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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Should LO nerf the ability to make these stupid nerf threads
  2. As long as it's optional, cus I cbf to go find my phone every time I wanna login to the fkn game. My acct is already connected through steam, which I *do* have 2factor Auth on (or steam guard or w/e that dumb shit is called), that should be enough.
  3. Kat

    RIP jericho

    rip financial 2
  4. Kat

    RIP jericho

    press F to pay respects
  5. racism is not banana peels & there's nothing slippery about it logical or otherwise
  6. Hello conservative "omg everything isoffensive to somebody" snowflakes, it is 2018 and it is not that hard to not be racist if the question pops into your mind "is this racist?" instead ask yourself "why did I even need to ask that question in the first place?" and then don't use the thing. very ez to understand, now move along
  7. more important than this thread topic...hi gogol
  8. Kat


    ɐdq: ɹǝןoɐpǝp
  9. Keep collision the same for the sole purpose of never letting scummit return to the game
  10. Yes Because theyre putting in a new anticheat before they unban anyone so anyone who actually was cheating just gets immediately slamdunked back into ban land very ez to understand
  11. In general I like the new forum, but there's some weird things. - The "insert new media" button at the bottom left of reply/post takes up alot of space and one of the options is to "upload img from url". Why isn't that just a button at the top alongside link/quote/code? There's plenty of space for more icons on the top bar. I'd like to see them move "img" up there, and add a "video" button as well for easier embedding. - Also submit reply button:hover is uhhh not good looking. Should darken on hover, or get a dark outline if it's going to lighten. Edit: Also, "new reply" notification doesn't seem to be working for me? I click "show replies" and the notification will go away, but it doesn't actually refresh the page/load new posts. I'm on google chrome.
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