to play a game where not only is there no new content to login for but you're also getting rolled by max rank rage hackers on veteran accounts on a daily basis who also love trash talking. Overall, makes the entire APB experience a billion times more miserable than it needs to be.” -Community Member
  11. Heading into the next topic on the list, 70% of participants feel strongly about the neglect that the Live game is receiving. The engine upgrade / 64Bit upgrade or whatever you want to call it nowadays has to happen, that much is clear, but the Live game has basically been in maintenance mode aside from what feels like yearly weapon balance for too long at this point. This doesn’t sit well with players and makes them feel as if Live has been completely abandoned in hopes that some sort of Engine upgrade will succeed in the near future. There are MANY issues the game is facing every day that could be fixed in todays engine and then ported over to whatever LO is hoping to build the games future on, things like making it so the out of bounds system only applies to players in a mission, account wide versions of the Criminal Nulander Pioneer or Enforcer Seiyo Espacio as well as a account wide Han Coywolf, things such as lowering the Rank restriction of R195 mods to somewhere around R80-85, a Inventory and Mail system overhaul, changing how inventory expansions work by setting a new baseline so every player has the same amount of space and it doesn’t differ from character to character, UI modernisations such as making the Weapon stats UI easier to understand instead of using outdated bars, account wide roles, balance of any kind. There are MANY things that can make the day to day gameplay of APB better while players wait for 64Bit, many of these things have to be done regardless, many even by the time 64Bit releases if LO wants to increase their chances of players sticking around making the whole thing a win-win situation for us the dedicated players still playing and those returning whenever 64Bit launches. “Once LO had to choose between working on the live game or working on the engine upgrade I was initially supportive of their decision to put all their eggs in the engine upgrade basket. It sounded like the new engine was just around the corner, and it seemed silly to change things once for the live client and then have to do it again for the new engine. As the delays began to pile up and the population continued to dwindle, the community continually asked for QoL changes; more weapon balance, new contacts, phasing, etc. At first, I did my best to defend LO, but it became harder and harder over time until I couldn't defend them at all. Once the engine upgrade was abandoned, QoL changes should have become a top priority. In the spirit of fairness, upgrading to 64bit does, I think, count as a QoL change. We can only hope this is the start of things getting back on track.” -Community Member Here is a document that lists many of these QoL changes that LO can do now that I myself together with the community have put together.
  12. some cheaters are so dedicated that closing registration won't do much, they'll just go buy an account and play on that 'til it gets banned and then buy another after. new players find this game everyday, but they might stop playing due to the player base. this is solely on LO as they have seemingly done everything in their way to alienate their community.
  13. Mass Hackers EveryDay, all Day. I call them GM's cuz they Allowed to hack, aint nobody get Banned LO loves hackers, thats why they in the bussiness. How they gonna make money off the hack site if they dont protect their investors Same here, This forum is the hackers Club House. You post here n 6 troll accounts of gms will come and name shame, troll n meme your post, then come n talk to themselves from the 6 dif forum accounts that never play in dist. These GM/Trolls are allowed to harrass and name shame cuz they are GM's. n Matt Lets it all happen. I say leave the game be, its dead anyway, if you wanna sting the hacker/toxics/GMs Take away the Threats and Close This Forum. Then they have no platform to bully legit players on, n in game they have no platform of gold to stand on while they bad mouth those who aren't Super Golds. Another way to control the troll/hax/toxic/gms is too require a valid CC number for new accounts, however this would eliminate Me cuz I'll Never give my new card to LO after having it hacked off the Paywall. 'Yea I think two particular gm/hack/toxic/trolls from here did it, and I play accordingly, well I dont really Play anymore. I just come in for the torch job n some music, sit in the back n watch all the other hax hacusate n toxicate each other
  14. New players what new players??? Even if you get a random new player the chance he will stick to this game that is full of closets, Veterans and blatant cheaters is small. There is a reason you can create more than one character per account and you can buy more slots go help the struggling indie company out my guy. We can safely say this game is not going to get new flow of players otherwise our population wouldn't have drastically dropped over the years. The best lidl orbit can do is keep the diehard population alive. Otherwise this game is gonna be like Gunz 2.0 dead at arrival. Like when they finally release APB 64-BIT it's going to be dead on arrival because, why play the game of the company who never gave a shit about their community.
  15. So your solution to low rank reroll cheaters really is to just.......block all new accounts? Any new players, or people that want to make an alt, or for any other reason, which is certainly more than reroll cheaters, can just go get fooked?
  16. I wish it was a troll post but, this game is plagued with blatant low ranks in fight club and normal districts. You can't just move to a other server since the player base is too small. Closets will not get banned but, the blatant low ranks are easy to pick out. So my idea is to close registrations and ban all the recent made accounts. This will solve the issue of rerolling blatant no lifers. This is the only solution i see since this is probably the bare minimum Little Orbit can do effort wise.
  17. I'm too lazy to read the whole thing so I'll jump to only replying to the title - close the game; yes, it's not being properly maintained so just close servers until 1.30... if it hapens. Ban new accounts? That's [redacted], makes no sense
  18. I don't play much APB anymore but, i just tried it again. The first thing i see in fightclub is three low ranks using aimbot, minimal ttk and walling. It's crazy how this is allowed that people can just go blatant even if lidl orbit is focused on developing. It just ruined my mood to even touch it again. Only fast solution i see is to close game registration and ban all recent made accounts. Let's be honest how many new people does APB get none. Most of the new accounts are the parasites that play blatant and get banned a month or years later depending on the mood of the support. These people have no life. How can you beat something that has no life? You do that by destroying the thing that keeps them alive the game. Or you remove there access to the game by closing registration. I don't think APB has much to lose by closing registration see it more as quarantine because Matt can't afford a free anti cheat called EAC. This is my last suggestion to make the Live game playable without putting too much effort into it. As a Beta veteran i would rather see the game close since, it's in the final stage of cancer and rather want to see it die in peace then the player base going slowly to 0. I hope you read this Matt.
  19. I would like to know the reason for blocking trading for 3 days (in order to protect your account, ypu are not allowed to create auctions from this computer for 3 дн.. ). remove this block
  20. how i can back my old account while i enter my email and pass old account after i join game its tell me create like i m start the game as new any help how to back my old account ?
  21. And there is. Your final score of the mission is put against each other's final score individually and as a result you gain or lose threat and/or confidence for each of those pairings. High confidence means threat moves little, low confidence means threat moves lots. Meeting expectations increases confidence, but not threat, Missing expectations lowers confidence and threat. Exceeding expectations lowers confidence and increases threat. If everyone in the mission is roughly at the same threat level, then yes, this is a practical guideline. When threat levels are more spread out, though, this guideline falls apart. Staying on this guideline-system for the moment: if the system expects a low threat player to perform in the bottom 25% of the field, but they perform in the bottom 25-50% (e.g. 4v4 and their total score places them at 6 out of 8), they would gain threat. I would generally advise against the mindset of "need not to lose threat", by the way. Threat is not a progressive system. It's merely a tool for matchmaking. Losing threat can be perfectly fine and should lead to better, more enjoyable matches. I'm pretty sure I lost threat on every mission I played these days, because I haven't played in years. If a group of four Golds faces a group of four Silvers, the threat system will expect the Golds to achieve a certain score. If you place 2nd on the scoreboard, but don't score as much as the system expected you to, you might lose threat (and the Silvers might gain threat). If you consistently perform as the system expects you to, it will gain confidence in your current threat level and you'll have to lower that confidence before your threat starts moving noticeably again. But the system does not expect you to hit a specific placement on the scoreboard, it expects to you score in relation to each other player. Ergo it also matters who was placed 1st, 3rd and so forth. You only ever see someone dethreat if their colour changes. Which is exceedingly rare as playtime increases (because the confidence value will be more affected than threat after a while). So you will usually see it on new accounts and dethreaters. Nevertheless a person gains and loses threat, even if the colour of their badge doesn't change.
  22. Hmm its been ages i forget how to embed images... But i appear to have the same glitch on my account as well. My character with 2 max 16 roles, and 3 max 15, appears to have lost all his max equiptment roles... xD
  23. Well whenever i try to login to my account on APB Reloaded. it says Unable to log in to the connection server (error code 8). The issue is that there's no maintenance since my friend is playing as im typing this message. I cannot login and i don't know what the issue is. Please do not refer me to "Create a ticket" Since i have tried to create one for the past 1 hour and no success. I want my support here. Nowhere else. Thank you kindly.
  24. Sometimes I wonder if people who make this threads aren't positing in it on multi-accounts. And detection of multiple accounts my patootie... VPN can easily hide that kind of activity unless LO illegally takes off info about machine accessing forums.
  25. I'm fine with the timed out of bounds system. They need to remove the instant kill areas, and it should not be active when out of mission.
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