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Everything posted by AxeTurboAgresor

  1. Just take a break, take a deeep breath, and go back to game. U cant just remove all the core mechanics of this game just becouse u get mad once a while.
  2. Ask them thro costumers support. I think they may help you out individualy.
  3. Google wont show you everything. Not talking only about Chinese websides, but even "inconvenient" websides wont show up when you search them. We had a lot of problems with google censoring Renegade X webside, so I bet many Chinese websides are not supported.
  4. Shaders may get you banned. Overlays are allowed. Clear as my patootie.
  5. ELO based threat system they are talking about in the video that comes with 3.5
  6. Dont forget to release brand new exciding trailer alongside with 3.5. Its very important marketing move to bait the players. New threat system looks veery interesting, and Iam looking forward to it.
  7. Hahahaha how deep dark do you people even see this game? Holy damn! Have some mineral water you petty flowers. Reading the rating summary made me want this game to be darker. Like last hit from shotty would make you brutally hit the groud with a splash of blood on the floor, blood on the car from pedestrians etc, or some mugging animations would include hitting the person to the ground and then kick him brutally. Ummm that would be so great
  8. I dont think that having any higher polygon count in this game is necessary. We already have a good quality polygon models. But textures.. oh yeah thats where the REAL magic happens. Good textures can make all the difference even at very low poly game. It may add depts, many details, and generelly make the game look beautiful. Iam all for adding better textures.
  9. I like to combo it with a scout sniper rifle. 2 hits and then QS.
  10. some ppl suggest this so I want to point out how dumb this is Also I dont agree neither with A nor B variants, cuz its also way too big nerfs.
  11. Cooking any nade makes them unavoidable. Also Iam not sayin there should be no nerf, but listed nerfs are simply too much. I support nerfing max damage radius (from 400cm to 200cm) tho. -This would make them more precision based while the damage would be naturally much lower out of its low tolerant max damage radius. Again: Taking the third nade away, while nerfing its damage would nerf the yolos to the absolute ground.
  12. Its a lil bit more than it should be, but its defenitely not OP from any possible view, and therefore there is no need for any drastical changes like dmg nerf, and -1 nade carry as somebody has suggested
  13. OCA: ok its fair. It was just a matter of time when this happens OBIR: I can understand why some people get mad over swapping, cuz they dont counter this very often, but honestly there was nothing OP or broken abou it, and numbers are the proof. RPF: Many small unnecessary changes that would nerf this pistol bigly, while the only thing that this weapon needed was range nerf only. Yolos: I wonder what veteran with at least 1000+h played find yolos OP. I always prefer frags over yolos unless I decide to go full mental mode with opgl and yolos. Maybe lower its effective explosion radius, but keep other stats as they are. In conclusion Id like to say that non of the weapons tested need a big changes such as -1yolo + damage nerf + exp. radius nerf. Small tweaks that all asked for such raising OCAs TTK to 0.68s are all whats needed. All I see are nerfs that would ground YOLOs and RPF next to the uselesness.
  14. I bet on your intuition, and I belive you did the right thing. Q: What expectations do you have from this move, or is it all about getting that money (which is perfectly ok)?
  15. @NotZombieBiscuit @Evagelyne Oh my god guys it was just an example that I sucked out of my toe randomly that happened to match with your knowledge about threats. It doesnt need to be 2golds vs 2silvers. It may also be 2golds vs 1bronze and 1silver without an option to call B. U know what I am talking about.
  16. God damn trolls. I ll dump truck u all out of the skybox and beyond. This supposed to be a seriouse thread, but it turned into sarcastic ebola storm. Ah fck it, I deserve it with my reputation No.
  17. I knew exactly that someone will do it. Here, have a price
  18. It been adressed in chaotic threads where authors added their own controversal points, which made the whole threads confusing. Id like to keep this thread clear of controversal points, and I wanted to avoid Matchmaking and EU, becouse it was obvious, so I just mentioned it at the end of this short list.
  19. I decided to adress some things, that need to be fixed in one way or another. And I belive we all can agree on this topic. Map changes (added 27.8 19:13) Hundrets and thousands of mails with consumable items in it RPF Fang annoying range Delete current loggin screen out of the existence so it can never be brought back, and replace it with a new one, or old one. Rebalance shotguns once again, so every shotgun is playable while keepin 2 htk for pump shotguns Fix VOIP (Id like VOIP to work as good as its used to) Engine upgrade Matchmaking (no more 2golds vs 2silvers) If you have any other ideas that I forgot to mention - bring it on, and I will add it to the list. Keep in mind that this needs to be a list of what community rly wants so we help LO understand us, therefore I expect there wont be no big discussion wars over things.
  20. I wish there was more features to make you feel unsafe, and unconfortable, as this was always the main goal of this game. Promoting taunt thro VOIP on opp players. Death themes. Bounty. Super heavy dump trucks. Consumables - becouse its another the way to outplay people that makes them mad obviously. Blaming threat system continously for you loosing (which is not perfect, but its the best we had, and its not broken either). Guess what, you will never get all equal opps. Jst try harder. You win if you endure. You win if you make odthers mad. You dont actually need to win a mission to win. Now u butt hurts want to remove it all. Forum is flooded with ppl with special needs now, becouse they cant handle all this pressure. What the hell happened. P/N 5 is staying. You can leave.
  21. Shield was there way way before Fortnine, and it has nothing to do with fortnite, and its going to stay, cuz its perfectly ok consumable item.
  22. I attribute that fact to the fact, that the game is not fully ready to play yet, and therefore random problems like this may occur.) I belive u r big enough and u can handle this by urself big boi
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