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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. nope im not a gold , but im still here. its my home
  2. ok thank you. so yeah we have lurkers waiting - so not quite dead
  3. When Little Orbit bought APB many people who have not been on all came on. I believe we hit 2,000 people back then but I can not recall for certain. Edit ; requesting citation please so I know for sure how many were on back then since it is relevant
  4. thats not quite how the truth , facts , and opinions works but nice try
  5. Fortune Runner

    Merge the map.

    you forgot to mention the current APB maps were not built for car speed like modern games now a days , and then the maps would most likely need to be reworked not just combined , and then cars reworked for handling speed etc, and we would be basically be building a whole new APB to do so. and that it would be a major MAJOR pain in the butt to do so
  6. A person's opinion must be the truth even though its not a fact....oh wait. i didnt tell you anything i asked.
  7. most games now a days require what apb's advanced launcher allows. How do you have a problem with that? Is it because the other players have better computer hardware than you , and need it to be able to play because apb's old engine setup wrecks havoc on the new computer hardware?
  8. I'm sorry did you actually read my reply? Yep I bet you didnt.
  9. same time every week most games same time too
  10. hopefully we get others from staff from time to time as well
  11. Current threat districts make this happen. I do not believe I have had any golds stay , and I have seen golds leave almost always. I believe there was only one gold the past couple of times I played recently that stayed. All of this goes away and back to normal when threat segregated districts are back , so no need to change abandon mission but it would be nice if golds weren't being so testy and would play and teach.
  12. August second? That's an awfully long time away... I wonder if other staff can also do this from time to time as well It would mean we use the testing districts more often then
  13. I am referring to the past month or so. As for lower players in general , Little Orbit has a roadmap of putting in more servers globally to make playing less laggy and a wider phasing possibility in doing so. Assuming the new servers go up . and apparently a possible engine upgrade soon , then we could try getting new players into APB and that could boost phasing and matchmaking even more so if they stay it is i am one of them. this past month has kept a good amount of us offline from poor matchmaking
  14. no thats not true. A lot of silvers play in silver and those full districts were proof of that. Half the players are not normally on right now because of no threat segregation and poor matchmaking from it once it is back the ones waiting will be playing regularly again. now if we just got more people to play apb after we have phasing done then we can really get things going more in the right direction.
  15. I missed this post I have to partially disagree because if i do something stupid that I know better on I kinda have it coming. If its something new or a new/bronze/whatever person that's different entirely - which is why I only partially disagree OP posted only one time on the thread they made
  16. In Australia they are just tough people as a whole (you have to be tough because EVERYTHING in Australia wants to kill you) and they talk that way as a whole to socialize. its a different culture there and culture shock happens due to it. it came to mind because it happened to me a few months ago. I still have no idea why i was accused to begin with that day i was too busy respawning from a firefight mess where most people on both sides died in that cluster lol
  17. we need more people to play that would chase people off no thank you this past month or so of this has been bad enough
  18. or maybe they downvote you for griping too much over what we all go through. its hot im tired im hungry....... sigh
  19. That is not why people were unbanned. Many bans under G1 were unjustified and even MattScott was banned under the old system. The bans were reversed when a better system was put in place since the old one could not be justified. On top of false bans , people were banned for unjustified reasons as G1 had seen fit. Since then anyone who there was adequate proof against has been banned as well as any alt accounts they may of had. MattScott himself announced this information.
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