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Everything posted by Senodus

  1. Awesome! Can't wait to be able to level my character again. =D
  2. Sadly couldn't make it last time but this weekend I'm free and definitely there if you decide to do it.
  3. Please make the test districts normal financial mission districts instead of this pointless free for all garbage that doesn't even give accurate real scenarios performance stats.
  4. Might not be able to make it this time cuz of my birthday. Will notify you at the last minute.
  5. Senodus

    Weapon roles

    Totally agree. The way roles are now they make you feel like you're forced to play only one character otherwise you're loosing out. It's the reason I only have one max R character even tho I have almost 2270 hours.
  6. Wait do you honestly believe that shotguns 2 shooting at 9m is a problem? That makes them useless trash. XD why would you ever use a shotgun now when at 10m+ you're gonna be destroyed by oca cuz you have to 3 shot it.
  7. But they are supposed to suck at close range since they are LONG RANGE RIFLES. You have a secondary for a reason
  8. Why would someone use it? To get more range on a gut while sacrificing some of its cqc capabilities.
  9. Yeah, but not everyone does that. They still should list all the changes in detail.
  10. How did it ruin them? You play them exactly same at range you did before and are exactly as good at range as they were before. The only thing that changed about them is their cqc spray potency, which is good. Guns like Oscar are still top tier with ir3.
  11. Why would they? It makes the mod more balanced.
  12. The IR change is great. Guns long range potency didn't get changed, you tap fire them the same way as before, but their cqc spray potency got decreased. As it should be. You sacrifice some cqc for long range. Yes some guns long range potency got tiny bit decreased like the Oscar but that's fine, those weapons needed that. Oscar is still one of the best weapons in the game with ir3, the fire rate decrease is only a little bit. People are just overreacting.
  13. Ntec with this ir3 is BROKEN https://clips.twitch.tv/SmoothCoweringArtichokeDxCat I think the -9/-15/-21% fire rate/burst interval reduction with the +3/+5/+7m range increase was perfect. At least make it +3/+5/+7m with -5/-10/-15%. Ir3 deasn't need any more range increase than +7m.
  14. Make it like a reverse cooling jacket. Ir1 -3%, ir2 -5%, ir3 -7% and it could be very balanced.
  15. Sign me up IGN: xSagittiSx Faction: Crim Your Clan: Niutex Country: From Poland but live in Germany Fave weapon: CQC weapons Character gender: Female Preferred Entrance Music: This (YT: MONXX - FALLING)
  16. The shotgun change is awesome imo. Just change the damage dropoff to start at around 10m instead of the current 20m. Cobra feels really nice too.
  17. Cuz we celebrate that we survived another full year? Your thinking to pessimistic man. =)
  18. I can guarantee you it wasn't a thing then. I was still playing back then, and we most definitely were still using center dot and circle design. https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2013/11/quick-update-today-i-call-shotgun.html
  19. What does the strife's crosshair look like? Google it or watch a yt video of some gameplay with it? Imo too it will be way better than the current shotgun crosshair.
  20. Yeah when I watch my clips I notice that the shooting animation is always delayed. When you click the pellets go where the crosshair was at that moment but the animation starts tiny bit later and if you were off target but moved your aim on target again in that time frame it looks as if it was the games fault you missed instead of yours. =/
  21. Thanks for clarification. But it's interesting since sometimes when I look back at some of my clips frame by frame where I shoot 2 times on someone it seems to put the entire spread to one side.But maybe it has something to do with the fact that client and server side spread is desynced. And yeah the thing with the god pellet was stupid, wouldn't want that to return.
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