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About Seedy

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    APBs No.1 Fan Boy

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  1. I used it for years.. great gun to use but I haven't used it for maybe 2 or 3 years as a consistent option. I was very good with it so I know the keeping a constant fire rate is important. The person I was playing against who was using the joker had a perfect fire rate. when they killed me they would move on to someone else and the fire rate sounded perfect. This is not humanly possible.
  2. Sick of the macros firing at super constant rates with guns like joker carbine, SHAW etc etc. Lol im sick of paying to be beaten by people who are cheating. I am paying for APB to support LO but shit its been a year + now and we are still seeing the same crap day after day. Guy with macro using Shaw - never misses a shot and recoil pretty much under super control Guy with Macro using Joker - super accurate fire rate, never misses a shot as its like playing with a full auto gun with better accuracy and range and recoil pretty much under super control Whisper the guy to "turn off macro". Get a string of Russian text back. Subscription cancelled.
  3. try it and let me know how you get on
  4. Some rich kid has bought APB IP as a personal toy thinking they can revive it. If this person has been playing APB for many years as the post says, its obviously some guy who has plenty of spare cash to throw around or some rich parents who have more money than sense and have just picked up the IP thinking they can do something with it. lol. They do know this collapsed a £100,000,000 company which qwas built from the ground up by a guy (Dave Jones) who made some of the biggest games in the entire world including GTA!? lol, just do it! lol APB is not a small project and G1 and LO prove that just because you have all the bits in place to play with, that you cant just mix them around and come up with something better. Remember 400 people over 7 years made APB. this is not for indies. Although well done to Matt and his people for offloading it and getting the money together to continue hosting the game as is right now. Will we ever see the engine upgrade in full swing or will the money be used as a recoup for the past investment from LO? Another thing I would really like to know is, when APB IP was handed over to the Russian developers, what did they do with it once they shut down that part of their company? Someone has a copy of the IP in Russia; what are they doing with it right now?
  5. especially with the amount of hackers still in the game every day. Lol who would be stupid enough to buy it ?
  6. as long as this doesnt effect the game.. I cant see APB be a game for Mobile though? erm also does this mean you are working or not now on APB2 ? I dont think you would ever be able to build this anyway as RTW had 400 staff working for almost 7 years on the current game.
  7. this pastes the russian names but wont let you press the button.. i tried this last week..
  8. players may not identified by their names. They will all have a number (integer) in the database and this is their ID. Name will most likely have little to do with anything especially since their is no way to report people with Russian names in game.
  9. lol just lol.. what more can i say.. just lol.. SEE YA!
  10. I think what you mean is that they are shooting at a consistent rate without shot degradation. Not improved speed of shot (which cant be done). This is happening allot that I have also noticed. Its like the Ntec is being shot as a semi auto weapon using a macro so not excessive bloom or other bad effects on the shots taken.
  11. Im a low silver and have been playing for years so I have no comment on this.
  12. lol the hackers. have a few games on citadel. For about the last 3 weeks its game after game of trigger and aimbotters. What seems to being done about it? Pretty much same old shit, different day. - its like G1 never left! Its amazing how many times the corners are prefired and as soon as your in view your dead.. This is especially the case with long distance semi auto guns which are firing like slower full auto. (although 2 guys the other night with aligs were just taking the total piss, again up close no chance of hitting me.. at distance ever shot lands) Anything less than 20 meters these dudes cant shoot shit. I just watched my clan mate being gunned down from around 60 meters from the enemy. - this was almost exact same time I was killed.; 2 shots on me from both players in the same spot at the exact same time pretty much. He was right behind the corner and the two dudes we were playing against shot him in the same spot at the same time. When we got close to them they run around like headless chickens not able to even nearly shoot us. Right now on citadel, APB is a total joke. Im not joking ive never ever seen it this bad. Ive been reading the hack forums. They are laughing that there new trigger bot is not being detected and hasnt been for many many weeks. Ive went from winning around half of all games, to winning around 1 in 5 and with score of 1 to 4 kills for me to around 7 to 10 for them . My normal scores were always pretty much even. Either over the past 3 weeks I have suddenly reduced in skill drastically and not noticed any change in my game play, or the entire population of APB has suddenly got at least 30% better. Ive been coming back to play day after day and seeing the same thing. Im really losing hope for the game.
  13. i think people under estimate Stadia. Maybe you should watch this video
  14. in the US you have these numbers but not across the world. In the UK we have NI numbers - the phone idea should be implemented though. 1 chance. then banned for ever.. you could only go through so many friends to say "hay I got banned from APB can i use your number"..
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