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  1. can you try going into your account settings on https://www.gamersfirst.com/account/ once there disable tokenize, wait a minute and then re-enable it. that should stop it being asked every single time.
  2. be sure to create the character on 'na test', those are the testing servers that are currently in use.
  3. it's an entirely different database, so nothing will change on your main version characters if you do something on otw
  4. characters are currently not being actively migrated from the production servers to the test servers so you will need to make a new character. in the mails you'll find a lot of items to play around with.
  5. ComFeyer


    any active gamersfirst account should work to log in. were you able to get in with another account?
  6. yes, it will be starting 8-9 minutes from this post
  7. it looks like the maintenance wasn't fully done yet when people started to join in already. it should be up and running now. - ComFeyer
  8. the team has been informed and will work to resolve it. - ComFeyer
  9. we had informed the team as soon as we heard and verified the issue. we mentioned passing it on to the team on discord, but indeed hadn't posted to the forums at that time. i'll do what i can to reach out and work with the team to resolve this, but at this moment in time i'm not able to give an eta on a resolution of this issue. - ComFeyer
  10. we have posted a workaround that you can find here: i'll be closing this thread.
  11. we have posted a workaround that you can find here: i'll be closing this thread.
  12. ComFeyer


    for those willing to make a small change to the files to be able to play again. go to the installation location for your game and go to the follow path there: APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config look for a file called 'EnvironmentGame.ini', open that in a text-editor. paste in the following content: [APBGame.cHostingName] m_sRegion=EU [CrashReport] m_sURL=http://apb.crashreport.gamersfirst.com [BugReport] m_sURL=http://apb.crashreport.gamersfirst.com [LogReport] m_sURL=http://apb.crashreport.gamersfirst.com [APBGame.cHostingGC2LS] m_sLS1=apb.login.gamersfirst.com:1001 [APBGame.cAudioManager] m_sMusicServerIpAddress=apb.music.gamersfirst.com m_sMusicServerPort=8080 these findings were also passed on to the team so that they can make the needed changes to make this a smoother process again. Edit: A special thank you to @Iazer for providing us with this workaround. ~@mayii edit 2: a frequent suggestion with this workaround is to edit the file as described above, set it as read-only through the properties and then start the game from apb.exe in the binaries folder. - ComFeyer
  13. the team has been made aware of it and is investigating it so we can resolve it for you all
  14. this is a more recent issue, the team has been made aware of it and is investigating it so we can resolve it for you all
  15. we are investigating the current issues and will work to resolve them as quickly as we can. update: issue has been resolved.
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