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Everything posted by Glubbable

  1. Lootboxes are a cancer that infests the game industry at large. They need to be removed or massively reformed to be consumer friendly instead of current consumable slot machine model.
  2. Makes me wonder if the RedHill faction is going to be an NPC faction. I mean, PvE in APB would be pretty interesting.
  3. I think you've completely misunderstood what a Team Surrender is.
  4. How would a mission, that ends early because of a surrender, be something that would screw up the matchmaking even more?
  5. You do not punish your players for problems that arise in your own game, you work on mitigating / fixing the problem. You can easily limit possible abuse by time gating the vote option or requiring the first stage of a mission to be completed before the vote becomes an option. Then you'll have to get the entire team to agree to surrender, which will be not always be the case with randoms and certainly with pre-made groups. If the vote is implemented correctly, it will become an option that is only used when everyone comes to the conclusion that they have no hope of winning. Which can be caused by multiple factors, from either being out-classed or out-gunned by better players to the mission itself is too heavily one sided.
  6. A Team Surrender Vote would be pretty awesome, there's no point forcing people to sit through 5-10 minutes of being rofl stomped into the floor due to a massive skill gap.
  7. KTTW was also suppose to be a limited time only pack for those with the $$$ to spend on it.
  8. Isn't the requirement for a level 3 weapon mod sitting at R40? Seems a little weird to put the rank requirement below that.
  9. Lack of a direct response from the developers does not mean that they have ignored your posts. Lurking is a thing.
  10. I am glad that the prices on ARMAS are finally being sorted out. Also paying real money for limited time duration weapons is just a waste and should've just been removed entirely from the store. But it's a step in the right direction at the least.
  11. So basically the engine upgrade is a bigger clusterfuck than we originally thought. Welp.
  12. If you've been playing APB for a long time like me, you'll tend to notice that APB can eat up a sizable amount of your harddrive space with massive log files. These files, that you can find them under "APB Reloaded/APBGame/Logs", can get as large as 300MB depending on how long you play APB for within a single session. I have recently tried to find anything on how to disable this logging functionality, searching the forums and google have turned up nothing. Ontop of that I have tried a few settings in the configs that hinted to logging, but it resulted in nothing. With that being said I am unsure on where to place this kind of topic, so I am putting it in as a suggestion for a launcher / ingame option. My main motivation for asking for this option (or to be pointed to which config to change) is that I have a strong suspicion that a lot of my stutter lag occasional comes from the game trying to write to this log file as it gets larger and larger.
  13. Pretty sure with how slow they've been rolling out BattlEye as the games anti-cheat and how graceful Matt has been over the possibility of false bans. I think calling the company unprofessional is uncalled for, especially when they have admitted to double verifying bans ontop of providing additional support towards those that just got banned just incase.
  14. The destroyable shop objectives in the mission bug out and become indestructible unless rammed with a car. Also occurs in the mission named as R. O. A. R. so it'll be safe to assume this can happen to all missions that include destroyable shop objectives. Forgive me for potato graphics as APB loves to stutter lag / lock-up on regular settings.
  15. I would rather see the discontinuation of JMBs instead of adding more. And also for ARMAS weapons to not rob you out of a kidney for an account bound weapon, thanks.
  16. Glubbable

    Battleeye AutoLT

    Looking up on this mouse provides some information about a macro manager being included. I would not be surprised if they obtained a licensed build of AutoIt, which is what BE is most likely detecting as it's been stated already over what this script language is used for. So it's most likely detecting the mouse software itself if it is running while you're playing.
  17. I did not say that it won't solve the problem, what I said was that introducing new tech does not always mean that the problem will be solved. So I put it out there that I would like to see LO address the current issues that plague the matchmaking in some form rather than holding off for a feature that depends on the Engine Upgrade, which is still far away.
  18. I do understand, I think you misunderstood that I am talking about the current matchmaking system as we are still, so far away from an engine upgrade.
  19. I personally would like to see changes to the current matchmaking rather than hanging everything over the promise of Cross-Server Matchmaking. Introducing new tech does not inherently solve problems that are currently plaguing an existing system, especially when these are problems that are caused by basic mistakes in logic or incorrect values. Currently as it stands, it is far too easy to obtain Gold Threat as having any ability to play games at an above average level, gets you Gold. On top of that, players in the Gold Threat will flood into the Silver Districts simply because they could which is often unfair to actual Silvers in the districts due to the vast skill gap between legit Golds & Silvers. Resulting in those Silvers that are aware of district switching, to bump down into Bronze and cause skill gaps to appear there. The first problem can be solved by adjusting the current settings for the threat system. At this point with how dead the game is, it wouldn't hurt trying to make a change. The second problem can be tackled by introducing a new system that I would like to call the Dynamic District Threat System that would dynamically change the districts threat based on controlling factors. Dynamic District Threat System Desc: Dynamically changes the threat level based on certain factors and takes actions accordingly when applying the newly assigned threat level. Factor 1: Dynamic Threat will enable upon the districts population passing beyond two thirds capacity. Factor 2: Dynamic Threat will be changed based on the largest portion of players belonging to a certain threat. But only if that threat is at least twice the size of the second largest threat. Action 1: In the event of a districts threat increasing (ie Silver > Gold), all players below the new threat level will be prompted over this change and should be advised to switch district. Action 2: Players that are in a threat level that is no longer valid for the district (ie if a District drops in Threat) will no longer be allowed to ready up and will be prompted to self-select for another district. Just a basic brain storm on something to address the problem with players stacking into lower threat districts by basically discouraging the behavior with a reactionary system rather than hard locking them.
  20. Shoving testers under NDA goes against the point of giving any form of transparency. Plus it's pretty common these days for people to just leak stuff... so why not just avoid giving them access to stuff that you don't want them to talk about? Like, this game is only holding on thanks to LO, so the last thing we need is for them to repeat the same mistakes Reloaded did.
  21. I don't know if it's been mentioned but the zone barrels that you have to defend can be repaired with a blow torch.
  22. It's an issues in every single multiplayer and it's always going to be, especially the ones that have a small population of mostly veterans Other games, at the least have multiple factors that determin how much your matchmaking rating increases or decreases by. In APB it's litterally based on mission score and if you scored higher than half of the players in the mission. No factors being considered like, did this person just stomp the opposite team etc.
  23. Maybe if they fixed how the threat system works, dethreating wouldn't be an issue.
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