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Everything posted by Defibrillator

  1. NO, Battleye says usage of macro and autohotkey is not bannable in other games like R6 and pubg, bt its bannable in apb. There is a player who asked in social dist "hey why do i get kicked for autohotkey?" If you're wondering whether he might have downloaded ahk, the answer is no. He was using the software which came along with his razer mice. So it varies from game to game.
  2. Overwolf has crosshair shaders. Not an ingame one, but an external one. Crosshair shaders is a grey area if u are aware. Also battleye doesnt allow certain overlays.
  3. I never really care about skins and stuff from the game. Back when raf program was there, i jus got the weapons from it. For me anything which doesnt improve/change your gameplay is jus a waste of time. What good does it do to have a colorful skin? Will u aim for the enemies or jus adore ur pink otoblabla neko skin? Never gonna grind soo much for a skin. Some people never understand it.
  4. Gratz for the first spot. I'd like to say a few things. 1. Playing in a competitive environment is totally fine, bt you have to see the fact that you are deliberately taking away a chance from another player who comes second. You might have played for years, bt he might have joined recently and this could've been his 10th match today. 2. The event is not held all the time. It starts from 5pm utc, which gives a short time to play. I never really cared abt skin which does really nothing to my playstyle. I play the fc for kills, so joker tickets either aint my thing. I feel sad for some collectors for whom its a pain in the patootie. What can be done about the event: Make the skin obtainable through roles. Play 100 missions in event district or kill 200players, so that ppl grind for it without being affected.
  5. d-does this mean, you're finally quitting?
  6. I know the checkbox thing on the search tab. But i dint do so. Felt like reporting thats all.
  7. Title says it all. I dont have a particular player on my friendslist. Yet i see him when i type /who command. Also i am able to search his name and can find what district he is in using the search function. Pls look into it @Kevkof Please find the images below. P.S : I never had him on my frnds list in the past as well. Hes not a clanmate as well.
  8. It did not download anything kevkof it jus scanned the files i jus remember seeing 8/8 and then apbuberpixelprocessblendershader text files were done.
  9. Full screen, 1024x768, vsync on, no advanced launcher as well. A word to add: the game starts fixing files.. like for around 4mins or so.. the .upk files and stuff
  10. Game crashes when you try to switch to desktop (alt+tab) Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch the game 2. Join any district/instance 3. Spawn into a district 4. Perform some actions 5. Press Alt+Tab How many times I've recreated this bug: 7/10. Result: Crash error report screen. Please write about the issue which you are facing. Expected Result: The game should minimize normally and should not crash.
  11. The district loading screen shows all sorts of things like this. People hardly read these.
  12. I was an active dethreater in the past and yeah I do know something abt it. When your score is in the top 50% of the match your threat goes up. When your score is in the bottom 50% your threat goes down. Also, it depends on how long I've stayed gold and it takes more time based on that.
  13. Diff weapons have diff ttk and sure that will be taken into due consideration. Sure distance does matter, bt you fight in close combat, long range combat and I'm jus saying everything will be calculated on an average. You take less time to kill with a cj in the mod slot and more time to kill and more shots to kill with a heavy barrel in it. But there will always be a ideal value for it. Like I said above, player health can be taken into consideration. Player health is 1000 usually, bt it becomes 1300 for a kev3 user and yeah the time to kill varies for that. Aha, I forgot to mention it, thx for reminding me. The no. of shots with that particular weapon can be taken into consideration and the percentage damage can be calculated. For less than letal weapons, the time to stun and arrest can be calculated. I'd like to add that a player is considered a silver or gold player based on his accuracy and way of thinking. We can't determine the latter part. But the former depends on the stk and ttk.
  14. Hello everyone. I'll quickly tell what this is about. I've started apb as a bronze dist player and i moved on to silver districts and i regularly play the fight clubs. Having been played on both bronze and silver districts i know the skill gap is jus huge. Players have high reaction time in bronze district when it is compared with silver district players. Same goes with shots to kill and time to kill. (Leave explosives category). Players in silver district have attained perfection by playing vs players of their skill level or more. What i'm tryna say is..what if we remove the threat system for a couple days and put a open conflict for all and let em play against each other and we can get to know their ttk and stk based on it and we can get to decide the threat level based on that. No one does perfect ttks and stks often..bt ill tell u this bronze district players takes a bit more time in every aspect of the game when compared to silver district players. Less ttk and stk will increase your threat level, more ttk and more stk will decrease your threat level. The ttk and stk values will be taken on an average and dealt with. This is not a suggestion thread, i jus wanted to hear your opinions regarding it; good or bad, it doesnt matter. Sorry if someone had written this, i went through the forums and i couldnt find it. Thx for reading. *Edit 1: You could jus try em out in the existing state, i jus told a open conflict dist so that ppl can get a variety of ups and downs to get to decide stks and ttks accordingly. Avoiding explosives cuz there is no certainity how many players might get killed and stuff. *Edit 2: For less than letal weapons, the time to stun and arrest can be calculated.
  15. Make rewards hard to obtain for those who grind it. Put em up for sale in armas for those who cant. Its same as grinding for a ntec5 dvah and buying one from armas.
  16. Hi, Player from asia in here. I started apb in 2013 in obeya server. My ping was around 170ms at that time. Obeya players were jus simply good and my timezone was +5hrs more than EU's timezeone. I didnt have much players online when i was active. So i found the han server and i just moved on. I got a decent 90-100ms ping in han, my work timings changed and i became more active during nights, moved back to obeya and it was during the end of 2014. I noticed that my ping was around 200ms, but i jus thought it might get fixed eventually and it didnt. Years rolled by and my ping is going up and now my ping is around 340ms. At times it touches upto 450ms. I have been using the same internet service provider all these years. If i use my 4g data at times, the ping comes to 260ms which is a decent ping to play with. I jus want to know, whats the issue im facing, and are there any others who has increase in their ping in the past few years?
  17. You want an opinion? Here you go. All ul3 weapons are hard to play with and to master. They require you to go into marksman mode and fire em. Full auto'ing the wep option is ruled out. Its good as a finisher weapon, when youre enemy is tagged to 60 or 70. Problema you'll be facing are, every semi auto pistol like fbw (6stk) , .45 ap( 5stk) would be taking u down with less effort. Full auto secondaries like sas pdw or nfa9 will give u a tough competition. The only problem is, secondaries are hipfired or fully auto'ed, they dont want you to go into marksman. @cookiepuss might give u all such details about stats of guns, which are jus theoretical bizblab. Im helluva sure that he himself doesnt play the ul3 guns very often. At the end of the day u're the one gonna play the game. Make a wise choice.
  18. When was this? Never seen an R&D go for 500k on auction that was over a year back, also u cant find prices in forums
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