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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. if you haven't spent it, you might be able to ask for a refund from microsoft. but if they have a policy like 'all g1c purchases are nonrefundable' then you might be out of luck. at this time i guess you just need to wait on their response.
  2. there was no happy new year post from mattscott -sniffs the air- something's off
  3. Aeronaut

    best pie flavor

    ain't that a stripper name
  4. "sold" it. im still on the conspiracy train. choo chooooooooooooo
  5. i know this is like a week late, but are you still having trouble? if you were playing and randomly disconnected, your character can get 'stuck' in not being able to connect to a district. a common quick fix for most things is to run the apb launcher, select options on the bottom left, and click on repair. also, use this website https://will.io/apb/ to check if the server is still up. server is having issues if you see a gap in the timeline or and error message shows up.
  6. enable 'smooth fps' in-game might fix it? i THINK that caps fps, but i could be wrong.
  7. the most difficult* probably. to be fair, i don't understand the technicalities behind it, but i would hate to pick up someone else's project and try to go through someone else's code, if not a whole patootie game. i wonder how spaghettified the code is. iirc, mattscott MAY have said that the code was not pretty. don't quote me.
  8. If I researched correctly because I barely play the game anymore, 2020 had a lot of open beta tests. (five of them i think?) weapon changes mission changes option to disable death themes covid anti-cheat change from EAC to BattlEye JMBs removed Legendaries acquirable through Joker Distribution with joker tickets some armas clothing being acquirable with joker tickets how close are we to q1 2014 again?
  9. Aeronaut

    best pie flavor

    fucking pie flavored pie
  10. could still be occuring.
  11. Aeronaut

    best pie flavor

    tough to choose between banana cream pie, key lime pie and lemon meringue pie. fruit pies are bleh for me.
  12. what part about their post came off as defensive?
  13. i don't get it. would you rather them be careless and not take the extra time to make sure everything is set straight? things happen. i think you're being a little bit unreasonable here.
  14. i don't get it. would you rather them be careless and not take the extra time to make sure everything is set straight? things happen. i think you're being a little bit unreasonable here.
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