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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. That reminds me the first two days was so many crashes , lag and other stuff (forget what exactly) that many of us couldn't finish the dailys. So yeah I am concerned about everyone being able to complete the event because of it.
  2. Little Orbit has not been here a year though. Laws do not apply to foreign countries the same way it does in the U.S.A. so it is hard to do so. I do not believe mitigation was on non stop the past few months either since many times there was no lag at all. (driving races were great) Also how would you respond to hackers who love the attention? That can encourage them even more and many companies don't do that because of it *shrugs* Mack some of us love the new event sorry you dont but many of us do. and no Little Orbit doesn't suck but your attitude surely does so can you stop please? It's not their fault that they are being victimized by DDos attacks.
  3. had a few last what felt like close to to 45 min because everyone kept killing barrels and barrel stacks. those matches were fun though lots of people were on. I think what Darkzero3802 is trying to say is people also have limited time to play from work and school plus cooking dinner for some.
  4. the server lag is bad and the servers are now down yet again during the event to where people may not be able to complete the Halloween event
  5. left a mission district back to lobby during epidemic from people being afk and/or throwing mission intentionally and voip would not shut down even after i returned to lobby.
  6. I forgot to mention that an alig will kill a pioneer eventually so if vehicles counted while carrying then anyone could get this easily enough. i feel bad for the bronzes and new people so something like this could help them out a lot
  7. barrels were beneath us i was guarding them from covering fire up above we won from picking off enough ( like a few of us were doing ) but died a fiery death doing it talking about one specific mission it was chaotic but fun
  8. cant give covering fire either then i died in a fiery glory for my comrades i can rest in peace
  9. one in street behind one in park and one in alley by enf car exit rockets n snipers mixed = ouchies......they blew the shield in one shot other times they coordinated on shield with sniper so it died quick so they were probably on team speak still was fun though
  10. you sound more concerned with unfair gameplay than moaning to me. I've been up there as a purple (I forgot the name) quite often enough and even with a shield I get picked off. usually when a opponent team doesn't have city hall they deploy a few snipers in different positions to triangulate angles so people up there do not last long I last so much longer on the ground than up there on top of city hall as a glass cannon
  11. I've been sniping them or using a assault rifle just fine to kill them. they have no cover *shrugs* it was mentioned in a different thread but i guess you missed it
  12. I don't mind car detonator but its dirty to spawn kill people just as the mission starts as an exploit after the mission starts its fair game but as we are all spawning its not fair play if personal cars could be wiped at start of each mission (dont think it can be without lag etc from current engine) then it would solve it. also wish way points people put up were wiped at end of each mission some guy had same point up all day long it was annoying he kept saying "go to waypoint" so we thought he meant his then he got mad other times after that we thought he meant someone else and he meant his and got mad then too lol no way to please him *shrugs*
  13. no but you guys misunderstood me see? before mission - meaning it would have to be left there then used. thankfully not many can time it right and it blows early. a few tried it today like they did yesterday.
  14. its not what he said. they timed it at end of last match just to kill people when the new match started.
  15. that is not what he said. at end of missions people are using them to kill with an exploit. how do you move when you literally just spawned next to it as its about to blow from them knowing the timing?
  16. read a history book there's a reason many places across the world does not allow the swastika symbol. as for the stance by APB I'm not sure of current policy not even close. we had two world wars over being attacked they were not defending
  17. a few people who didnt like it at first are starting to like it the team car killing is causing people to not be able to play though
  18. server must be down for updating and logging on and yes me too
  19. start of mission when i posted. since then they may of updated a patch i dont know but it hasnt happened since this morning yesterday and this morning it happened a lot and others in game said they were getting stuck as well..... now its not *shrugs*
  20. its picking up a barrel to go capture its pretty self explanatory...
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