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Everything posted by BlueB

  1. If you are ready to be loved and hated go for it.
  2. If life is easier why my gas wont stop?
  3. The real prblem is that people wont learn to play. So here comes matt with his "balance" team and shits on a weapon that is perfectly fine, making the game even more boring and pleasant for handicapwd players... creating further trust issues. I bought that weapon and i dont feel safe buying stuff if they are going to crap on it later when they see the sales stopped.
  4. I lost huge trust after the big unbanning, no words could save that. I blame making games for little kids.
  5. No one cares, land engine first.
  6. Been reading that there are even leds... i need a cheap one for my old pc. My 13+ yo screen went rip after a power outage and had some dead pixels after service...
  7. I try to be a better person but it allways backfires. Sometimes i dont even try with same results, life is hard...
  8. BlueB


    Who could imagine that you are contained so much with a simple forum... Ill contact a friend who is prison chief in china and i will ask to spam the forums with degeneracy until they are forced to close it so you can finally rest in pizza.
  9. Can cl@ms get cramps?
  10. BlueB


    A direct imsult yet not banned
  11. Trully delusional trying to find balance in a game like this... And yet he keeps comparing weapons to cars. Like im not going to try to reason with a wall anymore. Oh, i own 4x4 vegas, firebomb and still prefer the clasic vegas it doesnt even matter the amount of tears you drop to nerf 4x4 when it doesnt need any.
  12. I didnt know that was an insult... but if you say so, i still wont quit it. Merged. You will not improve the game making everyone the same because thats impossible aknowleding this is a skill based game, everyone has diferent ways to make ingame incomes meaning better or worst equipped, money. I dont think those are insults... you are trying to victimize certain players as you try to victimize yourself as i shown, programmed in your brain fr i dont know what reason. I dont think victimizing players will keep doing any good for apb because they butchered this game thinking for low skilled players, trying to give them more space when they didnt deserve it and they been losing both... I really think its time to put the victim card aside and give players motivation to get skilled and play the game and not to everyone playing your "we are all equal" card. Its over bro.
  13. Its been like that for ever... for example osmaw and opgl. And ita not reward higher skill player just because, those powerful weapons require players knowledge and skill, or see today silvers with opgl or osmaw how bad they use it... other is to prevent cheaters to access better equipament earlier. You only are a justice warrior fihting for equallity, and we already seen how bad it is for this game long enough, you should stop. Stop acusing me of insulting you because i am not doing it. Trying to removeme from forums wont make you more right, please. Thanks you very much for your comprehension.
  14. Woah engine was real... cant wait to get a new monitor to properly watch vid and pics.
  15. Thanks to agree with me. I admire such free time to blast such amount of nonsense, tho. Theres still ppl thinking than larger posts to tire everyone who read it will make you right... you remind me to sayvana or something like it, great typing poor gameplay heh.
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