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Everything posted by haunta

  1. Two cars a bugged like this, I have to change them in order to see them again and then they just disappear again.
  2. Hmm that is interesting, have they discussed hit boxes yet?
  3. Anyone know what they look like. Female and Male?
  4. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\TPI It has all the stuff you need.
  5. If you reinstall APB i don't think it would do anything, maybe your DLL is corrupt. Try and reinstall the latest Visual C++ Redistributable Packages and see what happens.
  6. If I can get that sweet $50 weapon for $25 that would be great - thanks.
  7. haunta


    Can you explain why?
  8. If they dislike the game so much why aren't they attacking EU?
  9. Looking to trade, not sure what for but open to offers..
  10. What is really fucked up is that the person responsible will never be found...
  11. But where did the Nazi political party originate?
  12. Same here only have two decals? Did I do something wrong?
  13. my nibba Hate Symbol? They just wanted their country back. kappa /s
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