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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. the thing i miss the most is just being able to kill your own GROUP members without being kicked for it. i understand the tk-kick mechanic in an actual mission, but if it's in an unopposed mission, why bother? not that i've ever cared about my kda, but the fact that the scoreboard stats do not reset when you actually start an opposed mission is wild to me.
  2. ive never tried playing apb on microsoft powerpoint slides before
  3. keep talking that way i'll ruin you
  4. well, no one can even think about saying LO is trying to milk this game.
  5. despite the grim looking future, no milkies here.
  6. look i thought it would be cool to run around with just legs and floating arms and a gun
  7. it's been awhile since we've seen a juicy patch with numbers changing
  8. how'd you manage to make a fat female in apb that's wild
  9. cause i mean if it was the yellows, that's kinda racist
  10. i can bring the plates and cups yeah ill be that guy
  11. please don't bring religion into this game separation of church and game
  12. it ain't an outfit it's a lifestyle pls stop bully im a bird ok
  13. like i wanna see the 300th variant of the joker
  14. i saw a google maps street view and it looked like it was located in a shopping plaza
  15. dude don't laugh, litigation is a serious process. would this be the first time g1/LO has been sued?
  16. heavy hvr way before the nerf and way before it got heavy scrutinization.
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