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Everything posted by RCooper

  1. If they do that,they would have to put a negative effect to valzipram tablets like happy landings. Also this would give satel charge and osmaw,volcano some serious advantage
  2. Every time u are fighting in the road or near it u have the risk of getting run over,also just after getting out of ur vehicle and getting rammed/run over by other car it is useful,also valzipram is used by all the tryhards which demostrate it is the pioneer of blue mods.
  3. Valzipram tablets is the more op blue mod, in the game, happy landings have one negative effect while valzipram tablets no,also car surfer is only really useful when u have a gun than u cant shoot inside a car.
  4. Hi all, I am sorry for the unexpected outage. We moved some critical services from one physical location to another. Everything appeared fine yesterday. However after disconnecting the old location and turning everything off, several services hadn’t been transitioned properly causing the new servers to stop functioning properly. Unfortunately several of the engineers had already been up for 24 hours and were asleep when we noticed the issue. Everyone is back up and looking at it now. I’ll have a better update soon. Apologies,  Matt Thas is exactly what happen
  5. Talking about strange crashes they are sometimes that low cars (vegas,broadwing,growl)while driving they get stuck in the rear part in the car which cause it to get bugged,it doesnt explode but get damage seriously
  6. Practically every player have assist to the death of the game(except bronzes),but that really would happen in any game but the developers stopped it on others game but moneyfirst didnt do anything so that is why the game is like that.
  7. What do u expect of americans they think are the center of the world
  8. Maybe he was scamming u with a stolen account, because scamming with a account like that is strange I have never scammed by a friend yet, but I have people do shit to me which is practically the same so yeah when it happen sucks
  9. Sorry to hear that but how u said the one time u are not in guard you got scammed,that is why i dont like the trading system in apb too much because i have been scammed in others game by it,for now i have done 2 succesful trades but i will never trust it. How u have already said it something is too good to be true the most sure thing is that it isnt.
  10. U can't have all in this world, also if they "fix" driving because a lot of people complain about it will be lose either way
  11. I think with riot Little Orbit is just trying to get young audience to the game because pretty much all the players are 18+ besides ramdom bronze guys that mostly ragequit the game so that is why riot is coming to solve that problem,they launch riot and no publicity to figure it now and advertise it along with the new engine update i think. Exclusives only make people mad but in the end how u said if u are loyal but u suck in the end u dont care that much about it. In my personal opinion apb should be focusing in give a RP vibe to the game more than a BR but idk really what it is better to bring back to live APB
  12. Yeah also this event(the 10 am one ) coincide with the gopnikery which is bad
  13. They should buff the Cisco bishada and the v20 to be slightly worse than the 4x4 and the morai and kurai and Fresno to the level of the t-25 Leave the starters cars as they are
  14. U should applicate this video to u stop doing shitty posts and comments in the forums.
  15. Here u have it https://apbdb.com/roles/Holiday_Easter_EggsCollected_2018_PC/
  16. That would be your case I have seen twitch streamers using it perfectly at that range. Atac is a meta weapon only avaliable by p2p. How I said just compare it to the Tommy gun stats to see what I am talking about
  17. Yeah it is true but this is a game not a work you come here to have fun not to get max rank The game is not noob friendly at all and doesn't matter how strong your will is if any mission you do finish 1-1-14 or something like that u will finish quitting The upgrade engine is important but if the population quit decreasing more when it will come out it will be played by few people that why I think matchmaking should be addressed now
  18. That would be the ideal solution still LO hasn't done anything about matchmaking and we are losing new players everyday, new players how u have said it make ramdoms things so put them together and they will figure out while having fun not that when u don't know what is going on(people whispering, getting killed) they get stressed and rage quit in the bronze/silver server
  19. Atac have a range of 50 m stock so it can compete with the ntec, in long range it is worse than ntec but it is way better in close range than ntec, also just compare the stats of the atac to the stats of the colby m-1922 to see that is op
  20. I wouldn't make the difference too much bronze already rage quit the game a lot and they never come back this would make them a opportunity to enjoy the game also it would be more gentle with new players
  21. I have literally same problem still that is not the point of this post, I did this post to try and save the new players coming in, that problem won't be possible to solve while we have the treat system we have and a population grow
  22. Because most of the players are from here, Russians keep citadel alive without them we would be like jericho
  23. I thought of my idea like a fast fix before phasing come out
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