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  1. Why apb support wont help when i provided them all account informations and proved that my account was cheated? Hydrin keeps saying that due to account history they wont help also he dont say what doest it means, what account history i dint make "illegal things" in this game its like just we wont help you without reason.
  2. keeps saying my character is stuck in district or my account is logged into on another client idk why its doing this but its annoying and everytime i have to wait 15+ minutes then it works but it keeps happening everytime i login
  3. Is it? I can either pay once with my real money for a rental gun that has 3 open slots that will cost a ludicrous amount iirc. Or I give LO 30$ for an account bound permanent version of it. It's definitely not a clear answer. Like sure you can get that gun in game for free. But until LO allow players to either make more OR make these rentals cost less. It will always feel P2W, the W is very general in this context where "Winning" is just being able to keep more money every week instead of spending it on weapon rentals. I mean shoot, I have a huge arsenal and can't remember the last time I rented a gun. Imagine trying to rent just 3 guns for 1 week. (all 3 open slots)
  4. I have a vpn but even when it's turned off the website gets my location wrong. I've even opted to give that website my accurate location and the next day or week it will be wrong again. Idk maybe it's built into windows 11 or some shit. Or maybe my isp. Well... it's a cold comfort but at least your account it's not banned.. well ofc that doesnt change the fact it's sucks. From one side,I would like suggesting you to insist and insist annoying weekly sending mail on mails or trying group, regroup again and pick other similar experience from others in gamefirst and steam , you know the tell "if you cant win alone with your voice despite your reasons... try with increasing the numbers" but sincerly ... I dont suggest neither the first nor second way unless you are ready to consider the possibility of losing your account. It's strange things like that you can be resolved with quick checking of the purchase chronology, when you make online purchase, also by prepaid cards, be sure 99% of cases companies register everything and they will know not only who you are but also where you are...
  5. Nah support won't talk to me anymore sadly. They just reply with generic "we will be unable to provide you with an further assistance regarding this acount" blah blah blah. And then they close my ticket. They have yet to give me a clear answer about why I was permanently trade locked. And I don't think they ever will. They should be ashamed of the way they treat us. Shit support team too lazy to do any actual investigating into customers issues. I would post my support tickets in here but they would just delete my post or ban me from the forums. They aren't doing their jobs and there's literally no way to hold them accountable. The support team and decided to stonewall me and not answer any of my questions, and it's impossible to contact anyone higher up than stichly (who I've spoken to a couple of times about it). I have a vpn but even when it's turned off the website gets my location wrong. I've even opted to give that website my accurate location and the next day or week it will be wrong again. Idk maybe it's built into windows 11 or some shit. Or maybe my isp.
  6. I didn't say I didn't understand your criticism; I said it wasn't constructive. I could have just replied to what you said with "stupid post" . But alas, that's not constructive. A: Why are you logging out so much? B: Phasing shouldn't log you out of your account, unless you mean it happens when you disconnect from a district too many times. I'm sure phasing will change how that works under the hood anyway. If they are properly testing, it should become clear that the disappearing HUD elements bug will need to be fixed. To be clear, your whole argument is right. not (to me) is that you want the game to be stuck in the past and that the game shouldn't receive fundamental fixes. So far, since you have not actually given any constructive criticism, I feel you should re-read what the end goal of phasing is. As it will be a multi-step process until it is fully realized (that is, if they succeed with it) https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2023/3/8/apb-2023-roadmap
  7. Try with TS as told above, staff or devs dont read reddit. steam etc apb forum... same for the main one. since your a major patootie of the 3rd jackass division . i was asked the following or have heard the following Watch out the bait, I was in warning/ half banned until yesterday for BS like that... anyway whatever he is just a ruffian sick for keyboard attentions, dont waste your time with him To the thread author @xShadowx told about some purchases, LO shall have a chronology data of the purchase linked with that account and if the ID is of the same person/ data of the actual new account he wanted to merge on steam. the case is closed with a little headche for the guy at the HR office for pressing a pair of keyboard keys on the clients search bar... And anwyway, I suppose you have told something like you know at least the old email of the steam account, recovering you steam id and account shall be kinda easy peasy staff, are you sure have you tried all the routes for recovering it?
  8. If I'm remembering correctly, GM's aren't allowed to play as GMs in matches and what not, their GM account is separate from their actual gaming account.
  9. Steam ID's are publicly available, so long as you know the profile URL, you can easily access the steam ID. So even if you don't have access to the old Steam Account, you can get the Steam ID64. steamid.io/lookup has a tool to pull all the relevant data from an account, just used it on mine to see if the id64 was available, it is... Though if you lost access to a steam account, Valve is pretty well known for their support in aiding customers regain access to their accounts - and probably would be both faster/easier than G1 support.
  10. since your a major patootie of the 3rd jackass division . i was asked the following or have heard the following ip adress(s) email adress(es) names of your toons items on said toons play times of said toons ranks or levels of said toons computer info (like parts and so on) people who can be used to vailded this info whether or not someone i might know could have possibly hacked the account if i can remember what the last password might have been and reset it if anyone else possibly uses this email and if should be the case of a data leak they would info me and i would have to deal with them on that. any thing else?
  11. I answered all security questions. I just can't access my steam information. so I couldn't answer just one question. That's why they banned me. this is nonsense. I say that I want to connect a new steam account, but they do not help.
  12. With the amount of G1C you claim to of had / purchased I would imagine you have tons and tons of transaction IDs to give to them, which in most cases APB support ask for to verify ownership of accounts. Have you done this already? I can't imagine them banning you for the reason you stated. It doesn't even seem like a logical reason for a ban, even if it wasn't your account you're telling me they just banned someone elses account lol?
  13. You do not login with "google". G1 did not delete the account if you can open a ticket from it. This is a fresh forum account. The user AMolinaLamatta created their account the same day, and immediately replies to this thread. No offense, but this thread looks sus.
  14. support refuses to help anyone for any reason. as i tried to reclaim an account i lost the password to. even after proof names etc and so on they claimed i was trying to steal and threaten to ban my other accounts if i contunied to push it. i do not understand this i'm well aware that if they wanted to they could check ip adress log in history and several other factors to prove ownership. it simplely boils down to LO support being lazy and unfit to perform there job.
  15. thank you for your answers. I was able to login to my account for years without any problems until a month ago. I wanted to link my steam account for security. but I realized that years ago I linked a steam account. but I can't access my old steam account in any way. because I don't remember your information. I asked them to unlink my old steam account. they chose to ban me. I spent more than 40k g1. I've played this game for years. I was upset that the support team behaved like this. this will do them nothing but lose players. Merged. customer support is not helping me reset my old steam account. not understanding at all. If they delete the link of my old steam account, I will connect my current steam account. customer support does not show the necessary attention. Merged. I can still access the armas market via google. They deleted my g1s in the account. I can still open a ticket from that account. but I can't access the game. They don't let me play.
  16. I'm so confused are you able to login your old account to contact customer support? do you have access to the original email for that account? if not your out of luck
  17. hello gentlemen and ladies. I have a character that I created in 2012. Years ago, I connected a steam account to ensure the security of the account. but this steam account was empty and unnecessary. so it was a trivial account. I can't connect at all right now. I asked apb support to reset their steam account, so I said I wanted to connect a new steam account. they said they wanted the steamid64 code. I was not able to provide this information in any way. because I don't remember anything about the account. apb support team banned me for not providing steamid64 code. I spent more than 40k g1. I have a lot of work on the account. I am one of the oldest players. My only request now is how can I solve this problem? Is there anyone to help me?
  18. lRush

    trade lock

    I had the same problem and support accused me of selling / sharing my account and refused to give me any further information or respond to future tickets. Good luck man. Little orbit has a trash support team. Only a single guy reviews trade related tickets and he's a fucking weeetard
  19. Hello I have locked and moved this topic to the Resolved Bugs section. This is due to Premium status lasting 30 days. As the month of May contains 31 days, the last day of the month did not have Premium. Your account should now have the Premium status again. - Azukii
  20. trust me he might be the dumbest of them. atleast he isnt telling people to figure out there own problems, or telling them to fuck off, or threating them with bans. or telling them to contact support to have there account shut off. i can keep going but since 2013 i've met some "fun" gms that are some really "nice and helpful" people
  21. Yapopal

    A few stupid bugs.

    The character cannot pick up cargo near the car door. Even if you point at the object and press F, the character gets into the car. Stupid collision of an explosive package. The character cannot move forward when an explosive package is dropped in front of him. The explosive package cannot be moved, why does it need a collision with the character? It interferes. Health interface. The game does not give any understanding that bullets are flying into the character. The health interface does its job poorly. The game does not have the sound of a bullet hitting a character, it is impossible to understand where you were shot from, how many times you were hit. It is impossible to react due to the delay and short time to kill. The explosive package will explode a second time if the character dies immediately after activating it. The respawn machine explodes if you resurrect in it. The password will not have time to appear in the input line if you quickly enter the password for the account and press inter. We need to wait until the frame freeze passes. Frame stuttering in combat. It's the curse of the shotgun. The time between shots is noticeable, so you need to aim well. But this cannot be done because the frame freezes and it is not clear where the opponent will be. Only 400 people play this game because for some reason they made a dynamic shooter out of it. But the game does not pull this role.
  22. Tbh mine max ranked crim account was banned 2016 for no reason. The Support didn't even respond to support ticket but the funny thing is it wasn't banned from the anti cheat system. Strange things happens on period when there was a merge between LO and GF.
  23. My friends and I have been discussing this for a little while, but how difficult would it be to finish and release the midtown map that as to my knowledge is more than half done? I feel like this would be a huge move to bring back a lot of players and give the players a new environment to play in. (Also as a former map maker this to me seems like by far as the easiest way to refresh the game play experience for the community. This ties into the idea of un-restricting contact progression to specific districts , with population so low on N/A servers players end up being "stuck" in a specific district and not making progress if you don't have a contact in that district, this could be easily managed through the tab in game where you pledge to contacts through the "J menu". Lastly, isn't it time to do a database name wipe? Specifically for banned player names, or decade old inactive no login accounts. Thoughts and feedback would be nice, especially on a new map/district.
  24. to regularly update an anticheat, someone has to do it. For someone to do it, you have to pay him. To pay, you need money. To have money it takes an income. To have an income, it takes customers who buy or investors. The customers or investor, we are the community. So if we want this method we have to pay. The reason why I offered to put back premium paying in the past. If we send the message that paid for premium is used to invest in a better quality of anticheats and that we can see that several people invest with us. Inevitably it will be more interesting for everyone to also pay for premium. the more people there are, the more encouraging it will be for those who are not sure if they want to pay. The more efficient the anticheats. Of course there will always be cheaters who will succeed, but I believe that it is possible to reduce the quantity of cheaters by a lot. Obviously, the developers have to do their part too and really use this money on anticheat. Otherwise, no matter all the ideas that can be thrown around, unless there is an exceptional miracle, I don't think it's possible that there is another way to have a great anticheat. Also my other idea was of a campaign of a 100th of small missions that takes at least 30 hours of play. Players will have to prove that they are active at the end of each mission with a small puzzle of the genre, choosing images with an airplane to prove that you are not a robot. or enter the google authenticator code to avoid campaign bots. Reinstate Fairfight with this campaign. which seemed to work, other than players kept coming back. But since they will have to do a long campaign for each new account, i'm sure many of them will get discouraged. or even better both ideas togjeter. Youtubers are not something really reliable, you never know when they're going to get into it, when they're going to stop or not even if they're going to cheat themselves. And for the reporting method proposed by mrlek, it's the same as the idea of updating the anticheat. it takes an employee who must be paid. We can't count on volunteers, the developers are not millionaires doing nothing. I feel like people think they are just lazy sitting on their chairs waiting for a reason to do anything. They need to make money too, if apb doesn't pay enough, they have to take their time to make money elsewhere.
  25. you ban them they make new accounts so you ban em again. you know how to fix this? ban there graphics card. doubt they want to play after that paying 200-600 just to play a game?
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