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Everything posted by Doom32

  1. It RANGES from that, Right not it's running smooth at 44ms OOOOo but thats because i'm the only one in silver waterfront, waiting.. may leave soon
  2. first of all, my internet speed is 5 mbps, which gives me ping ranging from 40 to all the way to 1000, depending on what the people in my household are doing. because of your poor understanding in English sarcasm(cant say that its your fault but you shouldn't be on the forums really), I wasn't actually calling "mrchan" or any of the 4 players, hackers.
  3. Actually, whenever I do go silver(because im not that good), and I'm playing with my friends, they tend to be in the bronze district, and I tend to try to take it easy on new players as to not have them leave the game and not come back. I understand your frustration catching me on bronze the other day for the first time in quite a while, it's understandable. But you did talk crap on me in game, talking about how you have more kills, and I guess that means somehow you are better then me, and if thats the case, YOU SHOULD ALSO BE IN SILVER YOU HYPOCRITE. -good look translating that yood.
  4. I don't recall this being a "feedback" thread anyways, keep the images coming... Maybe some shots by the swift area. I don't know
  5. what were you expecting? a game like runescape turning into world of warcraft graphics i mean what? you can't make apb reloaded gta 5
  6. DId you unplug and plug it back in?
  7. If you are going to argue in a thread, do not deflect, you are a waste of reading, seriously.
  8. has anyone have any proof to the fact they can't fix the match making based on the "engine" that just doesn't make sense to me, seeing as older games have fine matchmaking.
  9. And she did a real well job on telling them how to use armas marketplace - server management, she did a great job training. bravo tiggs.
  10. My feedback Before this starts I from the start of this topic do have a biased opinion on BR games I think in general they are trash but... -This br gamemode has nothing to offer on the table, the excitement is low. - the grind is too much (coming from other players not me because I've only played a total of 4 or 5 "Riot" missions. -The playable area in general looks like a mess, I've said it countless times, those barriers look ugly and spam placed onto the map, differentiation in models is a must, in apb reloaded mission district, you wouldn't normally I would say complain about any sort of details but since BR is based on exploring and finding things, the map is bland, models are awful, general placement of models/barriers are generally ugly and obiouiously ploped on there, EX: the barriers do not look natural at all, not even blended in with the environment in anyway. - The spawns are awful. -Not enough variation in the map/mode/item pickups etc... -The combat situations you do encounter aren't exciting. -Bring back vehicles but not the overpowered ones.. and make sure your spawn placement isn't insane and cars everywhere. Suggestions? ------------- Adjust the hazmat suit somehow to make it more viable. (its a must) Re-look at your design focus for how you want the map to look and feel gameplay wise, there needs to be a nice flow, Add newer mechanics in the gamemode that apb just hasn't seen, EX: this is far fetched but a jetpack 4 man team. ------------- We all knew this would be a problem. Not everybody is with that tryhard wasp group right? (not dissing wasp love some guys over in there just using them as ex:) So basically if you don't have a team, playing this mode will not be enjoyable. No options for solos, duos, that most "Popular" br games have If you want this mode to thrive you've also got to look at how the br games are actually in a state of decline. and investigate on how you can make YOUR br game not decline. Good luck on that though. because yours is already on the decline and its going down pretty fast. also vehicles implement them in some way, maybe put only the shit tier cars no one ever uses, that would be enough honestly. ------ Edited ------
  11. I haven't been on bronze server in a while, so use that one cell in y our brain please and get things right, 2 I've only seen you in FC baylan shipping 3, i suck kat fc which is why rarely go there, 4, you stay there and troll and yeah when we were there I remember the score of me being above you despite me playing very crappy. I doubt you've really went against me. unless you're referring to the tks you keep getting on me lol. (Also I only got on fc to test out that new weapon that got released)
  12. I am Solo, a silver player who plays in the bronze district because my silver district is filled with gold , clan players . (not gonna quote the second line too correct) I haven't become gold since I came back --- That's all I've decided to read from you, since reading a lot of what you tend to try to say is just to mind boggling in a way that makes my brain wanna collide in on itself getting off topic again but here we go anyways, "how many matches would you not lose if you just listened to what i said?" what exactly did you say to make it to where I wouldn't lose matches?
  13. Honestly, you should be banned. My opinion. and yeah, you definitely play like a 16yo silver when you go trolling in fc by tking others. That's beside the point. If you're not good at the game and you're on joker, I guess stick to the bronze servers. Competitive people tend to like playing the game too, and they tend to STAY in silver+
  14. you complain about fashion? fucing seriously, wasting everyones time, complain about somthing useful.
  15. stay off the forums and stay to trollling in fight club via tkin
  16. Also, when entering riot, playing the mode, and then going into the mission, players, and me have been left with the "fog haze" throughout the map forcing you to restart the game.
  17. lol more free stuf pls, im to por i ned stuf frum fre gayme. pls
  18. Hi, at any other developer company, Do not buy this game from LO, let them have it. Not dissing LO but if they can't fix the game, I'm sorry, but no one else should try.
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