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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Little Orbit mentioned something about that too but I can not remember the details. It gave off the impression that they had it covered too but like I said I can not remember clearly so this needs to be checked.
  2. If Little Orbit can pull off their transitioning ideas without a hitch then this shouldn't be a problem anymore.
  3. Want ninja star cookies for grenades to throw at cookie to weapon balance Hes a cannibal anyways so he will try to eat them and die then make video clip of it for APB NEWS! and then show the world that APB players are nuts
  4. we asked for the events and other new content so that's the community's fault not Little Orbits cant make a cake without breaking a few eggs *shrugs*
  5. by the way are we talking of the nfas ogre or the regular nfas or what? ogre has that wind up and anyone not blasting music or other noise can hear it and know to shoot fast to kill them. if its the normal nfas.... um howd you lose to that then? It can be gunned down with a star fairly decently ( with a reg nfas shotgun , star 556's can be brutal to it in the right hands)
  6. Little Orbit had just made an attempt at weapon balancing and more experience by them is needed. also to do better improvements for APB patootie a whole , the engine upgrade has to be top priority for PC so that the consoles can be properly fixed. After that all updates for APB can be given to all platforms easier as well. So to sum this up your thread title of "weapon balancing should be your top priority" is actually not a good idea because it caters to you rather than the APB community well being as a whole.
  7. At low times I've seen 150 at high times 300 Only mentioning this because some people actually believe Jericho has nobody at all like Han did
  8. rules exist for a reason , and the rules by Little Orbit have been good rules and good reasons. What happened before Little Orbit was bad yes , and Little Orbit is working on finishing the Engine Upgrade so that matchmaking and threat can be fixed properly so that this will no longer be an issue. Patience is a virtue *shrugs* um.... your forum title.... and irony APB can currently only defend legit players so many ways and so well with the current engine. Try to be a little more reasonable please. A bronze district player complaining about golds ......while intentionally lagging himself ??? ugh not commenting that A lot of work in a short time including new content when we had no new content for years , an engine upgrade about to go through final tests , and new owners who not only communicate but actually care for us players.... how did you miss all of that? *scratching head* no anti cheat prevents 100% but there are far fewer hackers now than pre Little Orbit with how you lag yourself like that of course it hasn't changed *facepalm* Even without my graphics card I could do that to you with how you lag yourself like that..... honestly that's on you not Little Orbit .......what ? are you a cheater...... once again , with the current engine , there is only so many ways to defend APB from cheating until after the engine Upgrade that is nearly finished once again rules are in place for a reason and it has been good rules and good rasons sorry that you are disgruntled but from this post it is partially your own fault for playing bad from lagging yourself with multiple games at once.
  9. Were you the one who shared a 10 second video and called it undeniable evidence?
  10. That other thread WitchQueen made with apb news is a good idea.
  11. The engine upgrade was said to be aimed for the end of 2018 It was also said how once the engine upgrade is finished for pc it will make it easier to fix consoles and synch up all updates afterwards. I do not recall any promise of consoles by end of 2018
  12. Fortune Runner


    Which is better cake or pie?
  13. Fortune Runner


    at the zoo? or pets? or turtle soup?
  14. was it 1 on 1 ? if not were the opp in the same clan and most likely on discord or teamspeak then?
  15. a closet door a bathroom door and a door for wardrobe do not make exits.... lol
  16. We just did a thread about this....wheres the link I cant find it.
  17. Fortune Runner


    Ok this is enough of the accusations. First I see a typical cheating post and it was quite civil and the expressed concerns which were seeming valid enough to discuss. Now I'm seeing accusations of "everyone is cheating and protecting them" when its we ourselves who wanted a better anti cheat to begin with., A few people on this thread claiming "cheaters everywhere" are the same ones who talk the exact opposite to attack us for defending APB with BattleEye as well as mentioned that they had low threat and rank along with an unsuitable knowledge of APB and its programming in general. Makes me really wonder about you guys claiming cheaters everywhere. For the record just because I don't agree with you does not give you the right to accuse me of cheating. If you have nothing valid to show it does not give you the right to hackusate people. I'm a silver and if i was cheating and/or hung out with anyone cheating two things would of already happened. 1. I would of been banned a long time ago long before Little Orbit because the cheaters back then did in fact get caught As those of you claiming "cheaters everywhere" mentioned , they get banned then make a new account. 2. I would be gold and wouldn't be borderline for gold , I would absolutely be gold especially with how I don't know how to go easy and give every match my all. I play both bronze and silver , and break even on the scores. I don't do good enough to get gold normally. And some of you on this thread claiming "cheaters everywhere" already mocked me in game for that. Some of you who are claiming cheaters everywhere are bronzes and silvers. Others just like being rude and trolling when they themselves have questionable morality issues and this time are stirring up toxic behavior claiming there's "cheaters everywhere" because they enjoy trolling. Sure I play on Jericho and have stated plenty of times about that as well as how we don't see them on Jericho. I also stated plenty of times on the forums how I can not speak for citadel since I don't have a character slot to play there with and how I plan on buying one so that I can play there. But that doesn't give anyone the right to start accusing saying that those of us who say we don't see the on Jericho are helping the cheaters or are cheaters ourselves. That itself is toxic behavior with intent to do harm to the community and it needs to stop. No anti cheat stops 100% and if you happen to run into a cheater the /report function works now. An easy way to use report is to open the team roster of your team and opponents , then click t whisper them , and then change the /w to /report and no matter what characters are in their names ( even a iiliilil name) it will then get reported for Little Orbit to review. If you're not gold and get dominated , keep practicing and try again. if you suspect someone use the /report to have staff check them out. But please refrain from intentionally causing toxicity on the forums.
  18. Something new added to APB also means invite your friends to come play. more friends = larger playerbase larger playerbase = even more content added even more content added + larger playerbase = someone who can design some decent clothing and music etc. Life on APB then gets better.....maybe I can finally eat in Tasty Burger soon then. BTW Tasty Burger does exist https://www.tastyburger.com/ I wish I cold go there.
  19. But are they all golds? or just numbers in golds? I've seen trainees and bronzes in there when we arranged events on gold district so *shrugs*
  20. pretty much this. We joke around a lot to keep the laughter up and our hearts strong.
  21. Fortune Runner


    Saying that most of APB is botters is beyond a stretch. It is not even close to being accurate. While I can understand people are concerned with cheating , most has turned up to being lag as well as the fact many of the ones claiming there's cheaters , are in fact playing with inferior computers on the lowest settings. I've seen plenty of people who are golds that I can kill , but in the end they are golds for a few reasons. mostly it is they simply play better than I do and another is they have a better computer than I do because of upgraded parts. They get 120 fps for a reason. I used to play with 5 to 10 fps until my new computer and graphics card I installed as well. Now I get 60 fps like a majority seem to get and can play much better because of it. It makes that huge of a difference. i didn't cheat to get better but I did upgrade my computer to a new one and then installed a graphics card and now I can all around play better. While it is true that no anti cheat catches 100% it is also true that BattleEye catches a lot more than none. If you come from other shooting games to APB they are apples and oranges.....they are different and that can throw people off on how to play APB correctly. Lately a few people who did not like that I said that "I have not seen any since that one single blatant cheater months ago on Jericho" have suggested how they do fine at cs games like cs:go which suggests they don't have the skill amplitude that APB demands from veteran players. Lets face it some of those games take no skill at all to play. I've played APB for years and it does take skill as well as strategy and without it , those players will struggle.
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