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About Fenton

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    Still here.

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  1. support@gamersfirst.com If you have a pre-existing ticket, be sure to add the number if you can find it. The support tab is at the top of the page.
  2. On the positive side, the population has temporarily jumped. One new contact for each side with progression items. A handful of items via ARMAS or Joker tickets. It's not for everyone, but since when has that ever been true. Give it a try, what's the harm?
  3. If I recall /report only really applies if the player involved is in the same district as you. You may be able to file a ticket manually via the support tab. I have also previously emailed via support@gamersfirst.com - This was some time ago and they may have changed email since.
  4. Just throwing this one in for Nostalgia, the old login theme:
  5. Could we have had a little more warning for this sort of thing in future, please? Same with events or competitions that last less than two days.
  6. I forget which game used to do it, but somewhere would put those people with perfect aim and suchlike in their own little corner of the servers. They'd be stuck playing against other cheaters or people with perfect aim. Game didn't lose too many players over that and the devs could learn what cheats worked and improve detection. Plus, most of the cheaters didn't really know what was going on and kept playing anyway.
  7. I'd argue against incompetence, but rather I think it's a case of inexperience and lack of resources. Little Orbit has experience in keeping games running, over lack of development. APB's been going for a long while and I've seen people bitching about it since 2012.
  8. Hoo boy, it's quite depressing to see when we dropped below two thousand players and to see that we're struggling at around 800 this last month as well.
  9. Where are our Enforcer light kits?
  10. Which server? What theme? What symbol? How much are you prepared to spend for each?
  11. Far too many people had horrible themes and was the primary reason people ended up on my ignore list.
  12. Chicago again for next week? I might dig out my old gear and join in.
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