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Lord Cashpoint

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Everything posted by Lord Cashpoint

  1. I'd say there were other Assault Rifles in far greater need of a rework.
  2. I'll never forget my complete surprise when they just buffed the ATAC out of nowhere. Then did the same thing to the OCA (Which is still in dire need of toning down). It's more that every AR is worse than the N-tec. So many of them fail to fufill the basic point of an AR which is to be versatile.
  3. I'd love to see some rollbacks for weapon changes. It feels like since about 2014 the way balancing worked was G1 would buff or release a weapon which was overpowered, and then in the patch in which they'd nerf it they would change a load of other weapons for no real reason.
  4. I've always liked the idea of having characters jumping out of fast moving vehicles being put into a fall landing animation. Not only does it stop players from abusing the exit mechanics, it also means that you have a chance to see where the enemy is after they have left the vehicle before they shoot you. Although this game has horrendous mismatches between character models and hitboxes which go beyond just exiting vehicles.
  5. APB needs more large scale money sinks (Legendaries don't really fufill that purpose in my mind). Perhaps there needs to be more expensive items that could be purchasable in game? Maybe weapon skins and titles that cost a lot of in-game cash. Or even paying through the nose to trial Armas weapons. There could also be a need to introduce more tradable commodities with finite quantities. Perhaps Little Orbit could run competitions for designing items, and then release those items as limited edition fashion items which can be traded. Whatever they do I hope they at least reduce the ridiculous cost of refurbishing vehicles.
  6. When I purchased Armas items previously, it was with the full understanding that I would be paying the price advertised. As much as I'd like to get a giant rebate for all my purchases, I don't expect it.
  7. I would like to see how having better servers/netcode would affect crouch spamming before making any rash changes. Perhaps there could be a penalty to accuracy for crouching too many times in a row?
  8. I wouldn't remove Mobile Spawn Unit, but I would like to see it made easier both to disable the mod on a vehicle, increasing the range in which players can block it, and also add a radius around the objective where it will not function. It's a useful asset, but too often does a situation like this occur: A Vegas equipped with Mobile Spawn Unit with two enemies in comes streaming past One enemy jumps out and starts a fight with you You kill the enemy The Vegas drives around the corner and the enemy simply spawns in it Obviously this isn't the situation every time, but it does sum up exactly what I don't like about the mod, simply that it's too easy to deploy given how vital a tool it is. A Pioneer on a highway with a spawner is a massive threat to your team, and takes up far more of your time to destroy it then it does to put it there. I full-heartedly agree with Ashely as well, in that Mobile Radar Tower is probably even worse in terms of balancing. As it stands currently, a radar tower car is invisible on the radar until you trigger it, instantly giving away your position. I would love to see some kind of counterplay to the mod, especially given that it's easy to place the car in such a location that the only way to destroy it is to enter its radius. Perhaps we could resurrect that old myth that sprinting puts you on the radar and make it so that not sprinting keeps you off a radar tower. Additionally, a character mod (Not satchels) which disables vehicle based mods would be fantastic.
  9. I think the new spawn system is probably an improvement over the old one. Being able to choose your spawn also gives you the ability to tell which direction you'll be approaching the objective from before you spawn. It's useful for planning. That being said there some major improvements I would like to see: Introduce more spawn points, especially some which don't follow the strict rules about having to spawn on a road. Currently there are many areas (Southern Financial and Eastern Waterfront in particular) where roads are simply not laid out to support the 110m ideal distance. I'd love to see the ability to spawn on dirt roads or in alley-ways to ensure that there's always a spawn point an appropriate distance away. If nothing else, it would also cut down on instances where you spawn on a road only for an enemy vehicle to rock up instantly. Attempt to put the opposing teams on opposite sides when it comes to spawning. Obviously we don't want entirely predictable spawns, but it is a bit silly when you can spawn at a 90 degree angle to an enemy on the same road. Be far more strict when it comes to spawning players at map boundaries. Right now the system does not handle it very well, which is why you see players spawn behind each other in these areas. When it comes to map boundaries, the game will simply have to place teams at opposite ends. Attempt to rotate player spawns during missions so that even if a mission objective is highly asymmetrical, both teams will have equal shares of poor spawn points. Many missions are determind by which team has easier access to a highway for example. Possibly dial back the vehicle mod Mobile Spawn Point. I'd like to see the distance in which enemies can block the spawner be increased, as well as a radius around an objective in which they don't function. Mobile Spawn Point is currently very easy to use, but incredibly dangerous to ignore. (This is part of a wider issue to do with vehicles however). Add the ability to que up spawn points via priority in case your preferred one becomes blocked or a previously blocked one becomes available. Perhaps consider revamping Fight Club spawning entirely. Right now it is far too easy to run into an enemy spawn point and be completely overwhelmed instantly. From my memory Asylum worked better when you couldn't choose your spawns. These are just some of the aspects of the spawn system that need improving right now.
  10. I think just as a general rule you'd want something like this to happen, more variety is always good. The 200 damage difference between 550 and 750 isn't insignificant however. To survive a second scout shot, you only have to regenerate 100 health. To survive a second 750 damage shot, you have to regenerate 500 health. That would be where the HVR's key strength would lie, in suppressing players (but without being as oppressive as it is right now). It would also be important to mention the HVR's longer range, allowing it to two shot up to 100m, something the Scout is incapable of. I agree that it is dangerous to over-nerf weapons, but I don't believe anything can realistically justify the position the HVR is currently in.
  11. You can use other games for inspiration when it comes to balancing APB, but you can't use them for justification. In other games, sniper rifles often come with a whole range of drawbacks and design decisions simply not present in APB. The HVR as it stands at 850 damage per shot is absolutely absurd. I don't see why it can't be brought down to around the 750 range with a reverse damage drop-off mechanic similar to the DMR.
  12. Can we expect to see better server performance whether it would be a netcode or hardware improvement? While you've stated that you don't want to fundamentally change APB's gameplay, would you consider making changes to core APB mechanics in the name of quality of life updates? One thing that definitely springs to mind is having account wide friend lists and inventories. Do you have any plans on marketing the game at some point, and if so when do you think that would be the case?
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