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  1. most people have no idea what goes into making an anticheat or cheats, they are extremely expensive and statistic based anticheats aren't effective for most cases. LO cannot afford a decked out industry standard anticheat, i'm sorry to break that news to people who did not guess it. secondarily to that, investors aren't likely going to fund it for them because there is no guarantee people would return and provide a return on investment. this game is also very dated making it prone to many security vulnerabilities because it is, by it's age, very easy to reverse engineer. this is unfortunate but it is true. I think LO is running razor thin margins and is stretched pretty thin just from casual observations. if it were me, i'd personally focus on modernizing the entire game engine wise, do a balancing repass, throw on some minor content additions, go back and see demanded suggestions such as returning ladders/threat etc and try to do what they can. seek investor support and relaunch the game with a better anticheat. all of this over the course of about two years provided that timeframe is even enough to modernize the engine. but what do i know, i'm kinda tarded.
  2. @CookiePuss @Aserii i still miss and love you guys goodbye old friends, enjoy the last of my unreleased footage from the last time i played ~five years ago shoutouts to all the people i wasn't able to stay in touch with, RAOV, 8bit boys from EU (mostly karyl, blaze, remedy, and akha), obv my Africa City/MBAH/BL boys, tuav/seiser/dopykiller/neze/provocate/agust/taj/jso/crisis/mordecai/kevvv/macy/boozy/preslei/motorola/balrog/selfish/C I L L/jimmy/jk0h. i love and miss all u boys, especially u zelly and #teamkorea gang even back in the g10 and ladder days. i miss you nocturnal/kellyq/epicgoat even though you guys routinely removed me while blatantly cheating from the top KD positions on NA E. you still gave me fond memories. thank u LO for trying to save a beloved game and screw OG G1 for neglecting it. @Hordeau never forget
  3. coming back to the forums after like 8 years and seeing this thread is hilarious what world do we live in
  4. no you didn't. a cheat/macro that does that would LITERALLY make the game unplayable outside of the situation where he is barely peeking. more than likely you went into that match with an implicit bias the guy was cheating and then you used situations like that to confirm your belief and forgot about all the other times it didn't happen. arguably the biggest problems with this game has been the removal of the appropriate threat system so players genuinely had a gauge of how good someone was (yes, g7+ players fighting g1-5's is the equivalent of a gold fighting a bronze in skill difference.) how unclear the third person camera can make certain engagements, the poor servers g1 threw up about 3 or 4 months into their ownership of the game that have caused hitreg issues ever since
  5. I'm still waiting. I miss some of you. I hate the OP.
  6. You seem to misunderstand something. Most good players, i'd even argue and say "good" players play like that because it is the most optimal way to play. They aren't tryharding, it's just the natural way to play the game. After a point playing like that is simply habit. APB has devolved into this: Stomping morons who can barely operate a mouse 95% of the time, and getting good opp the other 5% of the time.
  7. I'll be eagerly watching and hopefully returning because of this. Thanks. @CookiePuss Missed you bud.
  8. how are you even bronze my 60+ year old dad was gold after a week of playing by himself when this game was 3x its size and you encountered better players far more you only improve if you get your shit pushed in, and you only improve if you want to
  9. ITT: preteen with an overabundance of free time complains loudly on public forum to the surprise of literally everyone, apparently.
  10. It's actually pretty obvious how to handle this, stop seeking attention OP and reporting bottom of the barrel players, as you used to do. Does nothing but waste support staffs time.
  11. why 255? why not 195 for top tier mods? why not 80 for certain vehicles? lol
  12. no they don't. if you're gonna be a shitty pers, or you have a poor attitude, or you rage you will get streamsniped. there are some people who will do this off stream frequently, and leaving people that aren't in the know wondering why they get streamsniped. summit was one of those people who would shittalk people who beat him, off stream, in whisper constantly. using my personal experience here, at least from the last two years, every time i streamed as a "known" player (prime "streamsniping target", especially with my ego), i've been streamsniped one time. everything else i agree, this streamer was a shitty pers, got what he deserved. company he kept was moronic at best too.
  13. the apb community is so clueless it literally blows my mind what Zombiebiscuit posted: Step 1. Go to bronze District Step 2. Destroy Greens and Bronzes Step 3. Hit silver Step 4. Go to Silver district Step 5. Get destroyed and whine Step 6. Go back to Bronze district Step 7. Destroy Greens and Bronzes again Step 8. Get opp better than you Step 9. Complain then rage quit was what the guy was doing guy deserved it, new players actually get the help they need when they arent assholes. refer to @Asu @claude youre about 4 years out of meta buddy
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