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Everything posted by BlueB

  1. It wouldnt surprise me... even banning cheaters openly and they rhey appeared after some time (added flist).
  2. They know where the low resolution cameras are so no one believes. They are smart for something.
  3. I think ppl is mad that they been working on a br like planetside. I really enjoyed it, probably will be back to it when i get a new monitor.
  4. I agree about the children part. They are so into children games that even the forums are for 4 yo, you cant even post ingame stuff withouy being warned for sexual content. Some apb artists got their symbols removed and left the game and forums ;( I wish other company get the game.
  5. The very best thing a player ever told me was "i will enjoy killing you (team kill) as much you enjoy watching your horses fuck". I use fluttershy symbol and he was so mad... i still laugh to this day. Thats one of the reasons i love online games.
  6. Lol what a mock. Even an imperfection in the floor flips a vegas. Its funnier than you put ntec meme as comparison like a good silver.
  7. God of mine... are you aware of what you are saying? Knowing how to handle cars in apb DOES make the diference. One simple example is arriving first at mission point... icould give you more but typing in phone is work for skeletons.
  8. At certain point not, but ive seen one player once outskill me with it and he was really awesome drifting, i mean reaally.
  9. Is not only sense of progression if not driving skills and money spent (or on 4x4 case 2 month of pain farming removed by greedfirst and replaced for 1 ez month farm or real $$$). It doesnt matter what you tell here, vegas requires skill to be handled and ive only seen a few players do it right. Skill allways needs to be rewarded and not punished as cancerfirst did. This is somthing you will never get because you are a low skill player, im sorry to tell you.
  10. You clearly dont get it. Just let me tell you that you are bad. Get good, come back, give advice.
  11. Cars already have pros and cons. As i said previosly -even made a thread for it- 4 sits cars need to survive osmaw rockets. That would be my only complain about cars. Vegas been nerfed already, it should not go more shit unless you want this game to turn into silver shitfest like already is. They removed most fun features because of their shitty complains, turning this game almost boring and not enjoyable. God... do you even understand that cars have different prices for a reason??? If you make every car the same you surely will help this game to be even more distasteful than already is.
  12. Another silver doing polls... you are not happy enough with all the damage you did, right?
  13. Sry for trigger you some flashbacks.
  14. BlueB

    Phone posting.

    I cant find anything sexual in this...
  15. Bud, after being caught with 'nudity and sexual content' or 'direct insults' with like 20 accounts, i have become like pure and innocent. Im ready to play with kindergarten children and ill start celibate.
  16. Using i3 when you could be ocing a good 965 be... *siiip*
  17. Not my style, sorry. But seriously, why is this thrad allowed to have such amount of sexual content? I would be banned and ip blocked by now.
  18. It used to have... but i dont quite remember.
  19. I kinda approve this... well done.
  20. Again this is only my opinion... the hardest would be deal with cheaters. Focus engine, give players a purpose and a feeling of accomplishment, freedom and uncensorship. That would it for me, the rest should be easy. Edit: forgot to mention to kill balance myth, its mostly enviroment. Weapons should be fun and functional.
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