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Everything posted by TheAceNinja

  1. Get out of here Flaws. You're literally the only person who's been banned for "Ban Evasion". Definitely has nothing to do with you hard locking on accident on stream multiple times, doing the same in your youtube videos, and even getting completely and utterly exposed by Goat when you tried to come out with your pathetic "Proof I'm not a botter" video. Name one other person who's been "False banned for evasion" 14 times like you have. I can't wait to hear your excuses once you get banned again with BE. Still gonna try and say some random GM has a vendetta against you? Or some troll "Mass reported" you? You'd think after getting caught so many times you'd finally admit it, but guess some people will take obvious lies to their grave.
  2. Yet another thread about dethreaters. Just because someone can easily crap all over YOU doesn't mean they are dethreating. Also just killing yourself/suiciding/afk'ing does NOT cause you to drop threat. You still actually need to get points in order to dethreat.
  3. Cheaters have always been freely able to re-roll and play legit. That's why anyone who's ever used the "Ban evasion" excuse is just downright dumb.
  4. Goat couldn't even beat PB, and FF wasn't client-side. Goat is completely and utterly irrelevant these days.
  5. Instead of this, can you focus more on the people who don't have access to their accounts due to the password change? Still waiting on a reply and it's almost been 2 weeks. I feel as someone who's account wasn't banned at all, I should have some kind of priority since I just need the damn email changed.
  6. No one knew G1 was going to get purchased. A LOT of people who can't remember their emails probably stopped playing months or even longer and are now coming back because of the news.
  7. I was more referring to the people who think BE is the same as FF and think they won't get caught as long as they don't "Rage hack" but still continue to toggle on their cheats.
  8. Depending on how many of the people who aren't smart enough to realize what BE is and come to the forums, I'm guessing "Pretty high." :^)
  9. You won't have to, don't worry. A buddy of mine on steam just got replied to and was able to get his stuff taken care of. I have my Enforcer for the time being, so I don't mind waiting for them to reply.
  10. It's gonna be a while. I sent in a ticket on the 26th and still haven't gotten anything back. I'm still waiting.
  11. Am I the only one who understands that you're not supposed to make profits easily when RESELLING an item? 20% is too much, but just because you paid $50k for something doesn't mean you should easily be able to then resell for more. That's the whole point of the tax. Your margin of profit is supposed to be tiny. Lower the tax but don't get rid of it. A single person shouldn't constantly make profit because they're putting HS3 up 50 times and making half or more back on the sale.
  12. If you think the threat is the reason why new players don't stick around, you are so sorely mistaken I'm tempted to give you some icey-hot. When you make a new account, you're a Trainee. You can then join a green or a bronze district. A new player will literally achieve GOLD after winning THREE MISSIONS. You think that's long enough playtime to now know the game and get locked to Gold? With your logic, that would make even more players leave. "Congrats, you've achieved gold because you did good. We're moving you to the Gold server with other players of your skill level." *Goes Gold* *Proceeds to get absolutely completely and utterly destroyed even harder then he would against low silvers and fake golds* *Uninstalls and tells everyone the game is pure trash* Congrats, your change just killed the game even more then before.
  13. Yeah, let's segregate players even more! What a brilliant idea! Let's not forget that Threat is completely broken and literally contributing 50% of your team will help you raise up in threat, even if you lose. Nothing like being a low silver playing with your friends and you do good a few missions and BOOP, now you're gold. Guess you're getting kicked, can't play with your friends anymore, and have to PURPOSELY dethreat just so you can continue playing with your other friends.
  14. As far as I can tell, League of Legends is the only real example and that's because they completely changed how their cash shop stuff worked. It's not economically viable for any business to lower the prices and then give you back every thing you spent, just so you can buy even MORE without actually SPENDING more.
  15. Even if they plan on changing the prices, pretty sure Matt said this is something that'd come way later. I doubt they'd "Refund" everyone's items or give them back G1C. That's now how things work.
  16. As I said in my post, that doesn't mean "A lot" of false bans were indeed FALSE. He just believes they should have been handled differently. AKA, what I posted the first time about players who were doing things other then just cheating. Or until we see what LO does, maybe cheating won't straight up be a perm ban. Maybe it'll be a temp/first offense kind of thing and that's how they'd have handled it. You quoting Matt doesn't help your claim at all.
  17. Yeah? I'm not saying she wasn't lying. I'm saying that most of the "False" bans were more then likely completely justified.
  18. Just because you've been waiting years doesn't mean it has any truth behind it. Just like people think G1 was lying about the False Bans, who's to say LO isn't? Unbanning all the cheaters is a move to get population back into the game. They bought a DYING game and I'm sure it's not hard to look back at the records of certain banned accounts and see that they used to be swimming in G1C. It could also just be a blanket excuse since it'd be much easier to just unban everyone and give a very touchy subject as the reason. I believe there were false bans, but I in no way believe it was "A lot" in the sense that it was a giant margin. Constant re-rolls, account sharing, account selling/buying, and so on all fell under FF. It wasn't JUST for cheats. Then you had people who were openly and extremely racist, bigoted, and just downright disgusting in terms of trolling. You had people who'd purposely grief and harrass streamers (Which some deserved to be banned, not all of them) and then you had people who'd literally call GM's names and disrespect them, which winds up in a ban. LO also stated that a lot of the bans didn't really have any notes or reasons attached to them. That doesn't mean the ban wasn't justified. That can't be answered unless we had a time machine, but I'm willing to bet they're lumping in a lot of the "False" bans in with those. As for what constitutes as "False" is completely subjective as well until we hear it from LO. As we've seen, LO is giving off the impression that they want to taper bans with mutes and temp time-outs before straight up banning someone's account. Just because LO thinks someone being toxic and mouthing off might warrant a few days mute, doesn't mean G1 didn't think they deserved an outright ban. You can argue that aspect till the world ends, but at the end of the day it was G1's game and they were free to do with the player base as they see fit in terms of that.
  19. Running on a HD630 from my i7 at 1024/768. Don't get much stutters, but smoke just completely wrecks my frame rate.
  20. Can't be done. BE is client-side and you generally have to accept it's license and terms when it's being installed like old PB. So everyone will clearly see that it's now live. The communication isn't a problem. The problem is that they openly admitted to tuning FF down even lower and disabling the auto-banning feature. So you legit have a much large amount of people going ham right now because there's practically zero risk of getting banned. It's akin to when FF was first implemented. They threw it up quietly, a bunch of people continued to rage hack, got flagged, and then got banned. Then G1 thought it was the smartest move to not only announce FF but openly state that it mainly tracks a players stats, so then a lot of high-rank hard-botters started closeting a lot more and went for months and years under the radar. That's like announcing to everyone in a large Casino that your Security Cameras are no longer working but they will be soon, and you have a few people walking around to catch the cheaters and thiefs. Yeah, SOME will still get caught, but a whoooooooooooooole lot more are gonna get away with it.
  21. It can, they just disabled the Auto-banning FF can do. Supposedly they're still investigating/manual banning people who get flagged but with some of the same people in game, I'm having a hard time believing that.
  22. I think I remember trying the "Fix" a while back and didn't notice a single difference except having to change my sensitivity. Other then that, turning off "Smooth frame rate" and Vsync and I literally have zero acceleration. Whether I'm swiping my mouse as fast as I can, and then SLOOOOOOWWWLWLLLLYYYYY bringing it back, it'll always end up in the same spot. ^ That's what no acceleration does. I feel like a huge amount of people don't even understand that aspect.
  23. As someone else said, some are doing it to level up/make as much cash as possible. Others are seeing no risk so they're going ham. And some are just the same ol' rage botters that don't care and are only doing it because there's a slightly bigger population now. Hopefully BE will clean up a good portion. Just waiting on that ETA/Patch.
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