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Everything posted by Nevv

  1. Wrote that in the wrong context, and that's why I edited reiterating what I've expressed, jumpshooting wouldn't bump the Scout that much higher in terms of power. Also, you agree that the crouch mechanics are balanced then? I'm just gonna ignore the rest, since it seems you're fine with crouch now
  2. In what situation? I'm guessing you're talking about close quarters, but you could just rush the guy with any sub 1.75s ttk weapon and win. Pretty sure they removed it primarily because it applied the the HVR as well. Don't remember the Scout ever being top tier...
  3. A good portion of sniping (and gunplay in general) is about positioning isn't it? What is your definition of "traditional counterplay", and why would it be beneficial to revert to it? A majority of the community seems to be satisfied with the Scout's balance atm, so I see no reason to remove crouch shooting. We're also diverting from the main topic, which is jump shooting. I've only seen points brought up against crouch spamming so far, but not much about the original subject. Quickswitching is rather different, in that your ttk is significantly lowered while doing it. Well there you have it, conservative mindset
  4. So if we're placing APB in an enclosed sphere, we shouldn't reference preconceptions of weapons based on outside sources eh If you're out in the open against a Scout in cover, you don't really deserve to win that fight You just really need to learn to find cover, flank and/or drive up to the person sniping
  5. How is it toxic? APB isn't meant to be a mil-sim, and jump-shooting would be a lot of fun imo. You have the same with another sniper in CSGO, so why not?
  6. Putting the HVR aside, the Scout wouldn't suddenly become overpowered with the addition of jump shooting.
  7. That's quite the tight niche then. Scrims don't compose the majority of missions, and random opposition could care less about banning Feels like the HVR would definitely shine in a mission setting compared to uncoordinated FC bouts Well in what world would you not have a secondary lol Also, in what world would you drive up to someone with just an HVR Prob should've stated all these restrictions to environment and loadout beforehand
  8. Just need to wait for them to take a pass at rebalance, as some have suggested. APB's about variety, and the last thing I'd like to see is a decrease in options to tackle a mission. What you're proposing is similar to decreasing customization options, effectively neutering the game's appeal. I enjoy APB's gameplay because it doesn't force you to take the same monotonous routes and guns to complete a mission. Really just the N-HVR's problem tbh. You run around a bit with CJ3, and you've already recovered from a Scout shot I'd like jumpshot Scouts to put the gun at least a bit closer to the HVR's level.
  9. Billboard/10 Been experimenting...
  10. Anyone know how to acquire the feature of editing your title?
  11. Nevv

    Club Functionality

    I believe there should be more to the new "clubs" function than just showing you're a member of a specific group. Would appreciate something like Destiny where you could post things or chat in the club page. Maybe even add some extra information and links to clan communication channels like discord.
  12. There would need to be quite a bit of strategizing to dictate which boxes should be opened by keys, and which ones without. Also taking into consideration the previous system and the worth of those legendaries.
  13. Hopefully LO does a good enough job with a new tutorial so that we won't need APB players to create a bunch of these videos. Good effort though!
  14. Forum revamp motivated some friends to create forum accounts. Things are changing indeed...
  15. The free drops might be an interesting idea though
  16. love the increased customization, and sleeker interface
  17. Will make it seem P2W*, but won't actually be P2W in reality. Legendary guns aren't much of an improvement compared to regular ones.
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